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Help me understand this class.


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I'm trying to level a mara, but i am finding pvp totaly frustrating, i am only a low level though, but here is what i am finding annoying, maybe you can help.



The class doesn't seem to flow like every other class, you are always battling the UI, whenever you need to DPS the moves are ALWAY on cooldown meaning you are left with auto attack.


The rage runs out too fast and regens through attacks too slow due to cooldowns, i rarely able to pop berserk in a warzone because i die way to fast for any melee class, also if i pop it I'm lit up likea fire on an empty battlefield then instantly stunned and the buff that took me 3 mins to charge up ends before i'm out of stun.


My main damage melee attack is channeled and always misses the last part because the animation is so slow that the target is 100m away before it ends, my only viable dps seems to come from scream and smash but juggs seem to deal more damage with those than i do.


My defence buffs are sweet, but the cooldown is way over the top, and cloak of pain runs out too fast if im not hit.


In a game where ALL classes have stuns, some more than 3 we have Nothing, force choke is not a CC, not when we are CC our selves, we have one counter to Stun and no heals or verry low healing ability while all other dps in this game get stuns and heals.


The CC we do have needs rage to use? wft? a snare needing rage? even retaliation needs 3 rage? and that is a counter blow! how does that make sense....


We actually have moves that need a target to be stunned... but we have no stun, i find this confussing.



HELP what am i missing.

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I'm trying to level a mara, but i am finding pvp totaly frustrating, i am only a low level though, but here is what i am finding annoying, maybe you can help.



The class doesn't seem to flow like every other class, you are always battling the UI, whenever you need to DPS the moves are ALWAY on cooldown meaning you are left with auto attack.


The rage runs out too fast and regens through attacks too slow due to cooldowns, i rarely able to pop berserk in a warzone because i die way to fast for any melee class, also if i pop it I'm lit up likea fire on an empty battlefield then instantly stunned and the buff that took me 3 mins to charge up ends before i'm out of stun.


My main damage melee attack is channeled and always misses the last part because the animation is so slow that the target is 100m away before it ends, my only viable dps seems to come from scream and smash but juggs seem to deal more damage with those than i do.


My defence buffs are sweet, but the cooldown is way over the top, and cloak of pain runs out too fast if im not hit.


In a game where ALL classes have stuns, some more than 3 we have Nothing, force choke is not a CC, not when we are CC our selves, we have one counter to Stun and no heals or verry low healing ability while all other dps in this game get stuns and heals.


The CC we do have needs rage to use? wft? a snare needing rage? even retaliation needs 3 rage? and that is a counter blow! how does that make sense....


We actually have moves that need a target to be stunned... but we have no stun, i find this confussing.



HELP what am i missing.


What lvl are you. For me it really started to take off about lvl 30. Also marauders are not easy to play they take good micro managment with cooldowns and priority. I play ann and rarely find my self rage starved just my abilities are all on cool down, just fill it with vic slash if you have sufficient rage. Always make sure you have enough rage to use your core abilities. Also force choke is not a real cc nor is it supposed to be one. Marauders are not force users and specialize in melee prowess in fact they are not that in tune with the force, according to lore. So for them to be able to sustain a forcechoke while not focusing on it seems like a bad idea. Use force choke for what its worth.


If you are 2 or 3 rage from an annihilate and your target is low and you are low force choke him for those extra rage and then finish him off with the annihilate. That is one of my favorite things to do in pvp.

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I'm trying to level a mara, but i am finding pvp totaly frustrating, i am only a low level though, but here is what i am finding annoying, maybe you can help.



The class doesn't seem to flow like every other class, you are always battling the UI, whenever you need to DPS the moves are ALWAY on cooldown meaning you are left with auto attack.


The rage runs out too fast and regens through attacks too slow due to cooldowns, i rarely able to pop berserk in a warzone because i die way to fast for any melee class, also if i pop it I'm lit up likea fire on an empty battlefield then instantly stunned and the buff that took me 3 mins to charge up ends before i'm out of stun.


My main damage melee attack is channeled and always misses the last part because the animation is so slow that the target is 100m away before it ends, my only viable dps seems to come from scream and smash but juggs seem to deal more damage with those than i do.


My defence buffs are sweet, but the cooldown is way over the top, and cloak of pain runs out too fast if im not hit.


In a game where ALL classes have stuns, some more than 3 we have Nothing, force choke is not a CC, not when we are CC our selves, we have one counter to Stun and no heals or verry low healing ability while all other dps in this game get stuns and heals.


The CC we do have needs rage to use? wft? a snare needing rage? even retaliation needs 3 rage? and that is a counter blow! how does that make sense....


We actually have moves that need a target to be stunned... but we have no stun, i find this confussing.



HELP what am i missing.



The class has many points during leveling where it doesn't flow - its just the nature of the resource system. It levels out at certain points when you get a new means of building rage and gets wonky again when you gain a new way of dumping it.

It gets better. Annihilation is the best in this regard as the tier 1 talents that refund rage are pretty much a must have for all 3 specs to 'flow'.


Ravage hits regardless of how far away they are when it ends.


The moves that need a target to be stunned aren't usable against players, most classes have one or 2, so no stuns to set them up is kind of irrelevant

In PvE you can stun weak mobs with force crush and force scream to use these moves.


The class gets better as you level. Doesn't really get going till 25+, the trip up to that point is pretty painful.

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Marauders are only as strong as the skill of the person playing them, thats why you see some that can be killed by a womp rat fart, and others they seem to be immortal.



It is not a class for "casual" gamers, its a class for gamers who like challenge.

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i think i will move to assasssin, i can micro manage, but the fact that the class feels like papper, has no good escape skill (until the stealth) takes time to build up to burst dps no heals and no stuns makes me hate every second of playing them.


i will play assassin and might see them in a new light and come back, but i'm already losing my hair, if i play this class i will be bald within a week.

