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Republic Players should Join in a Boycott


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I know it likely will not happen but if many Republic players just say NO! we are not logging in one weekend I bet our fellow Imperial players may understand that this game is no fun without us.



What you think my fellow Repubs? we can spread the word in fleet after agreeing to a date(s).

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I know it likely will not happen but if many Republic players just say NO! we are not logging in one weekend I bet our fellow Imperial players may understand that this game is no fun without us.



What you think my fellow Repubs? we can spread the word in fleet after agreeing to a date(s).


Oh no! I'll have to just continue doing flashpoints with my friends! Please, don't go!

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Illum as republic is BS. There's just no point trying. Get a big group together and actually start winning? all the imps tell their guild and even more of them show up. I'd settle for only being outnumbered 2 to 1 at this point. Edited by Dystopic
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I'm up for it. Imperials got free Battlemaster by doing nothing and what do we get?

Stupid Bioware


Please explain how we get free Battlemaster because im only VR 49 :(.


I do understand that Republic is lower populated than Empire and i was discussing it with my friend and she summed it up people chose lore (Imp) over decent pvp and good gameplay (Rep). I mean if the Republic were able to turn deadly sith into controlled and calm Jedi then i may have gone a different path; but i love the fact i can bend and twist a Jedi to my Will (Ashara Zavros) and the whole Sith Warriors being able to destroy Jaesa and make her really evil and twisted really appeals to me.


But yea dont think its just you guys getting fed up with the inbalance as its no fun to sit there outside your base on Ilum and farm the ones whop are unlucky enough to stray too far from the 'deadzone'. Id rather earn my kills and fight properly to that but hey people will always choose a side that they feel most comfortable playing and Bioware wont be able to change that unless they put a cap on amount of Empire/Republic on a server and make it so only one side can be made to level it out.


My 2 cents!

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Well guys everbody must boycot not just Republic. I have republic friends I feel really bad for them. They have been trying to reach Valor rank 60 , playing all day for one month. But a patch comes and gives empire players a boost by gicing the opportunity to slay everything including turrets. And empire get huge and huge amounts of valor by doing nothing. And most of the experienced players knew that there was going to be a problem but Bioware acted like an amateur and now Republic players can not enjoy pvp.


Do you really think it is fair for them??? Of course Ilum abuser empire players will not complain but in the long term this patch fuked everything up. And it is not player's fault. So be a man about it support our frineds in Republic.

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Please explain how we get free Battlemaster because im only VR 49 :(.


I do understand that Republic is lower populated than Empire and i was discussing it with my friend and she summed it up people chose lore (Imp) over decent pvp and good gameplay (Rep). I mean if the Republic were able to turn deadly sith into controlled and calm Jedi then i may have gone a different path; but i love the fact i can bend and twist a Jedi to my Will (Ashara Zavros) and the whole Sith Warriors being able to destroy Jaesa and make her really evil and twisted really appeals to me.


But yea dont think its just you guys getting fed up with the inbalance as its no fun to sit there outside your base on Ilum and farm the ones whop are unlucky enough to stray too far from the 'deadzone'. Id rather earn my kills and fight properly to that but hey people will always choose a side that they feel most comfortable playing and Bioware wont be able to change that unless they put a cap on amount of Empire/Republic on a server and make it so only one side can be made to level it out.


My 2 cents!


I am not saying you,but i have read many posts here of people that are Imps that just space barred all the dialogue,im sure there is plenty looking at the mindset that seems to fit from that camp.

Edited by Sathid
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For the most part the Empire wouldn't notice. Sure they would probably be forced to play a handful more Huttball games and to farm someone republic alt on Ilum but otherwise what impact would it have.


You have three choices. Accept the fact that BW doesn't care and make the best of it. Embrace faction imbalance and join the Empire or send BW a clear message by cancelling your account and listing faction balance as the primary reason.

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For the most part the Empire wouldn't notice. Sure they would probably be forced to play a handful more Huttball games and to farm someone republic alt on Ilum but otherwise what impact would it have.


You have three choices. Accept the fact that BW doesn't care and make the best of it. Embrace faction imbalance and join the Empire or send BW a clear message by cancelling your account and listing faction balance as the primary reason.


Well if they add same faction Wz's i will cancel,whats the point anymore on a PvP server and the saga of star wars is the almost eternal battle,but this battle did not last a month.

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