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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

lack of combat ressurection


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Am I missing something or are we the only healing class that has no combat ressurection at the moment? Our team is just starting with the hard modes and we often get our butts kicked on these enounters.


The reason why we wipe is because our interupter for example dies and we cannot ressurect him during combat....


Is this an oversight perhaps on the class design, or do we as mercenary have some kind of advantage in healing that others do not have?

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In my opinion, Bodyguard spec will get some kind of buff soon to put it on level field with other healers. I'm not sure what the real advantage of BH healer is...



vent heat i guess huh? is there a "recharge force" for INQ?


but yeah you guys need a bit of love, but BH healers can do well, i like my friends healing as BH

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vent heat i guess huh? is there a "recharge force" for INQ?


Yes, there is. Consumption is actually free for them with how efficient their endgame healing can be, and it is spammable. They either get free casts of it (their SCG is up every 6 seconds but only works on the next heal) which is worked into the healing rotation, or they heal for more hp lost with energy gains on top of it.

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This is my major gripe with BH healing, I can deal with the fact that we dont have an AOE heal (I dont count kolto missile since it only hits 3 people for a relatively low amount, good for buying you a second or two if it doesn't proc on the wrong people). However, the lack of a combat res is just gimping for raid groups especially. I would like to be a healer, but I actually mostly grab exterminator gear and just replace the accuracy mod, because the healer gear bonuses are **** anyways, plus if they decide that BH is fine as is then we will really only be viable as pure DPS since we have little utility.


Granted, aresenal BHs are great to have in raid groups, would take all arsenals for DPS in any raid, maybe have one other class with an interrupt though so its not all on the tank.


I don't think the mainstream has really discovered the many disadvantages of taking a BH healer over any other healer class. People are still asking me to combat res all the time. Give it time though and HM raids will soon be all "non-BH Healer" calls.

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