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the grass isnt green on the assassin side, i main an assassin. You guys have a great gap closer and force choak is an amazing ablity.


if you jump on a target you can catch them with your leap frog ability. More cc doesnt make you better.


i pop spike, voltaic slash, enemy does their class knockback cc, starts to run, i have to try to force slow, force speed. Assassins have a much worse "stickiness" than marauders.


melee is having a tough time in pvp, as far as pve. I started with assassin and did the pve thing leveling up slowly. IT's hard on melee dps till we get our healer.


so when i rolled my marauder, i rushed to 10 and have been pvp'ing ever since, i'll stop when it slows down at 30 and breeze the leveling. yes it sux to pvp at low levels, but i notice that marauder/assassin any melee type dps class is having a hard time staying on your target.

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the grass isnt green on the assassin side, i main an assassin. You guys have a great gap closer and force choak is an amazing ablity.


if you jump on a target you can catch them with your leap frog ability. More cc doesnt make you better.


i pop spike, voltaic slash, enemy does their class knockback cc, starts to run, i have to try to force slow, force speed. Assassins have a much worse "stickiness" than marauders.


melee is having a tough time in pvp, as far as pve. I started with assassin and did the pve thing leveling up slowly. IT's hard on melee dps till we get our healer.


so when i rolled my marauder, i rushed to 10 and have been pvp'ing ever since, i'll stop when it slows down at 30 and breeze the leveling. yes it sux to pvp at low levels, but i notice that marauder/assassin any melee type dps class is having a hard time staying on your target.


but assassins can do good medium range burst too, and have sleep and a stun, a vanish and ok healing.


they can guard too. they seem to ahve alot of tool..


what out of the two do the most damage tho>

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Ravage hits regardless of how far away they are when it ends.


This isn't true. It has a pretty good range, a lot farther than melee (i'd call it about 5m), but if they get more than that far away from you while the ravage animation is proccing, it will interrupt and the last hit won't land.

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This isn't true. It has a pretty good range, a lot farther than melee (i'd call it about 5m), but if they get more than that far away from you while the ravage animation is proccing, it will interrupt and the last hit won't land.


Are you sure they're not just interrupting you? I've had the last part hit people 10-15 yards away from me. Most people just interrupt it pretty early though once they've copped that outranging it is tough or impossible.

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the pvp aoe taunt is amazing.


darkness specs are great for pve, they are stat padders in pvp and nothing more.


assassin is the damage spec, useful in pvp and pve less in pve considering so many fights suit ranged dps. still, though, marauders have more survivability and do have comparable dps. assassins, may have some nice burst but we have much less survivability. If you blow all your colodowns and don't kill someone and/or have to vanish prematurely. THat is not a win, blowing vanish in a fight means you didnt succeed in what you were doing.


marauders can jump in the thick of a fight much better, they can jump to objectives better and bring alot of dps.


not saying assassins are bad just that you will not go to assassin and think all your problems are solved.

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i feel alot harder as an assassin than a mara, that being i chose the fight, i can control the fight, i have a stance that adds 150% armor + shield proc, the ability to use a shield, i seem more instant on call damage too.


but i still have no clue how it is end game. i mean mara can stealth later on too.

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i feel alot harder as an assassin than a mara, that being i chose the fight, i can control the fight, i have a stance that adds 150% armor + shield proc, the ability to use a shield, i seem more instant on call damage too.


but i still have no clue how it is end game. i mean mara can stealth later on too.


I found that with my marauder, up to about level 25 , it felt slow going, I'm annihilation spec, but once I got there, I got some nice rage builders and more damage, and things started to make sense in the class.


Once you hit around 35 , you can generate fury and rage pretty much as fast as you can use it, and apart from three fights, avatar of sel makor on voss , which is a side quest, and the final two class quest bosses, didnt find anything that gave me a hard time at all.


The story is great, and although theres a lot of micromanaging your skills, much more than any other class, I do enjoy the gameplay.

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Its no good i give up.


i have been playing MMO/rpgs since the amiga, i was there at the start of the mmo genre, you know how if goes, you see a class, read wonderful things.. then you play them and instantly hate everything about them, and no matter how hard you try you cannot get on with them.


if i play this class i will need a new monitor every week :) i can't play a class that frustrates me so much, its bad for my health, the class prolly is quite good, but for me, i cant stand them.

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haha well when you put it all like that the class does look like crap, but somehow it all works. You need a really good hotkey layout. Mine is good but I'm not 100% happy with it, still making tweaks as I go.


The whole 'everything is on a cooldown' thing can be overwhelming when you are in a cluster@#%^, but that is part of the charm of the class. If you're the type of gamer that likes to be completely immersed in the gameplay this is a fun option. The class is far from polished but it is one of the more engaging melees I've played.


True the marauder sometimes struggles to find a purpose, but they do shine behind a capable player.

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True the marauder sometimes struggles to find a purpose, but they do shine behind a capable player.


You can say this about any class in any spec and it will hold true. The issue at hand is Why is it apparently so incredibly difficult to play than any other class in the game?


I don't think it has to do with skill, than attempting to work around missing or non fluid abilities.


I mean if i have a dedicated healer i can pull 250k+ damage and top the kills in a war zone easily, but you put a dedicated healer on a jugg or pretty much any other class and the same happens but with less skill.... i don't see anything wrong with the class being difficult... as long as the other classes in the game are just as hard. Its a matter of balance.


but i know those on this forum who will constantly claim the problem with the class lies in the player.. every time. Until Bioware comes out and says "Yea we know marauders/sent's need a buff and were working on it" these fools will continue to spam their trite.

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