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Penalty for leaving Warzones.


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It's needed and it's needed now. Allow them to leave before the game starts only. Once it starts the penalties should take effect. Personally I prefer the penalty of losing 1000 valor and a 10 minute no-queue timeout for leaving the warzone.


People should not be leaving or AFKing in Warzones and I cannot see why it is allowed to happen. The greater the penalty the more the deterrent and I don't think anyone will cry foul because they lost valor from being disconnected if it means that their teammates cannot run and re-queue in hopes of getting a better matchup.


I'm embarrassed by the other Republic on Wound in the Force server because I've not played one game in the past week where at least 2 people have not left during the game. I've seen the 'top' PvP guilds with their full premades leave because they saw they were outmatched on the other side.


This is what happens when a game gives item rewards for PvP. Please get your head on straight and figure out a better system to improve our characters. To reach an item reward players 'grind' out the requirement and once they achieve the items they will no longer be interested in the 'grind' that PvP has become.

Edited by AssistSenn
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This is a hard one for me to agree with. While I agree to some point I would be lying if I said I stuck out every match I entered. At first I would never leave a match on principle, but It has come to a point where, If I am on a team of... less than competent PvPers, I feel somewhat justified in not wasting the next 15-20 minutes getting *****.


The real problem is getting put in WZs that are already lost (yes this is due to people leaving them). I do hate it when I end up in a huttball game that my team is down 4-0. If i were to come into a match like that and know if I didnt sit there and watch us get our butts spanked by a team who wont score because they want more medals, that I would lose valor and not be able to queue, well, I would be distraught.


I think a better penalty might be, if you desert a warzone your next win doesnt count toward your dailies, though you still run into the same problems as i mentioned.


In the end I cant get on board with that simple of a solution

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If they implemented this in current WZ pvp, then people would simply stop queueing entirely.


The incentive for warzones is better valor than open world pvp. Since open world offers better valor per min than warzones right now, the only incentive to do warzones are:


1. Open world pvp valor rate per min for me is lower.

2. I need to complete dailies.

3. I need commendations.

4. I like warzones.


Losing a warzone is 15 minutes spent. You get less valor and commendations and nothing towards dailies. For Repubs if you know its a loss in the first minute of a game (it's pretty obvious most of the time) then its still better to requeue and hope to find success in the next 14 minutes (Repubs have almost insta-queue unless grouped).


You can queue jump another 5-6 times in that same 15 minutes and have a better rate of return on valor / commendations / dailies than sitting in that same game.


Even worse however you can queue jump for a full 15 minutes and find 0 winning games. That's been the problem the past few days.


Basically you are saying we should just stay and lose and in other games that were more balanced I would completely agree. However I'm not spending all day losing so I can not finish my dailies, there is a limited amount of time anyone can play the game, so my incentive is to find the best way for me to play the game. You take that away, I simply can't afford to play anymore.


Its basically the only thing Repubs have going for them right now is warzone lottery. Its stupid and I hate it, but there's no other way to garner a small victory solo queuing.

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already got a nice ctd at 3 mins left on hutball today which would give me a debuff for no reason at all.


also it seams that you just want to be carried by good players.


queing solo then get into a warzone where my team is doing a deathmatch far away from any objective, hell yea i quit a fail game like that.

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Happens a fair amount on my server against a particular focus fire dps pre-made. On the one hand I can't blame them for not wanting to get farmed in 1-2 seconds from dropping down from the starting area, but on the other hand they're just condemning other players on their side to jump in to the spot they opened (so that they can get rolled in their place), while they move on to the queue again to try and find an easier match.


I think a 5-minute timeout would be reasonable. Note that I mean 5-minutes that you cannot even queue. This is a pretty minor penalty for those who legitimately may need to leave (or crash) and it prevents those players who just immediately re-queue looking for an easy fight from doing so.

Edited by pyradius
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Yes - It is not quite as bad as before the 50 bracket was put in, but still bad. I do a lot of PvP and I have never quit a match. I've DC'd once during a match. It would be nice if there were a 2 or 3 minute "grace" period where you rejoin the match when you log back in.


There is nothing more irritating than to stick it out in a match and see 25 different people listed on the allies list because many quit as soon as the team falls behind. Why quit? You can still get medals/valor/credits and have fun doing the best you can.


Two things, in my opinion, need to be fixed.


