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What 1.2 patch notes SHOULD look like....


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I would love to have a bolster effect in Ilum pvp so I can at least have fun in there when outnumbered 4:1




Plus the Sentinel "fixes" are not addressing the problem. The problem is we actually only have 1 viable pvp tree, Combat with it's Ataru form buffs from you would basically make Combat the go to tree and leave Watchman in the dust, only moving the problem from one tree to to another.

Edited by karnyboy
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I like the idea of server transfers, server mergers, and only the first population imbalance effect.


On the subject of server transfers and mergers, the devs need to deeply consider something like this. I play on an active server and it pains me to see people leave or complain about a 'dead' game that only appears that way because of one possibly arbitrary choice they made shortly after installing the game that they're now bound to. It's just...really unfortunate.


On to the class changes. IMO, virtually all of the class changes belie a remarkable ignorance to a majority of the class's playstyles (the Marauder/Sentinel changes being the most damning). Good intentions, but I feel the bulk of those changes would overall hurt players more than they bring balance.


With that it mind, I'm between 2 stars and 3 stars. I applaud your effort, but some of your ideas need additional work. And proofreading. Significant proofreading.

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1 Star.


The post suggests to me, that you have very limited PvP experience. Most of the 'issues' you have highlighted are not the actual problem with the classes.


e.g. Acid blad etc, is not what currently makes Ops/Scou strong, nor is the Absorb shield on Sorcs, or the damage of tracer missiles.


While some of these classes do probably need tweaking, the suggestions are the wrong tweaks.



Also, the server merges would not really address the faction imbalance. It would simply compound the issue (simple example...5k Empire 3k Rep, merged with another server would just give you 10k empire 6k rep...same ratio just add more queue times, as there are not any Republic heavy servers to merge with).


Server merge would also be unnecessary if faction changes were implemented ($15 is fine, however a free service should be offered to Imperials on an overcrowded server to change to Republic).



The population bonuses also don't make sense, as the population imbalances of the server are not always the case in Ilum (and certainly not the case in WZ :rolleyes:). The server I play on has far more Imperials, if you check fleet etc, however in Ilum Repulic often matches us, if not outnumbers us. They have a very strong core of PvP focused guilds, while Imperial is pretty unorganised.

Edited by Soazak
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This post was so bad I thought at first it was a joke.


The first was my favorite.


-In addition, a new algorithm has been implemented that will auto-check faction population on servers every 12 hours. If the system detects an imbalance of greater than 10%. The lesser population receives a 30% buff to exp, and valor gains, for the next 12 hours until the pop is checked again. If the imbalance is greater than 50% the lesser faction gets a 10% max health bonus and a 5% bonus to damage and healing in addition to the above buff, again until the population is checked again.


How would you calculate this imbalance? Total active characters logged in at the time? Considering that you can have characters on both factions, why not have all the Imps log on to a Republic alt, get their Imperial buffs and then log back onto their main characters to laugh at you for a poorly implemented solution.


This post was very much a "magic happens here" set of solutions. That doesn't work in the real world of software development and design. There is no magic.


Algorithm to auto-detect population imbalance. It still makes me laugh.


5 Stars for Funny

1 Star for Realism

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Noobish ideas poorly implimented and over the top


0 stars.



Where to begin, I'm going to take the WILDEST of guesses and say you're a gunslinger, since you call for a ridiculous 10% combat buff to republic and the only class that you dont nerf is sniper which you give insane buffs.



As not a sorc who believes we need sorc nerfs, your sorc nerf is idiotic. It basically throws bubble out the window making it 100% useless. You might as well have said "Removed bubble" *********** stupid and noobishh. Better nerf would have been


a 10 second increase to bubble cooldown for non healers


remove the cc on bubble break


remove the root on knockback


nerfing SWs is over the top I feel they're right where they should be


your sniper buffs are outlandish especially with the ridiculous nerfs you give every other class (except mine funnily enough, but whatever)


your merc buff is over the top but on the right track


another operative nerf? What?


server merging does nothing for balance but I do agree it would help some of the low populated servers.



