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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware - coaching and counceling session. Official 90 day probation


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In the "real" world where I work, when I have an under-performing employee or group of employees, I use a simple method of communication and setting expectations.


So - your on notice - I'll pay for this game, for 90 more days. In that time I expect the following to be improved upon in a substantial way.


UI improvements - You must not forget, scale UI and the ability to move all windows is a show-stopper for almost 65% of your player base. I would count this as one of my largest alligators, and get it out quickly to douse the flames. (pun intended)


Class quests completeness - You fished us into this wonderful story quest and dropped the ball on many of them, from fights that need to be tuned, to getting stuck on special "ships" designed for an arm of your quest. It is imperative that you at least get the story quests all functioning error free, and set up a tiger team to deal with your remaining exception issues caused by the chaos factor.


Ability Delay and Combat system tuning - This is one of the hardest things to nail down, but, it exists. Acknowledge to the community that it exists, isolate the situations where it happens and dive deep into the issue - maybe a complete retune of the system is required. Ah-la Vanguard just after beta 3.


Community forums reps - This should be another top issue, you need more of these people, control these forums and push them to constructive posts. You let the trolls loose and have been in a reactive mindset since. You can correct that with some keen social engineering and dedicated focused efforts in all sub-forums.


Framerate issues: continue to work hard with the OEM's to fully support the latest generations and maintain at least a 2 generation legacy compatibility.



I will clearly state my intentions if these areas do not see significant improvement:


I intend to divide my /played time by my average salary, figure out my per hour cost and total cost of efforts into this game and then dedicate that same portion of time and money to ensure the entire Internet knows full well each and every bug, **** up and short sighted decision you have made - I intend to evoke CAVEAT EMPTOR and do my best to sully any good press you might be able to muster after the world discovers a majority of your budget was spent on voice actors, not game play, most of us use subtitles and spacebar through the damn quests anyhow.


To keep this constructive: I have laid out my expectations, and in my opinion the expectations of the majority of this community. I have also laid out my results if met, and if not met.


I will end with a statement of my preference: I'd like to keep paying you for this game, and keep playing. I expect EA/Bioware - as a company to step up and support this game in a professional manner, right now it feels like a small coder sweatshop in canada is in charge.




50 BH <Sith Happens>

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Well said. You'd think with the way EA stock is dropping and the huge sales drop and sub loss, they would know drastic measures need to be taken to save the game. Otherwise we'll be F2P in a few more months. We shall see.


I had so much high hopes for this game, I have a 5k IRA from an old job that I was going to invest purely in EA stock back in November. Then it was at around $23 per share. I ended up just not getting around to it and I'm so glad I didn't now.

Edited by Gashers
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So - your on notice - I'll pay for this game, for 90 more days. In that time I expect the following to be improved upon in a substantial way.



I sense your 45$ will be crucial in hiring the extra workforce required to meet your demands and timeline.

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the huge sales drop

A game's sales drop after the initial "launch surge"? Preposterous!


and sub loss,

More than what would normally be expected at the end of the 1st month? With a source to back up any figures please

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We know that many people have suggestions on improving Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. There is already a discussion about what kind of changes members would like to see to enhance their gameplay experience so we are asking everyone to please hold that conversation in the following thread:




We appreciate your help in keeping the discussion focused and the forums a little more user-friendly for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation!

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