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To Everybody thinking about quitting


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The bottom line is. Your average person is going to compare WoW today to SWTOR today, they're not concerned with Blizzard or BW or EA drama, just how much entertainment they're getting. You can attempt to sway them with "but WoW had 7 years, SWTOR will get better", the response would be, "then I'll just play it when it does get better". Edited by youwillburn
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Calling for reinforcements and slowly building a huge team of people was as important to Southshore/Tarren Mill as it is in Ilum. It's one of the biggest community development tools we have and it's those epic battles, when you finally pull them off, that bitter vets will talk about in five years time about the "good old days".

yep pretty much this, just like Ultima online. :p

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The bottom line is. Your average person is going to compare WoW today to SWTOR today, they're not concerned with Blizzard or BW or EA drama, just how much entertainment they're getting. You can attempt to sway them with "but WoW had 7 years, SWTOR will get better", the response would be, "then I'll just play it when it does get better".


Then bottom line: MMOs are dead. WoW is the last good MMO to ever be made when people really think this way.


Seriously, developers need to stop trying MMOs I guess. Nobody ever wins.

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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


fraid your wrong. it is wise to compare things of the same year....going back in time to year one of wow vs swtor makes no sense.

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Post release, WoW has had 7 years of growth and development using over 10 million paying beta testers. Expecting SWTOR to come out as complete and polished as WoW is just foolish. MMO's are all about growth, give the game time to grow, or admit that you either just dont like it ( which is fine ) or are too impatient to wait for the game to mature and move on. Why come into a community and bash a game you dont like? Just move on.
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No you CAN NOT. Software development is not like cars. The law STATES that they need the basic functionality like air bags.


The car comparison is a horrible comparison.


Software development, at a scale like BW, HAS to be thought out before the development even starts. This is before feature X was in MMO Y. This set of rules is referred to a Software Development Document or a Game Development Document. Look it up. When a business this big starts to develop a game, they need to follow this development document by the letter.


This document is approved by the developers bosses, legal department, and everybody else in the company. A few MINOR tweaks can be changed here and there, but the developers need to go through the same process (their bosses, legal department, and what-not).


If this game NEEDS to compete with 2012 WoW, then expect this game (or any game) to never be released.


We would essentially have another Duke Nukem Forever


Being that I work for a software development company, I completely disagree. I am not a developer myself by trade, I manage the infrastructure and systems for our developers and am quite familiar with the process as I work closely with them when they are in the scoping and design doc phases to make sure we have the proper environments setup to start the project.


Even in software development comparisons exist. Say you were developing a word processing app, it would have to compete and contain a feature set comparable to Word 2010. If all you including were features comparable to Word 2000 then noone would ever even consider buying it.


Like I said, having the same amount of content at release is unreasonable. Just like expecting customizations and addons available at release for business software is unreasonable.


But you do have to have the basic features.


And SWToR is missing those. UI customizations, a functional smooth combat engine, working textures, combat logs, etc...

Edited by Saetun
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Being that I work for a software development company, I completely disagree. I am not a developer myself by trade, I manage the infrastructure and systems for our developers and am quite familiar with the process as I work closely with them when they are in the scoping and design doc phases to make sure we have the proper environments setup to start the project.


Even in software development comparisons exist. Say you were developing a word processing app, it would have to compete and contain a feature set comparable to Word 2010. If all you including were features comparable to Word 2000 then noone would ever even consider buying it.


It's good to see some people understand.


If a new start up phone company came out with a phone that only had features of an iPhone 3 in 2012 and was selling it for the same price per unit and required the same cost per month as a iPhone 4S, how well do you think that company would do?

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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


So it's okay for ATI to bring out a new gfx card thats lesser than Nvidia's latest gfx card? Point is. SWTOR is in fact competing with WoW of today.


I've been on the verge of quitting, but I have a sub left running for ~60 days so I will see what happens in the time to come, but if you bring out a new game, you either have it on par with what's currently on the market or better.


SWTOR is having flaws in areas where it shouldn't have. I often wonder what they were doing all this time in beta.

Edited by Fixiooo
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I do have patience.

I fully intend to patiently wait for them to:

- fix the Ops Bugs

- overhaul the 'Hero Engine' so that it can handle pvp running at a decent frame rate.

- recruit decent customer service folks and GMs with the wit and ability to effect changes without having to 'escalate your concerns to another team, thankyou for your patience'...


...before re-subbing.



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Being that I work for a software development company, I completely disagree. I am not a developer myself by trade, I manage the infrastructure and systems for our developers and am quite familiar with the process as I work closely with them when they are in the scoping and design doc phases to make sure we have the proper environments setup to start the project.


Even in software development comparisons exist. Say you were developing a word processing app, it would have to compete and contain a feature set comparable to Word 2010. If all you including were features comparable to Word 2000 then noone would ever even consider buying it.


Software development company =/= Game develop company. Every company operates differently. For games, however, I know FAR more companies that create issues if you deviate from the document.


Game development companies have tens, hundreds, or thousands more people than a standard software development company. Programmers, artists, testers, audio engineers, motion graphic artists, and so on.


How can the developers want Feature X developed, if the graphics team needing to develop this feature has WAY too much work on the ESSENTIALS.


Again, if you do not follow strict guidelines and eventually make a cut off, we will have another Duke Nukem.


Do people know about the Duke Nukem Forever mess? If this game needs to always compete with the NOW, it will never get released.


Edit. Now yes, if I started developing a word processing application NOW that say takes 1 year to develop. Lets say Microsoft releases Word 2012 with a MASSIVE list of changes (not going to happen....but lets say I wanted to compete with Word 2003 pre-ribbon and Microsoft released 2007 halfway through my development), I NEED to redo most of my work just to keep up?

Edited by Nighthawked
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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue

Hurf durf.


TOR is competing TODAY against games out TODAY, not last year, or 8 years ago.



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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


Actually, yes, you do.


You look at your choice in MMO and choose one. The choice is between the games that exist right now.


This is why no MMO has come close to WoW, well, ever.


People want to play a good, fun game. They don't want to say "well, in 7 years this game will be good, so I'll have faith".


Rift was not a bad game in anyway that I could tell. It was a little bit weaker than WoW in nearly every aspect, but much closer to WoW than ToR is (by this I mean system design, bugginess and general technical qualities). The biggest problem Rift had was that it had no "hook" that would make people think "this game is a bit subpar compared to WoW, but it has X feature that makes up for it and is enough for me to switch games".


ToR does have that "hook". It's called Lightsabers (or the Star Wars universe). And also the Bioware single player quests (which are light years ahead of quests in any other MMO).


But as a game (systems, technical design, pvp system design, bugs, performance, lack of LFD and dual specs) it is so far behind WoW that I don't know if the hooks will keep people waiting for the game to "get good".


If the setting of ToR was a generic fantasy setting (nearly identical to WoW and Rift and Warhammer and EQ2 and every other MMO out there), and the quests were as generic as any of those games, do you think ANYONE would have hope this game would succeed?


The UI is subpar for a current MMO.


The performance is awful compared to Rift and WoW.


There are more bugs than I ever remember encountering in Rift (1 free month, 1 paid month, 2 max level toons).


The PvP system (and patches) are god awful, with RNG for loot, and a merciless grind, as well as massive performance drops the moment many people enter warzones.


ToR DOES have Lightsabers and Bioware single player quests, but as a technical game, I can't think of a worse one (maybe Vanguard) I've ever played.

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