1. Kick players that are inactive for more than say 2 minutes. By inactive I mean not damaging or healing a different player. This will cut down on the scum that run in, hit some one once, then hide in a corner of the map for the rest of the match.


2. Deserter Debuff preventing queueing for another match for say 20 minutes if you leave a WZ prematurely. Yes it would be irritating if you get DC'd but better than the alternative in my opinion.

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I would agree if it wouldnt put players in warzones almost done. How many times did you get into voidstar to only see it in the second round and the other team on the second to last door? I just exit as soon as I pop in and see the mess.
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Penalty or not, it will still happen. I for one would rather take a 30minute break from pvp than spend 5-10 minutes in a painful warzone filled with level 10s who swarm enemy players whilst completely ignoring the objectives.


If anything, a vote to kick feature would be nice, but probably abused.

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So, what you are saying is you want to implement a penalty for leaving, but not a vote kick system to boot afk valor campers...


I don't normally leave anything but huttball, but if we are losing and I see a player stealthed away from the fight or humping a wall, I announce in ops to see if they will start moving, if not, I leave the warzone. It is one thing to be beat in a fair, 8v8 fight, but when someone is just sitting back not helping, I don't think I should be fighting to get them valor. I state in ops that x is afking, and I am leaving, which currently is the only recourse against them, since bioware seems to think this is not a problem.


This crap is happening in 2-3 warzones every day, so if you don't like having warzones get shutdown in the middle, support a vote kick system to get rid of the people that are causing everyone to leave.

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If I'm playing Huttball, and we're getting absolutely dominated, and losing 5-0 with 5 min to go, and the Imps aren't even trying to score the winner just so they can farm for the last 5 min, I don't think I should be penalized for leaving.


Well, I could agree with the not being able to queue for 10-15 min, but nothing more than that.

Edited by mujrim
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If I'm playing Huttball, and we're getting absolutely dominated, and losing 5-0 with 5 min to go, and the Imps aren't even trying to score the winner just so they can farm for the last 5 min, I don't think I should be penalized for leaving.


There is a penalty for the team that holds the ball, if they hold it too long the ball carrier instadies and the ball is given to the nearest enemy team member. Although i think the penalty should kick in quicker.


As for the deserter debuff, i don't think it should be implemented until a 'vote afk' system is introduced, say 5 people have to vote you afk before a kick, which would lead to a deserter debuff

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If they implemented this in current WZ pvp, then people would simply stop queueing entirely.


The incentive for warzones is better valor than open world pvp. Since open world offers better valor per min than warzones right now, the only incentive to do warzones are:


1. Open world pvp valor rate per min for me is lower.

2. I need to complete dailies.

3. I need commendations.

4. I like warzones.


Losing a warzone is 15 minutes spent. You get less valor and commendations and nothing towards dailies. For Repubs if you know its a loss in the first minute of a game (it's pretty obvious most of the time) then its still better to requeue and hope to find success in the next 14 minutes (Repubs have almost insta-queue unless grouped).


You can queue jump another 5-6 times in that same 15 minutes and have a better rate of return on valor / commendations / dailies than sitting in that same game.


Even worse however you can queue jump for a full 15 minutes and find 0 winning games. That's been the problem the past few days.


Basically you are saying we should just stay and lose and in other games that were more balanced I would completely agree. However I'm not spending all day losing so I can not finish my dailies, there is a limited amount of time anyone can play the game, so my incentive is to find the best way for me to play the game. You take that away, I simply can't afford to play anymore.


Its basically the only thing Repubs have going for them right now is warzone lottery. Its stupid and I hate it, but there's no other way to garner a small victory solo queuing.


I think a desserter's debuff is still needed. I understant why some do it but a lot of the times when you enter a doomed game is because others already left . I think taking valor away is a little too much but maybe just a 10 -15 min debuff. Its not too long and wont punish you that much but it may make players think twice about it


I know getting stuck there loosing for 15 minutes sucks, so maybe there can be some sort of surrender feature where if 51%-75% of the group sees its a doomed game and wants to quit , they can get out of there. Thats probably over simplifying it and that may have other problems but its worth looking into.

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I not sure as a few times yesterday while on void-star, I got killed went to the re-spawn safe zone and could not get out. It then said if i don’t leave the safe-zone I would be kicked from the match. Believe me I tried to leave the safe-zone but it wouldn’t let me, I was kicked from the match.


