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EA Stocks fall due to SWTOR


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Market analists and speculation, the perfect formula on how to bring a firm to its knees... :(


Someone needs to come up with some severe laws and regulations regarding these people, its about enough what they did to Europa and to the most western firms. :mad:

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Market analists and speculation, the perfect formula on how to bring a firm to its knees... :(


Someone needs to come up with some severe laws and regulations regarding these people, its about enough what they did to Europa and to the most western firms. :mad:


you spelling mistake is a much more apt description for Analysts :D

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WOW:D. I just got an e-mail from Cryptic for STO F2P. PLEASE COME BACK!!

I can count on a stopwatch how fast STO went F2P. Not to mention Champions Online going F2P and I believe Crypitc being bought by PWE.


SW:TOR is catching up to STO and CO fall to discrace at ludicrous.... no plaid speed.:eek:


I unsubbed and pooped open my CE so I could get one more free month of play but I WILL NOT be letting that debit card take a hit if things are the same in a month. The thing was a big eye sore in my office.


1. Guild Banks HELLO!!


2. UI movement. Don't show me a video in the background of someone doing it. I WANT TO DO IT. I'm running out of damn hotbar rows to play the freaking game well.


3. Its even worst that James Ohen mentions we kept everyone on board who was on the Dev team. Talk about trying to turn a weakness into a strong point. Its like the Monty Pythons knight sketch. "Just a Fleshwound M8".


After seeing this post I have gone to cautiously optomistic to waiting for the inevitable.


I really wonder how many people unsubbed yesterday. I couldn't get on the damn website and was wondering ***. Why are so many people on the forums.

Edited by Sepulta
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Of course there is a ripple in the share price. There always is when any sort of uncertainty occurs because of something that could affect profitibility occurring - some more conservative share holders may have dropped their shares in case of a worst case scenario with continuing subscriptions. It's simple caution. it doesn't really bode anything for the game as it is too early to tell what the financial performance will be like, although early reports have mostly been good. Also bear in mind that some would have invested short term to take advantage of the inievetable rise and fall of the share price during th efirst month or off the back of initial sale figures.


Bear in mind that analysts aren't always right and do manipulate the market. Also remember that that this game shattered all previous records for subscriptions at launch so the comment about initial sales being below expectations is either false or related to the fall in the rest of the industry's Christmas sales - most retailers reported falling sales in the last quarter with some notble exceptions. As for churn - it is quite early to tell, but as I said a lot of this will just be caution. You can't really tell churn statistics in the first month and you can't say for gertain what percentage of total sales have already been reached. Not everyone preorders or purchases in the first month.


I think that another factor to consider is the number of players who may unsubscribe now to play newly released non-MMO titles and then return in a few months time when some of the initial bugs have been ironed out.


Additionally listening to the negative opinions gives a rather unbalanced viewpoint- the MMO gentr tends to attract a crowd of unrealistic and overly emotional consumers who either don't really understand what the product is offering in the first place or who just enjoy giving negative reviews. The pplayers who are hapy with the game tend to be either busy playing or discussing the aspects of the game that interests them rather than voicing their demands and concerns on forums.


Finally if reports of EA pressing BioWare for an early release are true I rather think they're reaping what they sowed.

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Wow, you BOTH spelled it wrong ... you're


Actually, you're wrong.


"Your spelling mistake" is correct, it's possesive.


"You're spelling mistake" would be incorrect and spelled to "You are spelling mistake"




OT: The market changes repeatedly through the day. At one point, there could be a huge slide to which reports will fly around about a huge drop in a share price. Then by the end of the day it's back up again, but no one notices cause they'd rather wallow in the negative.


I have to say, I was a little pleased to see a hit in their stock price. Then again, a poorly performing company means a potential cut in jobs and in this economy, I don't wish that on anybody.


Just because I'm ticked at this game for the lack of some feature I feel are basic, doesn't mean the game as a whole is bad. Things will balance out and none of us know for sure how this will all play out.

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The issues they are having, are of their own making. I don't anticipate being around much longer either because of the Anti Internet policies they are choosing to support. I can't mention them because they will do something to my post. I can't mention what they'll do to my post cuz they'll do something to THAT post lol. It's too bad really, there was some potential here.
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Finally if reports of EA pressing BioWare for an early release are true I rather think they're reaping what they sowed.


That has been the death of more than one game (take KOTOR II for example - though not a BW game). I for one would have been content to wait a few more months, if it would have meant less bugs. But if it is true, I will just have to have patience and see whether BW can still pull it off despite EA. If EA lets BW do what needs to be done, it can be salvaged. I believe in BW track record. I have always been please with their work. But if EA chokes BW because of this analysis or similar bad press, then we may be seeing the first signs of inevitable death thralls.


On another note. As much damage as an analysis can do, EA/BW can turn that around in a hurry if they start talking to the gamers here on the Forums and give honest detailed answers, and maintain an open dialog with the player base. After reading these forums, it seems to me that most players will cut EA/BW some slack if they just knew their concerns were getting through, even if they have to wait their turn for attention. Cookie cutter cut and paste responses, and vague replies tend more to inflame than sooth issues.


Just saying... and that's my two cents.

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Market analists and speculation, the perfect formula on how to bring a firm to its knees... :(


Someone needs to come up with some severe laws and regulations regarding these people, its about enough what they did to Europa and to the most western firms. :mad:


I agree

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Market Analysts have the best job ever. They just look at numbers, and make complete guesses.


and then are "proven right" when people invariably react to their statements and make their concerns or recommendations seem valid. It's a self fulfilling prophesy.


Whatever, he was probably just made cause he got farmed in Ilum...


Frankly, on the scale of reliable gaming information, forum QQ'ers are still a few steps above a market analyst, I'm over it.

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Odd I read the Nasdaq reports and the fall in their stock price is more due to the concern 45% of their market is the EU and the EU is about to implode.

No Mention from any of the financial papers that the game is a problem.



Edited by MackumDog
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Didn't realize that a majority of the people on the forums were also qualified enough to denounce what professional analysts say.




Mine as well get rid of the profession if so many people can do it better and with less training than they have.


Maybe the same thing goes for developing MMO's....

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Didn't realize that a majority of the people on the forums were also qualified enough to denounce what professional analysts say.




Mine as well get rid of the profession if so many people can do it better and with less training than they have.


Maybe the same thing goes for developing MMO's....

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There is a lot more to stock prices than just one game. EA/BW has a decent size to large portfolio and a large share of the gaming market both in console and PC. SWTOR is not going to have a large effect as this analyst is describing.


Given the current state of the global economy, the current economic concerns across the board and the geopolitical climate of an election year all combine to have a major effect on stocks in almost any industry or commercial enterprise.


When you limit the analysis to just the gaming market there have actually been very few "failed" games. One of the fastest to fail was APB at one point, although it has since returned. Just because a game goes F2P does not mean it is a "fail" game either. The F2P model has been encroaching on the traditional model for some time now.


The point is, either you like the game or you don't. Either you keep subbing or you don't. It is an individuals choice and most people will decide on how it effects them...bugs, glitches etc.

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I bought EA a few days ago, not long after they dived on that uninformed idiot talking about SWTOR. Right this minute my shares are off by 0.24% since purchase. I expect them to climb over the next few months. Depending on what happens on Feb 1, they may take another hit in the short-term, but I'm comfortable with that risk. There's plenty of room for EA to grow in the next few years and they've got some serious titles coming in the next few months.
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