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*** is a troll?


dont they live under bridges?


oh and cheese is good, i hear


they're sort of like gremlins in the sense you don't want to feed them past midnight. except trolls you don't feed period.


blatant disregard for grammar and caps in yo face!

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Love that some ware in my whore-able Post all meaning of it was lost lol...:p


.1 sever are low pop...


.2. Game full of bugs....Still very fun...


.3. Not a good thing to Add a lot of new bugs and failed pvp experiments (not taking to player we might fix it or this how its going to be......


.4. Dev or mods ... Not running the forums fairly....... \


.5. ME Coldfilth cant spell anything cant you ...... ??////"" the right way ...


.6. no we cover 5 well...

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they're sort of like gremlins in the sense you don't want to feed them past midnight. except trolls you don't feed period.


blatant disregard for grammar and caps in yo face!


so like everyone thats all like "waaa i hurt my blame people who take SO long to create somthing for us to ENJOY"


WTB Tickets to where i live, selling FREE fist's to teh face, Norris style (wait thats boots to the face)


and who cares aboot grammer, G.T.F.O. of my country.

Edited by MrKarp
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Hmm I play on Jekk Jekk and its not a low pop server. And I pvp almost every day for a few hours and never even seen this guy. So why is your guild leavin? I could not understand that part. Its hard to follow this guy.

So from what I under stand is the op is leaving cause some mod dealted his post.

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Good job!!! Me My whole Guild all Ended the game today only 20 of use...Was it that the game was too buggy? No... was it that messy Iiilum up...No was the game not fun? We all really liked the game...My toon ended level 50 /64 valor .. still crushing in level 50 pvp...Full battle master gear...but now the pvp so boring not sure what u change and no one talking about it PvP is a small part of the game Till u hit level 50 then it going to take a big chunk of time up.....I left the game for one huge reason... The Devs or whoever where taking down post of player that had thing to say that where wrong... i read at lest 30 posted when hitting Refresh.. that where closed within 1 to 5 min of them getting posted !!!!!:eek: SO I POSTED 1 was up for 4 min then boom gone.... was like ok.. i make other boom email to me banned my post ....Boom deleted My own CC stuff.... Boom whole Guild leaves Boom all Sever pop r at light and holding again GREAT JOB!!! 1..HOW TO GET YOUR PLAYER BACK? fire your forum employees... 2 Read what the vast probs r ... Try to Fix them 1 by 1 by at lest tell use what your going to do or that your trying 2 do about the Bugs!!! not give me a vid of thing years from now that might or might not be in game...DO I WANT ANYTHING FOR FREE? NO!!! DO I WANT TO HAVE FUN PLAYING THIS GAME ??? YES....FOR ALL YOUR player that love this game for the right reason im sorry i feel bad too... for those players that this game is perfect u must work for swg in some way so Suck my mother @@@@ @@@@ and go away so real players can get some stuff fixed in game ....Sorry about my Spelling !!!! im Sad to leave! (may the devs roll you all back ) sure my post will be taking off time it up is 2;19 Boom Screen shot!


My ability to care about what you are saying has been fully debuffed by your awesome crit with a wall of gibberish.


I cannot even call it text.

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Love that some ware in my whore-able Post all meaning of it was lost lol...:p


.1 sever are low pop...


.2. Game full of bugs....Still very fun...


.3. Not a good thing to Add a lot of new bugs and failed pvp experiments (not taking to player we might fix it or this how its going to be......


.4. Dev or mods ... Not running the forums fairly....... \


.5. ME Coldfilth cant spell anything cant you ...... ??////"" the right way ...


.6. no we cover 5 well...


Fair enough. I'm gratified to see you have a good attitude about things. :)


1) Its 0230PST. The servers are likely to be low this early in the AM.


2) Yes buggy, yes fun, no not worth 15 bucks a month as it stands.


3) The content people are different than the bug fixing people, but in theory I agree.


4) Too many locked threads and whatnot for my taste, but eh, its their game, and their forums.


5) Agreed ;) Although, its not as bad as the guy with the "put sword in box" post in beta.


6. See 5.

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so like everyone thats all like "waaa i hurt my blame people who take SO long to create somthing for us to ENJOY"


WTB Tickets to where i live, selling FREE fist's to teh face, Norris style (wait thats boots to the face)


and who cares aboot grammer, **** of my country.


Just remember, Diablo 3 is coming, and it will be epic and well worth the wait. And don't tell me EA and Bioware doesn't have the money, time, or resources to put out a game just as good as diablo 3 will be =p Because you can look back on the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights (1 not 2... 2 sucked), Kotor series and they all rocked from the start. This game was released unfinished. And don't gimme that crap an mmo is never finished. This game wasn't baked as long as it should've been.

