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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ideas For the Future of SWTOR (come share them)


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Now that the script kiddies of instant gratification have followed through on their petty threats to leave the game, let's get down to Brass Tacks on making this game better. In consideration for the genre and the standards and practices of MMO's, some ideas just don't work, or are so ingrained into the core of the genre, they won't ever change, but, we'll say them anyway.


I always try to keep an even keel about how practical my ideas are, and I look back on over a decade of MMO playing for inspiration: What did I like about games from days gone by and what didn't I like. If I didn't like them, are they the staple of the game genre or just an annoyance from trying to do something different. All the same, here are some of my thoughts:


I won't delve into the negative of what I don't like, but keep it more positive with what I would like to see. I highlighted the titles so you can see if it's something you want to read further on.


- Mail on Ship. I don't think this would be game breaking or out of the ordinary, I think this would actually be a boon to the game. Having the ability to send guildies mail, or always know exactly where your email box is located would be quite awesome, honestly. There are still mailboxes everywhere, but I notice as I climb up in levels, the mailboxes aren't quite everywhere like they used to be. Having them on ship would be a small bone to throw those still around.


- Customizable UI. I know this is in the works, but I think I need to clarify my position: I'm not looking for 3rd Party UI's, just the ability to possibly change the skin to even a different color, to be able to move the windows (and save them to that position), and shrink or increase the size of the UI as a whole. If I could scale it down to about 60% of where it is now, I'd be happy with even that! Anything beyond being able to move, save and change the scaled size of the UI is a bonus in my opinion.


- A lit less sharding. I understand the graphics can really get bogged down, we saw that in Ilum after the patch, but I'm talking more about the Universe at large. Increase the player cap per shard so we can actually see each other. Sure, we all communicate through the General Chat, and we know there are tons of people around, but we're not seeing each other. Increasing the shard cap a bit so there is a sense of a crowd in the shards would be great. I do recall days of slideshow towns in other games, too, and cities got names like 'Laggrimar' and 'Dalagaran' for a reason: Too many people. But, right now, we're not seeing enough of each other, let there be more of us to gather in an area in the lowbie worlds. My apologies to those with computers that can't handle the graphics increase it will cause.


- Crew Skills. If I am on my ship, I would like to be able to use my own workbench to craft items. My crew can still do these, but, if I am on my ship, I should be able to craft myself. I can gather when out in the real world, and my crew does missions to get mats, but, I can't craft? I'd like to see my character be able to craft on my ship. That would be quite awesome, honestly.


- Non-Tethered Agro. I don't know why groups of mobs are tethered together like they are. In every other MMO, you can split these out, take them one at a time, but in TOR, mobs all the way across the room, that are no where near agro range are agroed because they are tethered to a group. 'Untether' them, please. It would be nice to be able to lull the creatures and mobs prior to pulling them. Just a thought.


As an a final statement towards the state of the game, here are some things I personally don't care about, but understand there are some players passionate for these in game features:


- Damage Meters. I could live without them. I understand their need in high end raiding, too, but I could live with or without them. Some people need this measuring stick, and I'd say it'd be good to have to appease those folks.


- LFG Tool. I truly feels this takes away from the game socially. After it's put in the game, people stop talking and hit buttons waiting for a queue to pop. There's little talking within groups and ninja looting gets increased, infinitely so if it's a cross server LFG. Cross Server LFG Tools are the devil and the death knell of social interaction in the game. Knowing the other players can't even talk to you after the group is done leads to the worst part of the human psyche coming to the forefront because there is very little penalty, if any, for bad behavior. I am against this all the way, but realize I am in the minority, so I add it here anyway.


- Pre-Made Group Tools for PVP. I'm not big into PVP like I used to be, I've reached a higher plane of understanding and enlightenment regarding PVP in games and we'll leave it at that. There are those, though, that live and breathe it, and when they want to PVP, they want organization and victory! This would be a boon to those and really bring PVP to the next level in the game. Sure, some random scrubs will be destroyed by pre-mades, but that's more incentive to put your own bruise crew together and pillage the opposition. It's a bonus for those really into PVP.


This last one is a flight of fancy, a pipe dream, but a dream idea, none the less:


- Epic Quest to change Faction. This is my dream request, and something I understand won't come around till say, an expansion, but something that would make me squeal like a Japanese schoolgirl. I play a Dark Jedi, I purposely make the dark side choices because, well, it's fun as Hell, to be honest. But I digress. Having a quest story line that would allow me in the course of the quest to slowly cross over to the Sith Side, and begin using Sith towns, merchants, Fleet, etc would be truly epic! Mind you, this questline would be immense, and I am very understanding of the coding it would take, but, seriously, would that would be cool or what?!?! Having an Inquisitor making all the Light Side choices, and then having the opportunity to change to the Republic would be groundbreaking work in an MMO. Honestly, it would set a new precedent in how MMO's work.


