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Seer @ lvl 20 - tree tips


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Just hitting 20 and I'm after some advice from experienced Seers out there as to how their trees look around this point and where they are putting points at this time in levelling.


I'd like to heal Flashpoints, and am using Qyzen as tanking/distraction for offensive pve in between, mainly I'd like to know are people putting all points into healing tree straight up? On the advice of some websites I've filled the bottom tier of the Telekinesis tree and Concentration for some number bumps, and just filled Immutable Force, finding I'm more of a dps/heal split at this early stage.


Apologies if this has been covered, I've searched through quite a bit and only found full tree guides, not sure if those people are re-speccing at 50 and see no real specific level-this-first detail. I know it's fairly early on to be all 'woah mass healz' but curious how you more experienced players got through!


Any helpful input for a learner healer/SW player much appreciated!!

Edited by Ophelyah
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Hey, I like you am a level 21 seer intending on healing as my main purpose. Pretty much everything you said seems similar to what I've noticed. There are a few guides to level 50 specs but none for leveling. Personally kg plan is to try and follow those specs more or less from the beginning. I put some of my first points in the other trees to get the force pool increase but now I'm working straight up the seer tree to get the first Heal over Time (hot) on the third tier. Once I get the HoT I'll finish working on the base tiers for the other skills to help healing. The only one of those I can remember is the willpower. I personally feel that my toolset is lacking without a HoT and think it should be priority two for healers after the increased force pool. Also some of the tier 1 skills are good but I don't like self-healing in tier two. It may be good for soloing but I just let Qyzen tank and heal him/Dps as needed.


I too would like to hear some advice of the higher level seers as to how they prioritized their skills at this point in the game and I would appreciate feedback in my plan of go for the HoT/avoid self heal buff will make sense in the long run. Personally I feel that it is not too important to follow any specific order because I don't plan to stay level 21 for a long time and eventually have all the talent points filled but there may be some vital skill that I want right away. Any advice will be gladly appreciated.

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Really you can’t go wrong choosing Will of the Jedi in the Balance tree for 2 points (those were my first two points), and my next two points were in Mental Longevity (Telekinesis tree). Both of these are in virtually every build I have seen, for obvious reasons…..


I did grab up three points of Inner Strength, also in the Telekinesis tree, but after that I am all Seer tree at level 30. So far so good. Relatively decent DPS in PvE, and when I can get past the lag in Warzones I am usually first or second in heals in PvP…usually behind a 45+.


Saying that though, you can experiment with whatever build you like. Maybe later they will create the Dual Spec everyone wants so badly so we can all change between a PvE spec and a PvP spec. That’d be awesome, and understand it’ll be out at some point in the not too distant future.

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I leveled my Shadow to 30 (balance) and then started my sage...


Probably should say off the bat, that you don't need to be in the seer tree to heal at this level. If this is yoru first healing experience in MMO's, then go for it. If you've healed before...not really important. you can heal just fine as KT or Balance.


Perhaps it's my experience with the balance tree, but at those early levels it really feels like balance has a slight dps advantage. Or at the least, an ease of play benefit. here's a few reasons why:


1) though Tk's 10pt talent hits 2 more people, i find it hard to get that many with its mechanics. it's dependent on a target, and the way mobs are spaced when leveling I find i rarely can tag the whole group...not to mention the horribly long cast time (which doesn't change until later on when you can get talents.


on the flip side, balance's FiB talent can target the ground, allowing you to place it more tactically...I find it more effective in hitting groups then Tk's 10pt..it's also instant, which helps allot. I love throwing it out ahead of me as I run in, feels very smooth.


2) you get a talent that boosts project. while I know it's debated at higher levels, at these levels it's a very big part of your rotation (instant too, which makes it easy to use)


3) plus you get a talent that allows your force lift to hit more mobs, makes crowd control easier...


And you can heal flashpoints fine as either TK or balance. although, if you really want to emphasis healing early on, you may want to put your first 5 pts into TK either way for the cost reduction, force increase.


Also, not saying that TK isn't a good leveling spec (Tons of sages love it), but I just found (after playing both a few times between 20 and 25), that early on, balance seems to be easier to control/down mobs with.

Edited by Elyx
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43 seer atm, been seer all the way since level 10. Yeah, lots of people say put the 5 points in TK tree first, and I did that too, looking back though the extra 100 force really wasn't needed for doing the leveling content, heroics and flashpoints. So, imo, you can save 2 points there and pick that up after you have finished the seer tree. Definitely put the 3 points in the reduced force cost though, although you can get away with just 2 and fill it out later as well.


As for what to take, get rejuvenate, conveyance and healing trance as quick as you can, don't bother with pain bearer or psychic suffusion for the moment they can wait (unless you are doing a lot of PvP and then i'm sure pain bearer would be useful), fill out penetrating light the extra crit chance is always useful.

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I started off at 10 as a healer and put points only in the Seer tree. Somewhere along the line (upper teens or lower twenties) I decided to swap to TK to help with the leveling. That lasted two days before I respeced back to straight healer. I did not put a point into the other trees until after I had 31 in Seer.


It is not like it is super hard to level up in this game. The only time I had serious force issues were in the longer boss fights and I soon learned that managing my interupts was more beneficial for the fights there anyway. I chose to go with the path that got me the better abilities sooner. I really don't see either way being that much of a difference for the 3 weeks (more or less) you spend leveling from 10 to 44. At 45 it becomes the same spec.

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Its advisable to go into the Telekinetics tree first for the extra 100 force and lower force cost.


However i didn't do this myself i went straight up the seer tree and only after reaching lvl 38ish did i start on the Tele tree. My reason for doing so was to get into the third tier for Rejuvenate and Conveyance asap. Both granting very important mechanics for a healing Sage. Also when i reached early-mid thirties i was able to get Healing Trance and Resplendence.

Those two extra heals and two talents work together granting alot of extra healing and in essence an unlimited Force pool.


There wasn't many situations where i felt i needed those extra force points, however i havnt done many flashpoints myself i'm mainly solo with a few heroics thrown in so going into Telekinetics first maybe the better option for yourself, it just means you get some nice healing spells a few lvls later.


This is the standard Healing Sage setup (pretty cookie cutter tbh)


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