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Who wrote the dialogue for the Inquisitor?


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The Inquisitor's personality is so unlikable half the time, but everyone else surrounding him in his story line are very interesting.


He repeats ridiculous one-liners, makes lame jokes, responds at times like he's an institutionalized slave, then at other times, one dialogue selection later, he pulls a 180 and acts like he's supposed to be a god. Half the time, I don't like anything he says in the available options, and sometimes all three options are basically the same tone. If the Sith Warrior gets anything, it's storyline.


I remember the time he first got his step, he saw it, and ran up to it like a child would....

This is not Palpatine, a master manipulator, or someone who would be an asssassin.


My inquisitor is very sensible. Never acts like a child at all. I don't know what your problem is, maybe the choices that you make.

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I adore my sith Inquis - ADORE her. She's such a refreshing change to my Jedi Con, the wit, the dry humor, the psycho moments..although both the female versions are voiced wonderfully (can't choose between them for that part even though I'm English myself :p).
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I think it went something like:

"Death is merely the final failure of the weak."


Any other male Inquisitors wish the voice actor would have interjected more evil, "Mwuhuhahahaaaaa..." laughs at the end of his lines?


If you're going for all Dark Side, Khem Val's the companion to have. He ALWAYS "keeps it Gangsta", and if YOU don't, you get negative affection.



Thank you Datu! Any chance you remember what quest that was in? I would love to make a video of that seen!


And yes there needs to be some cheesey evil laughing! =-P

Edited by CptDangerous
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I love the inquisitor! He offers a lovely mix of sarcasm and downright sociopathic rage that I can really identify with!


....oh dear, looks like I'm a maniac :D



Always play male chars, how big is the difference with the female one?


I play male characters as well, but in case of the Inquisitor the difference was obvious in favor of the female in my opinion.


Though i am leveling other characters now, Republic being my first choice, will get to the Empire later.


Hopefully by the time i get to my Inquisitor they will add same sex relationships, she doesn't like men and treats them with lightning barbecue (Ashara's fault) :D

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