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My ability to care about what you are saying has been fully debuffed by your awesome crit with a wall of gibberish.


I cannot even call it text.


Id perfer to "classify" it by ancient bul shiz propaganda.


someone who just bought the game to play another mmo and kick the worldofwarCrack, failed, got bored becuase hes all like 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST SKIP EVERYTHING!!!!!!!


and got bored, they didnt spend all this time creating this game for you to get to end game 2 1/2 weeks into it and go IM BORED I QUIT ITS UR FAULT BIOWARE.


seriously, G.T.F.O of my county... (not you thurinor :) )

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Love that some ware in my whore-able Post all meaning of it was lost lol...:p


.1 sever are low pop...


.2. Game full of bugs....Still very fun...


.3. Not a good thing to Add a lot of new bugs and failed pvp experiments (not taking to player we might fix it or this how its going to be......


.4. Dev or mods ... Not running the forums fairly....... \


.5. ME Coldfilth cant spell anything cant you ...... ??////"" the right way ...


.6. no we cover 5 well...


Ah much better bro. Thanks for the update.


1. Bad breaks you rolled wrong server, besides killing or allowing ppl to transfer servers not much you can do


2. Yes there are bugs. I hope they fix them and yes the game is fun to play.


3. i would rather them experiment to make something better then not do anything at all.


4. I think they close when it is no longer constructive or to much flaming.


5. I don't really care about grammar as long as it makes sense you were all over the place.


6. Bro you were rage ranting pretty hard

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I guess you never played EQ, UO, FFXI, L2, or EVE have ya?


I've played almost every MMO to date back to Ultima. Perhaps I am just outdated. I was there when Lord English died. For thoughs of you that played that old 2D game he wasn't suppose to be killable. He was the King of the game. Forget the avatar that killed him but needless to say that avatar was perma banned.

Edited by jackalious
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Just remember, Diablo 3 is coming, and it will be epic and well worth the wait. And don't tell me EA and Bioware doesn't have the money, time, or resources to put out a game just as good as diablo 3 will be =p Because you can look back on the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights (1 not 2... 2 sucked), Kotor series and they all rocked from the start. This game was released unfinished. And don't gimme that crap an mmo is never finished. This game wasn't baked as long as it should've been.


Completely agree.




Barb is gonna rockz my sockz.


This all reminds me of... whats that game called....:confused:


Cocaine's one hell of a drug

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My ability to care about what you are saying has been fully debuffed by your awesome crit with a wall of gibberish.


I cannot even call it text.


I think the problem wasn't that he rolled a 20 lol He rolled like two or three 1's in a row on that one.

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Please dont quit. I want to join your guild to hear what you sound like in Vent.


You just made me spit Dr.Pepper all over my keyboard,


good lord thats good.


think he'd read me a book? with out the vowels of course.

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Hmm I play on Jekk Jekk and its not a low pop server. And I pvp almost every day for a few hours and never even seen this guy. So why is your guild leavin? I could not understand that part. Its hard to follow this guy.

So from what I under stand is the op is leaving cause some mod dealted his post.





I pvp alot !!! you must not... im there way to much i e i liked the game alot...



and yes "So from what I under stand is the op is leaving cause some mod dealted his post. "


this is why i leaven. rest my guild they just no having the same enjoyment out of game we all went from doing ton of pvp to hard-cores... i did 1 raid .....to datacran hunting for hours....was fun !!!!!! 1 patch fail that is not being address is making them go away...


Me i don't post ever!!!! this is a first time in any mmo for me.....


but the gamers the players you and me mabye not me that can spell better them me r get cut off by the mod or dev .... No way that does not fly in my world.... maybe in yours it ok .... first im paying for my game maybe your mom pays for you but thats not how the real world works...

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Hmm I play on Jekk Jekk and its not a low pop server. And I pvp almost every day for a few hours and never even seen this guy. So why is your guild leavin? I could not understand that part. Its hard to follow this guy.

So from what I under stand is the op is leaving cause some mod dealted his post.





I pvp alot !!! you must not... im there way to much i e i liked the game alot...



and yes "So from what I under stand is the op is leaving cause some mod dealted his post. "


this is why i leaven. rest my guild they just no having the same enjoyment out of game we all went from doing ton of pvp to hard-cores... i did 1 raid .....to datacran hunting for hours....was fun !!!!!! 1 patch fail that is not being address is making them go away...


Me i don't post ever!!!! this is a first time in any mmo for me.....


but the gamers the players you and me mabye not me that can spell better them me r get cut off by the mod or dev .... No way that does not fly in my world.... maybe in yours it ok .... first im paying for my game maybe your mom pays for you but thats not how the real world works...


Why is "im paying for my game maybe your mom pays for you but thats not how the real world works..." is the only sentence that makes sense?

Edited by MrKarp
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