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Make xp bonus optional


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I'd like to be able to toggle the "rest" xp bonus off. It is too easy to outlevel the content and I enjoy a challenging game. Obviously that style of play is not for everyone, so a toggle would let the individual choose.



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With the amount of PvP and Space Combat XP, it's very hard NOT to outlevel the PvE content.


I'll typically wind up just doing the main storyline on a planet if I'm too far ahead. But then I find some piece of gear that I want and start grinding commendations. :p

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Can't you just log off outside a cantina or space station ?


Yes, and I do this now. But just being in Republic Fleet, cantinas, and my space ship gives me bonuses and I don't want to be able to hang out in those places without being penalized.


They could just cut xp output by 20% and I'd be happy, but I know they would face a firestorm.



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