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Right now, only Empire players can solve the pvp


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Republic players can't

Bioware can't, at least not fast enough


But you as an empire player, guild, guildleader can.


Reroll with all your friends if you want balanced pvp and this game to continue.

- You'll have some nice legacy build up

- you'll have a lot of experience about the empire classes abilities that will gain you a big adventage in pvp.

- The 10-49 warzones are great fun so you'll have a blast leveling

- If you want you'll be 50 in 2 weeks

- many open world targets instead of no republic targets

- instand queues

- not only huttball all the time


I agree! Empire needs to reroll, it's the only logical fix right now. Let's be honest here, the best part of the game currently is leveling 10-49.

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What? Darth Maul made Sith cool with his double bladed saber. One of the titles is "Revenge of the Sith" and is told most fervently from the sith POV.


1) Darth Maul had a few scenes where he was a ******. That does not mean it was told from his POV. Did you get to see everything he did like you get to see everything your Sith character does (in terms of storyline, not hanging out at the Imp fleet).


2) No, RotS was told from Anakin's POV as he succumbed to the darkside. But there was still no real backstory to the story of the Sith. Most of what we can speculate about Sith history is a few lines that Palpatine just happened to throw out there.

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People should grow some skills instead of saying its overpowered on the Empire side. Basilisk droid - Republic player, no issues there dispite its heavly overpowered with Emperial players? Fix it? L2P..


Overpowered and imbalance isn't the same thing.


No amount of skill can fend off an army of enemy players.

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1) Darth Maul had a few scenes where he was a ******. That does not mean it was told from his POV. Did you get to see everything he did like you get to see everything your Sith character does (in terms of storyline, not hanging out at the Imp fleet).


2) No, RotS was told from Anakin's POV as he succumbed to the darkside. But there was still no real backstory to the story of the Sith. Most of what we can speculate about Sith history is a few lines that Palpatine just happened to throw out there.


Meh, agree to disagree. The sith story was fairly well represented as well as their cleverness, cunning and ultimate domination. In the last Star Wars movie ever made; the Sith win.


The Sith's own tendency to each each other is only reason they ever loose power. You should all heed Darth Bane's teachings.

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I actually rerolled empire because on rep side there are less people to play with. Chats are dead on rep side, none of those guys looks for groups anyway. Pvp invitation times are also almost same as on rep side so there's no disadvantage. And we win almost every game.


So basically if you wanna play an MMO, join empire, if you are more the single player type, stick to the reps.

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In all honesty the factions are already starting to slide twords balance. I am getting less and less huttball matches in a row, and quite a bit more variety in opponents in other matches. Also I have been playing huttball vs republic quite often recently. Imbalance tends to work itself out after a while, once the "alure" of the bad guys wears off people switch to the side they like more. I am personally staying sith because I love the sith warrior story, personal opinion alert. Edited by Aghar
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Honestly, I wouldn't even mind rerolling. The reason why I am hesitant to do so is because of the champion bags ********. I had to grind that crap for such a long time and I only recently managed to get my full set. The thought of having to go through that **** again is a major turn off.
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And what bioware could do as a hotfix is giving people with a lvl 50 sith an exp boost on replublic.


For example if you have a level 50 sith and played for 4 weeks now, the next republic character you make could have a 4 week rested bonus.


Depending on how much of a boost we get the Legacy system might go a long way to encouraging more alts on the Republic side, but that's not until March.

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I actually rerolled empire because on rep side there are less people to play with. Chats are dead on rep side, none of those guys looks for groups anyway. Pvp invitation times are also almost same as on rep side so there's no disadvantage. And we win almost every game.


So basically if you wanna play an MMO, join empire, if you are more the single player type, stick to the reps.


So instead of doing something about it you made it worse

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In all honesty the factions are already starting to slide twords balance. I am getting less and less huttball matches in a row, and quite a bit more variety in opponents in other matches. Also I have been playing huttball vs republic quite often recently. Imbalance tends to work itself out after a while, once the "alure" of the bad guys wears off people switch to the side they like more. I am personally staying sith because I love the sith warrior story, personal opinion alert.


I've been noticing the same thing. A lot more Civil War and Voidstar matches lately and a lot more Huttball vs Republic matches.

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I've already rerolled, but an increase to valor and exp gain would be much appreciated.


Would be nice but you already got boosted by Bioware in Ilum on patch day.


Now you want your republic player boosted. What about the people that were republic from the start?

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Can't reroll.


On the server I'm on, I used up all the char slots with Empire chars. One of each AC. Each is too high level (lowest is 25 I believe) to delete now.


If I switch to another server - no legacy levels, they're server-specific. I have to start at absolute zero. And I don't feel like it.


Most importantly, I don't like the slow and unimpressive and clunky animations so many Republic classes have.


And many Empire players are in the same boat.


Having said all that, if Bioware gave the underdog faction a serious buff, like +500% XP gain, I would reroll. Players can't solve PvP, but Bioware can. All they have to do is add STRONG INCENTIVES to level Republic.

Edited by Sabbathius
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But you as an empire player, guild, guildleader can.


Reroll with all your friends if you want balanced pvp and this game to continue.


I tried. My friends laughed. I'm now a lonely republic. I guess I could find someone else to play with, but seems like reps are limited to 5 people per planet, where 2 of said 5 never heard of general chat, or english for that matter.

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I have been playing republic since launch because I enjoy a target rich environment.


That and the quality of PVP will be higher on the republic side since they have to learn to do more with less people.


I will take a group of skilled/teamwork oriented players over a mindless light sabre & lightning zerg any day.


You are kidding me, right? In PvP (huttball not counting here) I constantly see 6+ Sage teams, swarming with utter zerg strats. All healing themselves, shielding, pushing, running, CC'ing. Its ugly, ugly and utter ugly. It needs to, and will be fixed. Not soon, not in a long time most likely, but it has to happen. Try to enjoy PvE for the moment, or roll a PvP only sorc/sage if you want to faceroll.


In my experience warrior is to much of a pain to bother lvling, even tho the story is the most compelling, so OP became my rescue after getting a merc to 44 (which is too easy to be any fun).

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I would reroll if I just had some sort of bonus to it, because as it stands lvling 1 to 50 again is not an option, not to mention valour ranks is just a big nono.


Got to used to heirlooms in Wow, will see what happens in March when they add the legacy system.

Edited by Kulthiron
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Why would they solve a problem they don't have. PvP isn't a problem for Empire, it's a problem for Republic.


You mean faction imbalance is not your problem? Constant huttball in warzones. No targets in open world?

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Would be nice but you already got boosted by Bioware in Ilum on patch day.


Now you want your republic player boosted. What about the people that were republic from the start?


You don't have to abondon your level 50 char, they do. Why should you get compensated.

Also, you gain a lot by people swapping, why ask for even more.

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