I'd like to see what ideas others have., Please, be realistic with your wants and desires, some stuff just can't be done in these games. All thoughts are welcome, and hopefully there'll be no flaming now that the frothing throng have left.

Edited by QDMcGraw
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I want Pazzak. Just saying. Imma want something to do other than OPS and PvP. Not having anything to do at end-game besides Raids and PvP Killed WoW for me. I think BW will deliver some of this content in the form of their revamp to the space-combat system, which will be cool. My question is though. Why have an empty casino on Nar Shaddaa... They already have the models for tables and game machines in game, why not add playable games?


Just saying. I want Pazzak.

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You know, agree with pretty much all of your post. But I do not have the time to go in depth with explaining what I would like to see; however, I will give them barney style.



The UI never cause me any problems until I PVPed for the first time. I am not a huge PVPer and even on SWG, I only PVPed to get certain items/gear/tokens ect ect, but this game's pvp is different. The basic concept of running to the middle and killing those who are red has been changed to a more specific objective. But like I said, I am new to the SWTOR PVP concept so I do not remember their names outside of Huttball, but the once warzone on the ship (what ever the name is) has a mini map that is stuck on the upper right portion of the screen which makes the upper right toolbar useless. As I said, this is the first issues I had with the UI but afterwards, I would easily support its change and personalization ability.



I would like to see a Appearance tab. But I was willing to wait 6 years for SWG to get this, so I am sure I can wait in SWTOR.


I would love to see ultra settings in the game as well. But this is just because I am simple minded and love visuals. I honestly think the game looks fine now outside of a few minor texture issues. But would love to see the game from a hi-res view point one day.



I agree, mail on the ship is a must and IMO is a priority.


I would like to see some type of buffing prof implemented. SWG had ents which caused for mass interaction in mos eisley. Something along these lines to help increase the social aspect of the game outside of normal questing ect ect.



I would also like to be able to rename my companions. I am all about the storyline and how it feels personal, but haveing seeing 50 others with Khem walking around just removes the personal feel. Allowing me to select a name for my companion's would increase the individual/personal feel of the storyline. This dosnt have to be something where I am allowed to make up the name, but something like the appearance of the companion where you can earn tokens ect which allow you to change the name. they could be obtained from a list of stored named as long as the list consist of high numbers and variety.



I would also like to see some form of customization of the our ship. Some way to be able to change around the inner appearances of the ship (ie couches, screens ect ect) these items could be part of a token/loot system.

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All the ideas I have require an entire different game, an actual MMO.


Honestly dude, the OP created this thread to discuss ideas for the game, not your freaking negativity! Please help at least one thread to stay on topic!

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Macros and or Add-ons would be my top request.


LFG same server is also very much needed. I have only done 2 FPs at 48 because I can never find a group and my whole guild is already 50 v.v



I fricken LOVE the idea for the long quest chain to switch sides. It would be fun to take my BH through this long conversion process and ending up with a republic trooper. If that got introduced into a MMO it would be epic

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I would like to see a Appearance tab. But I was willing to wait 6 years for SWG to get this, so I am sure I can wait in SWTOR.


I feel ya there, that'd be cool.


I would love to see ultra settings in the game as well. But this is just because I am simple minded and love visuals. I honestly think the game looks fine now outside of a few minor texture issues. But would love to see the game from a hi-res view point one day.


I built a machine to eat video games alive, and I'd like to use it to it's full potential. Nothing has caused me lag yet.


I would also like to be able to rename my companions. I am all about the storyline and how it feels personal, but haveing seeing 50 others with Khem walking around just removes the personal feel. Allowing me to select a name for my companion's would increase the individual/personal feel of the storyline. This dosnt have to be something where I am allowed to make up the name, but something like the appearance of the companion where you can earn tokens ect which allow you to change the name. they could be obtained from a list of stored named as long as the list consist of high numbers and variety.


It would be cool to be able to do that, but I think it's coded into the voice acting. Perhaps having a nickname for them, so the voice actors call them by their true name, but it would be neat to have other names we could call them.


I would also like to see some form of customization of the our ship. Some way to be able to change around the inner appearances of the ship (ie couches, screens ect ect) these items could be part of a token/loot system.


Heck, we can change our companions, why not new skins for ships? Graffiti on the side, or something... Yes, that would be neat!

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I love the epic faction change quest. But....that's a long shot. Who knows though, it's a fun thought. I like your list. I don't understand why anyone would be against a LFG tool, but each man his own. I personally would like to see these things...


