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5K Hit Medal ??


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Is it possible for Marauder and if so how?


First let me tell you what I've tried to get it.


I use Adrenal surge , Relic with crit and surge boost, Berserk and Bloodthrist . Also Im running with mostly Champion gear have I think around 400 expertise.


The best I've been capable of so far is :-


Anni Spec- annihilate 4.1k


Rage Spec - Smash 4.5k


Carange- Force Scream - 4.5k ( Current spec still trying this one)


So anyone Marauder out there getting this medal with ease can give me a few pointers?

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seen a video of klinda getting 6k+ crits, although this was before patch, im assuming rage spec plus stacked smash dmg.


That video is ages old v's pre-50's.


I think its possible - I'm a mix of Champ + Cent gear (without the MH) and I get 4.6k Smash crits on new 50's. So with better gear I'd say its possible.


I use Power trinkets not Surge though.

Edited by Draexnael
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I've played all three extensively, and while you need good gear at least, the easiest spec is rage, by far. Carnage has a guaranteed crit, but it's tougher to make Force Scream hit hard enough. Annihilation has a stronger attack, but no way to guarantee a crit when you set everything else up. Rage has a guaranteed crit and a hard hitting attack, and it's AoE to boot, which means if you can get a few people with it the odds you hit someone with low expertise are higher.
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Ive gotten it with all 3 specs.


One of the 15 second potions, relic, pvp pot, (I forget the name but our 15% damage ability) and qz red buff.


As long as you dont have crap gear, and dont hit anyone with to much armor/expertise its not that bad. Granted I quit this patch, so im not sure if its harder with all 50 wz's.

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Ive gotten it with all 3 specs.


One of the 15 second potions, relic, pvp pot, (I forget the name but our 15% damage ability) and qz red buff.


As long as you dont have crap gear, and dont hit anyone with to much armor/expertise its not that bad. Granted I quit this patch, so im not sure if its harder with all 50 wz's.


Overcharge consumable and warzone buff no longer stack unfortunately.


Best way to do it now IMO would be any overcharge consumable or warzone buff, bloodthirst, pop your trinkets, find someone who looks squishy, hope for a crit unless it's 100%, ???, profit.

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