At that point I was a little miffed but had I en-cured a penalty for it....I would have been lets say not a happy bunny!

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There's no reason to add a deserter debuff unless they can insure that teams actually start off even.


Having a game of 4vs8 Huttball where nobody joins until it's already 4:0, it'd be stupid to have a deserter debuff. Forcing people to stay wouldn't make them fight, it'd force them to afk.

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A deserter debuff is definitely required. I'd even double down and suggest a time frame much longer than 15 minutes (i.e. the length of the game). Nothing less than 20 minutes. If it's shorter than a regular game, it won't change the behaviour of players in any significant fashion compared to the current system.


As for disconnections, well that's an unfortunate circumstance but they shouldn't leave a loophole for players to press ALT+F4 or just pulling their network cable to simulate a disconnection.

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I absolute support OP


I always give my best in every WZ, use everything I have to support my team to suceed. I never leave a WZ. I queue solo and I know what I have to expect, when I do so (not new at instanced PvP, you know?)

If everything working well coordinated would be my first concern, then I would play premades.


Installing an AFK-report-system, as it works in WoW would be an neccesary supplement though


Yeah, that's it...

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I not sure as a few times yesterday while on void-star, I got killed went to the re-spawn safe zone and could not get out. It then said if i don’t leave the safe-zone I would be kicked from the match. Believe me I tried to leave the safe-zone but it wouldn’t let me, I was kicked from the match.


At that point I was a little miffed but had I en-cured a penalty for it....I would have been lets say not a happy bunny!


Agreed. Alderan is a gamble for me. The bikes don't always spawn after death for me. I am literally trapped in the spawn watching team members hop on bikes and disappear until I'm kicked for deserting. It's gotten so bad that if I get that warzone I just leave before it starts.

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I think a desserter's debuff is still needed. I understant why some do it but a lot of the times when you enter a doomed game is because others already left . I think taking valor away is a little too much but maybe just a 10 -15 min debuff. Its not too long and wont punish you that much but it may make players think twice about it


I'm not saying I'm against it, I'm just listing reasons why it won't work currently. Right now warzones are in a bad state and its only going to get worse, if you take away the ability for me to at least try to complete my pvp dailies/weekly, then I will simply stop altogether.


Adding a WoW style deserters debuff won't help either, it will simply create a lot more imp vs. imp huttball games because there will be far fewer Repubs queuing at any single time after leaving a warzone.


I know getting stuck there loosing for 15 minutes sucks, so maybe there can be some sort of surrender feature where if 51%-75% of the group sees its a doomed game and wants to quit , they can get out of there. Thats probably over simplifying it and that may have other problems but its worth looking into.


This is pretty much how the game currently works. If enough people leave, the warzone ends, the winning team gets a win / commendations / valor. Being able to leave is far better than AFK'ing which is what will happen if you add a debuff.


Its important to remember player time isn't infinite.

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I think this is a pretty easy one to solve, really. Don't worry about punitive penalties - unfair to people who get bugged out or disconnected. God knows it's happened to me. And instead of locking people out of the queue...lock them to the match they exited. So long as that match is running, that's the ONLY match they can get into. If it's full, they're boned. If there's an open slot, they get stuck into it.


Net result is: ditching a match won't get you into a DIFFERENT match any faster than sticking it out would (so you might as well stay), and people who get bounced against their will and WANT to get back in, can.

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I think this is a pretty easy one to solve, really. Don't worry about punitive penalties - unfair to people who get bugged out or disconnected. God knows it's happened to me. And instead of locking people out of the queue...lock them to the match they exited. So long as that match is running, that's the ONLY match they can get into. If it's full, they're boned. If there's an open slot, they get stuck into it.


Net result is: ditching a match won't get you into a DIFFERENT match any faster than sticking it out would (so you might as well stay), and people who get bounced against their will and WANT to get back in, can.



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I agree 100%. I thought a minor hit to valor, like 200, would be fine but wouldn't have a problem with 500-1000 valor loss. It should be easy enough to tie it only to you selecting "leave warzone" while in an active WZ to avoid punish those who CTD. If a quitter wants to exploit the system by hitting alt+F4 and rebooting their game to avoid losing valor, so be it. It takes a couple of minutes to reload the game anyways, so you would be punished either way.
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