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Ilum = FUN


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I rolled into Ilum last night to see if I could get the daily done. The night before it was a laggy camp fest at the Rebel base with the good guys holding the Imps at the entrance. Both sides could get their 30 tokens and get out but it was a slideshow and basically a clusterfrack.


What a difference a day makes. Got into a group there last night and rolled around in a pack looking for Imps, while they did the same. We had some great battles with no lag and I racked up some decent valor in the :45 I was there, about a level and a half.


At least on Saber of Exar Kun, Ilum is the closest to working as intended as it's been. Good idea to instance that zone, it helps keep the population balanced.


Any similar positive experiences there?

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i actually saw the Republic wipe out a hoarde of imps at the base. It was a pretty funny tatic the Republic used. before the Imps reached the base, the republic sent out a single player and the imps started chasing all the way into the base, the turrents started going off, then all the Rep plays who were around the corner sprung and attacked the Imps from behind, it was pretty epic. of couse all i had was a slide show because i couldnt move due to lag.
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I rolled into Ilum last night to see if I could get the daily done. The night before it was a laggy camp fest at the Rebel base with the good guys holding the Imps at the entrance. Both sides could get their 30 tokens and get out but it was a slideshow and basically a clusterfrack.


What a difference a day makes. Got into a group there last night and rolled around in a pack looking for Imps, while they did the same. We had some great battles with no lag and I racked up some decent valor in the :45 I was there, about a level and a half.


At least on Saber of Exar Kun, Ilum is the closest to working as intended as it's been. Good idea to instance that zone, it helps keep the population balanced.


Any similar positive experiences there?


Basically dead on my server now (Keller's Void), 9PM last night just a bunch of imperials sitting in the central area collecting boxes. This is zone is ****ed and will never be fun, particularly when compared to war zones. The fact that they force you into participating to get the dailies/weekly done for bags is painful.


Shutdown the zone and send everyone 10 bags a week or just double the amount of bags from the war zone dailies and let the people who like beating their head against a wall participate in this horribly conceived abomination.

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Ilum on my server was 70 of us (imperials) chasing down the republic one at a time fighting over the kills. I think I spent 2 hours with a full raid group and finally got my 30 kills. Every now and then there would be a group of about 10 or so republic, but they just got insta-rolled from the mass imperials fighting over kills.
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Ilum on my server was 70 of us (imperials) chasing down the republic one at a time fighting over the kills. I think I spent 2 hours with a full raid group and finally got my 30 kills. Every now and then there would be a group of about 10 or so republic, but they just got insta-rolled from the mass imperials fighting over kills.


I'm surprised you even had republic in the zone at all. Republic on my server has essentially given up on the zone and just does war zones.

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I rolled into Ilum last night to see if I could get the daily done. The night before it was a laggy camp fest at the Rebel base with the good guys holding the Imps at the entrance. Both sides could get their 30 tokens and get out but it was a slideshow and basically a clusterfrack.


What a difference a day makes. Got into a group there last night and rolled around in a pack looking for Imps, while they did the same. We had some great battles with no lag and I racked up some decent valor in the :45 I was there, about a level and a half.


At least on Saber of Exar Kun, Ilum is the closest to working as intended as it's been. Good idea to instance that zone, it helps keep the population balanced.


Any similar positive experiences there?


Same here on Nightmare Lands (EU server).


Had a 20 v 20 battle that lasted an hour. The battle 'moved' all around the map.


Lovely time had by all.

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Basically dead on my server now (Keller's Void), 9PM last night just a bunch of imperials sitting in the central area collecting boxes. This is zone is ****ed and will never be fun, particularly when compared to war zones. The fact that they force you into participating to get the dailies/weekly done for bags is painful.


Shutdown the zone and send everyone 10 bags a week or just double the amount of bags from the war zone dailies and let the people who like beating their head against a wall participate in this horribly conceived abomination.


Doesn't the op's point prove this wrong? He just got done saying how it was fun on his server.( one I am happily apart of) Why was this posted in a thread about how fun it is now?

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Doesn't the op's point prove this wrong? He just got done saying how it was fun on his server.( one I am happily apart of) Why was this posted in a thread about how fun it is now?


Because it's a counter point to the purpose of the thread? I'm happy you guys are having fun but Ilum is currently a steaming pile on my server. At least before the change I could get my bags and go back to having fun in war zones.

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I think it's boring. I'm on Empire side and all I do is sit and spam my AoE's so we all in the ops group get valor. I haven't died very often, I just sit there and spam AoE's..this is not good pvp, it's just whoever has the biggest zerg wins..Nothing tactical about it, and it's boring.....
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