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EA Stocks fall due to SWTOR


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So I see someone toss out a random link about an analyst and his opinion. Then I go to his post link and see:




“We believe that these concerns are overblown, and that the company’s revenues are tracking ahead of the high end of guidance for the fiscal year.”


Please, if you do not understand how the market works, stop posting Doomsday links as if it some kind of validation of your personal views of this video game.

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Just profit taking pre feb 1 earnings report. Sell portion of your stock to realize 2011 gains and or offset 2011 losses it is still up 20% over the previous 12 mos.


Although best buy's december numbers would certainly indicate that report will look pretty good year over year.

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Remember back in the day when the words stock and market and shares never came near an MMO's community nor seemed overly much to affect the game? That all went on behind the scenes, but to the community, and the creativity running the show, it wasn't overtly about money.


F2P, which ends up making them more money in spite of the appeal to the customer with the word free, and quickly ends up degrading the quality of the game and the community in general, I think is a direct result of this line between the game end of things and the business end of things vanishing.

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From a trending perspective, EA seems far from doomed. They followed the NASDAQ and other indices for the longest time and then dropped off in the last few months (end of October, 2011), but so did Blizzard and Hasbro. Now all three are on a gradual downward slope that looks like it's leveling off, and all three are up at today's close from where they opened.


They'll be alright. As much as I dislike EA as an umbrella corp, I see very little wrong with SWTOR for this early in the release cycle.



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From a trending perspective, EA seems far from doomed. They followed the NASDAQ and other indices for the longest time and then dropped off in the last few months (end of October, 2011), but so did Blizzard and Hasbro. Now all three are on a gradual downward slope that looks like it's leveling off, and all three are up at today's close from where they opened.


They'll be alright. As much as I dislike EA as an umbrella corp, I see very little wrong with SWTOR for this early in the release cycle.




Thank you. This is a correct assessment of what is going on. Too many like to just call out doom and gloom and put no leg work into any of it. Then use it to solidify their opinion as if it were factual evidence of their personal beliefs.

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Oy, it's Elliot vs Efficient vs Monkeys all over again.


On one hand, trying to predict markets based on the numbers alone is the province of dartboards and lottery tickets with a better accounting format.


On the other, socioeconomic scholars, bending their pursuits to applied fields such as corporate marketing, bring some interesting and sometimes alarmingly relevant insights that raw numbers alone don't and can't yield.


Presuming you haven't lived under a rock at the bottom of the ocean for the past 20 or so years, assuming you're familiar with the late Steve Jobs and, at least in general, the success of Apple products under primarily his direction, you're probably also aware that Apple's become more than just a product brand that some people like well enough.


Jobs, as no one will dispute unless they like to be wrong, understood people. What they want; how they want it; what turned them on to something, got them excited, compelled their loyalty to an emotional icon.


I'd only half agree that analysts are barely better than playing a dartboard lottery.


Working in tandem with those that understand -people-, well...there goes the dartboard's relevance.


But then, any data is functionally worthless unless its in the hands of those that know how to use it in the contexts of not merely its own relevance, but in the context of its intended application.


In my experience, market analysts aren't any better at understanding -people- than the next guy or gal, or worse. All their numbers and carefully cultivated diagrams and tracking data may as well be incoherent strings of letters, numbers and symbols for all they'll be good for in the hands of someone that doesn't understand people.


Awful lot of people thought Steve Jobs was quite the arrogant S.O.B.


Is it arrogance if you're right and people really do tend to come in roughly six flavors of what they want and think they need?


Get mad at the cherished belief of people being 'unpredictable' being hilariously wrong if you think it'll help but, there you have it none-the-less; the Apple Culture.


Brought to you by a man that understood people working in tandem with people that understood the numbers.


A wizard didn't do it.


So, don't just look at the numbers, says me. Let's take a look also at how well Bioware/EA understand people.

Edited by Uruare
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Thank you. This is a correct assessment of what is going on. Too many like to just call out doom and gloom and put no leg work into any of it. Then use it to solidify their opinion as if it were factual evidence of their personal beliefs.


As far as I can tell from a bit of quick research it looks like they are going to be the first pure game stock to release data on the x-mas quarter and that was announced the day before it slid.


On wednesday we're going to get a very good read of the market. Holiday quarter results february 1. The stock also fell heading into it's february release last year then grew big out. Profittaking ready to jump back in wednesday morning or be glad they took their profits.

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Garbage analysts make market predictions based on a few weeks of almost entirely aimless complaints.


EA shares are on the rise again.


The shares have rizen 5.37 percent with an almost 100 percent retention rate, There is a great deal of information on how to interpet share value and recomendations, Its funny but the law of inertia drives the market, example if you see a stock moving up it is most likely it will keep moving up till it hits a plateau, Time to invest in bioware imo

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The incorrect information given by writer of article is in direct confrontation with the facts ,


joistiq analyst? thread http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/electronic-arts-stock-in-danger-thanks-to-swtor-fumbles/


this guy needs to learn how stocks work before commenting here is a another article from another source http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120201-721135.html


and yet another report http://finance.yahoo.com/news/EA-sells-2-million-units-Star-rb-2435005071.html?x=0

Edited by eldisper
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