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premade pvp teams should be banned


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My question is will BW Stop this or will they let this go on forever? not only me asking this alot of my friends think the same thing, pvp is unfair against premades. And no point staying in the warzone.



Well why not team up with these friends and stop pugging.


MMOs is about playing with people if you don't want to group up and play with others go play something else.


People *****ed about no 50 brackets they got it, now people complain about wait times.


So Yes lets make a premade only bracket, so people can complain about even longer waits.

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OP how about this


1: learn the wz

2: do what u supposed to do in wz

3: learn to communicate with the premades

4 get in a guild



the fact u come here and qq about premades when most of the time u win because of them shows exactly point 1 -3

each time we go in wz as premade mostly in alderan at start we tell the strategy the fact that U PUGS cand follow 3 words on a screen because u think u are badarse and u are smarter then 4 ppl using voice and organization, it's your own fault. To be honest as premade we lost many times because pugs do not listen , if it would be me i would like to have 8 of my own guild who know what they are doing then listen to pug qq and running like a headless chicken in huttball yelling heal me heal me when he could have just passed to our tank




ps: yes in alderan we tell pugs to tipe what side gets ppl : left right center and always we have 1 from premade in the middle the rest fill up the attacked sides, so before u qq how about lear to play , we did meet pugs that knew what to do and we did 600-0 with them

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