All in all you have a couple (like literally 2) good ideas and a few in the same state as the right direction but it comes across as incredibly heavy handed and noobish. Negative seven stars (Yeah, I did it)

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You could have saved yourself some time and just written the OP as this:


1. We have decided to bite the bullet and simply turn TOR into an even easier version of WoW.


2. We have decided to buff the classes played by forum poster BrimeS and nerf all other classes, especially the ones that forum poster BrimeS particularly dislikes.

Edited by belialle
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Stoped reading after that


Imperial Agent Operative, and Smuggler Scoundrel.


-Lowered the armor penetration of Acid Blade/Flechette round to 25%, and the ability now respects the Global cooldown. We also increased the damage of the DoT element by 20%. Altered the talent description to match.


-lowered the critical strike rating granted by Underdog/Meticuously Kept blades to 5% and increasing by 5% each point. Altered the talent description to represent this.



pure ********

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Congratulations you just broke Mercenary.


Anyone with half a brain knows Tracer is only OP because the tree is designed poorly, nerfing Tracer would require you to do a complete tree redesign, the ability is overpowered because every single major talent in the tree revolves around spamming it at least 5x.



Combat/Carnage don't need self heals, why even have different specs at that point? And you are nerfing the BLEEDS of Sentinel/Marauder (the weak one at that)? lol they actually don't tick for much you may remove a couple hundred damage over the course of a fight , sure, but the reason they own you in PvP isn't their bleeds, its Rebuke uptime combined with Guarded by the Force and 100% damage reduction on Force cloak all of which are 60 seconds or less CDs.


You are buffing Gunslinger and Sniper damage? By that significant a degree? Have you played PvP or PvE? They hit harder than any class in the game, DAMAGE IS NOT THEIR PROBLEM. Their problem is cover still being clunky and them relying on it 100%, their damage is absolutely ridiculous if they get a good spot...buffing it more just further polarizes how the class plays.


The rest of the changes seem like they are there just to represent every class and you pulled numbers from nowhere.


I've seen World of Warcraft patch notes with better balance changes.

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someone already said, but i see no problems saying it again


dude who is your dealer? he is either selling u the worst sht and u are too ignorant to understand, or its the best **** in the world and you are still ignorant cause u overdid it...


another operative nerf? its obvious u have been ganked by em more than enough times. if those changes come to life u might as well just take the class out of game. this is not a pve forum but with those changes operatives will be nothing but a lousy healing class in pvp/pve and obviously you havent played enough mmos to understand the fact that pve abilities also work in pve. you need a game where pve and pvp abilities are totally separate and i dont see one coming out soon so good luck


have a 50 assassin too but i am sorry again the changes you made for them are not good either...


have a 30 marauder only so i will not speak on behalf of my fellow marauders and let them speak since i am not 50 in that yet.



but when i think of it opinions are like ******es and you are ofc entitled to have one or several in your case but that does not mean everyone is dying to see it. so stop trying to act like you are the gaming whiz cause i was probably gaming on an amstrad or c64 before you set your foot in this world. so plz stop making posts like you are all better than most ppl here or ppl work in bioware/mythic. they at least have a financial motive to do this rather than you getting owned by us and nerdrage posting here...

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By the way here is me in 5 minutes make a better patch notes than you:




- Baseline for the AC at level 20:


Special Tactics: The Agent/Smuggler is adept at manoeuvring to and from cover in the battlefield. When leaving/ being knocked from cover the Agent/Smuggler does 50% less damage, but gains 90% avoidance and 60% movement speed increase for 3 seconds and is immune to CC during this time.






Grav Round/Tracer Missile: now has a 3 second cast on a 9 second CD, but instantly applies its full effect. When being interrupted, causes your next Missile Blast/Explosive Round to cost no heat and do 50% more damage.








- The bonus damage from 2/2 Shockwave has been reduced to 70% from 100%


- Force Crush and Obliterate now have 15 yard ranges, up from 10.


