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Yea know, it's possible to do 3 factions in this game.


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They could simply add a 3rd Hutt Faction to Illum, and allow Empire Players to choose the Profit driven Hutts over doing the Empire, since we know they have no problem fighting one another in Huttball.


Simply allow guild leaders to declare allegiances how there, and you'd help the population some what.

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Yeah, it's possible to do a third faction.


But it's basically shoveling money into a furnace.


If people left because of PvP already, it's unlikely they'll come back. And developing new factions and reworking every single part of PvP to make it fit the three-faction system would cost the developer hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Is three-faction PvP a good idea? Usually, yeah. It does a good job of keeping the winners beat down by the majority.


Is it gonna happen? No way in Hell. There isn't enough money left.

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That's too early to call.


Not really. By the time they got around to implementing changes that make pvp more than just a distraction, other titles like DOTA2 or GW2 will be around.


You only get one shot in this biz, no one's paying $60 plus however many $15's a month to wait until this **** gets straightened out.

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Not really. By the time they got around to implementing changes that make pvp more than just a distraction, other titles like DOTA2 or GW2 will be around.


No release date yet for GW2, and DOTA2? Are you kidding me? Another one of those HoN/LoL games? Sorry, but noone in their right mind would play that over this game.

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Not really. By the time they got around to implementing changes that make pvp more than just a distraction, other titles like DOTA2 or GW2 will be around.


You only get one shot in this biz, no one's paying $60 plus however many $15's a month to wait until this **** gets straightened out.


Ehm... DOTA2 is a completely different genre, way to fail at comparisons.

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Not really. By the time they got around to implementing changes that make pvp more than just a distraction, other titles like DOTA2 or GW2 will be around.


You only get one shot in this biz, no one's paying $60 plus however many $15's a month to wait until this **** gets straightened out.

I'm enjoying it.


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