- Ultra Video Settings (Including Hi-res Textures)

- More playable races (Something non-human looking)

- Less instancing (I never see anyone)

- Merged servers (Each world I'm on has about 13 people)

- Change companions name

- More PvP areas and brackets

- Harder Instances and Flashpoints. (Let's be honest, the game is easy)


That's about it. I love this game, it just needs some tweaking. It'll be just fine :)

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Some thoughtful stuff in the OP, much I agree with.


Does the LFG need to be cross-server? I think so...


Personally, I think the last suggestion is a great idea.


Expanding on that, I'd like to see characters stories grow past level 50 in different ways, and that PvP/Operations not the only option for end game content.


I think we see hints of it in what BioWare is saying with content...


But maybe every 2-3 months a "new chapter" is released with the story of each class advanced a little against the back drop of the growing Imperial/Republic war. There's a lot of scope there for stories and character.

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I love the epic faction change quest. But....that's a long shot. Who knows though, it's a fun thought. I like your list. I don't understand why anyone would be against a LFG tool, but each man his own. I personally would like to see these things...


- Ultra Video Settings (Including Hi-res Textures)

- More playable races (Something non-human looking)

- Less instancing (I never see anyone)

- Merged servers (Each world I'm on has about 13 people)

- Change companions name

- More PvP areas and brackets

- Harder Instances and Flashpoints. (Let's be honest, the game is easy)


That's about it. I love this game, it just needs some tweaking. It'll be just fine :)


After reading the OPs comments on companions name, I can see his logic, so a nickname would would while not affecting the original name.


The instancing is a bit off, even though the world shows 140 people, I hardly see 30-40, but every time I ask in general chat for a group, i hardly get crickets. But like you state, less instancing would be great.


The mass servers are a product of teh community's complaints about que times. BW introduced a ton of new servers when the game went live, but now that initial influx of people are gone, I think we could do with some mergers.


One thing I did not address is the races. I would love to see more species but I understand this is something they can implement in expansions and patches once the textures have been implemented. I am sure BW will introduce new ICONIC species into the game as playable races.

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But maybe every 2-3 months a "new chapter" is released with the story of each class advanced a little against the back drop of the growing Imperial/Republic war. There's a lot of scope there for stories and character.


ooh! That's a good idea! That shouldn't be too difficult to put into the game as it is, and would be quite awesome!


Expanding on that: Bounties on opposing faction players! Imagine having a bounty placed on your character and someone has to kill you 3 times in a PVP match to collect the bounty. First one to 3 collects it. I intentionally applied this directly to the reader as the target so they understand the scope of the Bounty. Another player would pay like 50K credits to have you offed!

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Oh and I forgot....they need to clump servers into groups of 3 or 4 (Not combine, but share the same LFG tool) and then a separate server for instancing. We should make grouping as easy as possible. It's an MMO. It will fix a lot fo problem people are having with sitting around waiting in a game, which btw is meant to be fun :)
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SPACE COMBAT I would like a big update to space combat. Not really like SWG more like Star Wars Battlefront 2.


Yes, I was waiting for this one: Spaceship PVP. Seriously! This needs to happen! I'm surprised it took this long for someone to mention it. I left it off intentionally to see how long it would take to be breached as a subject.

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Armor should be able to be dyed. Troopers look TERRIBLE if they don't have a full set. Right now my commando has an Orange Helm and Chest, Brown gloves, grey pants, brown boots. Seriously, he looks like a circus clown. GIVE ME DYE.


Dye has been a huge success in every MMO that has used it, and why you would limit your customer's choices and customization I don't know.

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Armor should be able to be dyed. Troopers look TERRIBLE if they don't have a full set. Right now my commando has an Orange Helm and Chest, Brown gloves, grey pants, brown boots. Seriously, he looks like a circus clown. GIVE ME DYE.


Dye has been a huge success in every MMO that has used it, and why you would limit your customer's choices and customization I don't know.


They had a system in the beta where you could activate something and then your whole armor got the same color as you chest piece.

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Small thing's i'd like to see:


Blade Wall for knights and warriors. It's similar to throwing your lightsaber, but instead you make it hover infront of you where it spins round in a fast circle creating a shield which deflects all enemy abilities for 10 seconds, but you can't perform any of your own abilities and all healing recieved is reduced by 20%. 5 minute CD.

canyon asteroid mission for space combat. It akes place on a massive asteroid, flying through caves, round pillars and through canyons. The objective isn't to destroy so many of this that and every other target (although that's a bonus objective) it's to successfully navigate through the caverns of the asteroids chasing a drone ship that's downloaded sensative information about the empire/republic and needs to be destroyed. Only problem is the drone's shields are impenatrible by lasers and conventional rockets, but can be severly damaged by large rocks or debris, making the main object to blast chunks of rock into the drone ship to remove the shield before destroying it.

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