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Overload Saber Question


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Sorry if this is a noob question, but can someone please explain to me what overload saber does or how it works? I was under the impression that after activation and 3 melee attacks, the target would be set on fire for dot like cauterize. However, it doesn't appear to do anything when I use it. Am I not understanding what overload saber does or am I not doing it right? A typical situation would be force leaping to the target, activating overload saber in mid-air, and hitting strike three times. I see the overload saber animation and the icon counting down the number of hits needed, but I don't see any dot occurring after completing the three melee attacks. Thanks.
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Overload Saber makes your next 3 melee (white damage) attacks put a dot on the target.

That DoT stacks 3 times max, 1 melee attack = +1 to stack.


Mind you Overload Saber has a time limit too, so you can't enable it then wait a minute to start stacking.


As for your specific problem, the DoT should be up after 3 melee attacks.

Problem is, the DoT icon on your enemy is the same as Cauterize (unless it's stacked, in which case it shows how many stacks it has).


Also note: Overload Saber doesn't always work when you press it (specially mid air), so you have to press Overload Saber hotkey MULTIPLE times for it to trigger.

Edited by Vibeth
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