- Saber Strength: Now increases Obliterate/Vicious Slash damage by 5/10% up from 3/6%


- Brutality: Now increases Critical Strike chance of Vicious Slash by 7.5/15%. In addition after a critical hit with Vicious Slash you have a 50/100% chance to reset the cooldown on Obliterate, and a 25/50% chance (because the trees these abilities belonged to did not get a massive nerf to the core ability) to reset the cooldown on Merciless Slash, and a 15/30% chance to reset the cooldown of Precision Slash (too much uptime on that armor pen would net the tree a nerf) - this also gives a lot of synergy for Sent/Marauder trees.


(Basically the idea is too pull damage from Smash/Force Sweep crits and place it throughout the tree keeping the talents with the original design intent)




- Remove the bleeds from the tree.


Burning Blade/Draining Scream: Renamed to "Vigilant in the Force/Frightening Visage", and now have a 50/100% to apply the "Worn down/Frightened" buff to the Guardian/Juggernaut, every strike made by the Warrior during this time increases the damage of the next Impale by 3% stacking 4 times. Lasts 8 seconds.


Eviscerate/Burning Purpose: Now instead causes Impale to have a 50/100% chance to reapply any slowing effects the Juggernaut has on the target (this doesn't directly increase damage, but the previous change and my next one do, I feel like its enough of a damage increase to warrant this talent not being damage focused....this is more quality of life, making the PvP rotation less cluster...well you know).


Rampage/Zen Strike: Now instead have equal rates of allowing Ravage/Master Strike usable while moving instead of resetting the cooldown.


Plasma Brand/Shatter: Removed the bleed increased the initial damage by 40% (more than half the damage was in the bleed). Causes the next Impale/Ravage used within 6 seconds to deal 15% more damage.


(I am literally writing this on the fly to prove a point, so the numbers here I'd need to examined...might be too high...might be too low..but you see what I'm going for, better flow in the talent tree - Ravage fitting with the mobility thing, and the whole tree designed around strong, powerful attacks instead of attrition...that is Marauder/Sentinel ground - I also wanted the class to actually have interactivity between talents).


Immortal/Defense: (This can go for any Tank spec with the talent)


- Shield Specialization: Additionally shields now mitigate all incoming damage.


- Blade Barrier/Sonic Barrier: Increased the damage absorbed slightly.





Guarded by the Force: Increased the cooldown to 2 minutes up from 1.5 minutes.


Force Camo: Increased the cooldown to 1 minute 15 seconds, up slightly from 60 seconds.


(Plus the above changes to Focus/Rage, the new Brutality





- Reduced absorption from bubble slightly


- Overload/Force Wave now fill up Resolve Bars, and affects a maximum of three targets. Any target in the radius not knocked back deals 5% less damage for 6 seconds instead.


(This one you can put a cooldown on it too...but that may be a bit much, I prefer this nerf more it still alows them to get away when needed and still have utility guarding the ball carrier...)


- Fixed animation on Project, no longer a delay on its effects.




I could do the rest of the classes but I won't (they don't need significant changes anyway).


When nerfing a class you need to be omniscient, not focusing on just the raw damage of a problem ability. Operatives/Scoundrels do NOT need another nerf.



For this interested I play Sentinel and Juggernaut (If the numbers seem high...or off ESPECIALLY in the Focus/Rage Smash crit reallocation, and in Vigilance/Vengeance it wasn't intentional, I kind of eye balled the numbers, it was more the ideas that were important).

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By the way here is me in 5 minutes make a better patch notes than you:


it probably took you longer to even type all that stuff but i'll give you that much, these are way better than the original changes of this post...

Edited by yuvaraj
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it probably took you longer to even type all that stuff but i'll give you that much, these are way better than your original changes...


Yeah, the 5 minute statement was more the amount of thought....it took about 11 minutes to type (writing University papers the night before did me a great service in that regard).


And the original changes weren't mine :)

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The lesser population receives a 30% buff to exp, and valor gains, for the next 12 hours until the pop is checked again.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Holy crap dude, you should apply for a job at Funcom.


Also, anyone else notice how few Commando/Merc changes there are? Starting to think this person might be a Commando hmmmmmmm. I guess commando/merc healers being pretty much immortal compared to others is ok by you(since it's your class ofc).

Edited by Crowleyz
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