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Primary Bugs Which Are Ruining The Sentinel Experience


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The sentinel/marauder is actually one of the best designed and most exciting classes in the game to play. The primary problem is that the combat in this game is so unfluid and unresponsive, that the class cannot function as intended. I'm going to list the primary bugs which are ruining the sentinel experience in PVE and PVP, please feel free to comment and add your own.


1. Ability Stutter:


Abilities often play through one third to half of their animation, then stop without doing any damage or working. On occassion the global cooldown gets used without the ability working.


2. Complete Ability Failure:


Abilities will completely fail to work quite often. The game will simply reject your commands. This happens most frequently when you try to use several abilities at once, especially abilities off the global cooldown. For example, if you use valorous call then immediately use transcendence, often the game will fail to allow transcendence to work. Another way to reproduce this bug is to charge, activate rebuke, activate a relic, activate an adrenal, force kick your opponent, and cast zealous strike. What you will find is that more then half of your abilities will fail to have worked, and in addition your zealous strike will most likely stutter and fail several times as well.


3. Knockbacks and Stuns Also Cause Ability Failure and Eat Your Global Cooldown.


Often times if you are stunned or knocked back at exactly the same time that you use sweep or force leap, your ability will completely fail to do anything yet it will go on global cooldown. In addition, often times your sweep will go off after you land from the knockdown instead of canceling, thus hitting nothing. This is a complete joke in pvp.


4. PVP player prediction is extremely inaccurate, adversely affects melee.


If you charge someone, or stun them in pvp, you can almost gaurantee that they are actually 5 yards in front of where the game is showing them. This bogus in-game prediction causes melee classes to try swinging at enemies where the client is showing them, but the ability constantly failing because the enemy is not actually there. One workaround to this is to attempt to position yourself facing 5 yards in front of where the enemy is facing, this helps with the issue.


Sentinel/Marauder is an excellent class, that is designed very well. Its the unfluid, unresponsive combat and poor client side pvp prediction that adversely effects sentinel/maruder moreso then other classes (due to the multitude of abilities we have off the gcd which fail to work when used in combination and our melee requirements). If these issues were to be fixed, I am sure that there would be far fewer people on these boards complaining about how terrible this class is. This is not a terrible class, it is an excellent class that depends on a responsive and fluid combat system, which this game lacks. Please fix combat fluidity, responsiveness, and client side prediction. Thanks

Edited by sabresandiego
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I agree with all of these, especially with the ability stutter. I noticed it a lot more while playing a little bit today in PvP. I got really annoyed to the point where I just shut the game off for the day. Also, a bit off topic: Saber, nice Vanguard vids and guide. Taught me a lot. :)
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