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Mara has huge issues.


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Fury is totally pathetic, 2 mins to build the points for a weak 6 sec buff, or a 3 min cool down for the same? really?


the rage resource is annoying as hell, we dont have enough moves that fill the damn stuff, so we end up auto attacking just to get enough to do anything..


We have no viable CC but we have moves that need CC to work? really? ***? i think force choke used to work without channel but they changes it and forgot to fix other skills.


We should have force push and have the ability to frog leap, i mean it fits the mara role far more than the jugg.


This ui lag issues makes mara unplayable.


our defence cooldowns are on too low of a cooldown for such a squishy class.


the fury buffs are pathetic, they shoulds be like stance buffs, or atleast cooldown temp buffs.


I think fury is a borked mechanic, i however have an idea.


While in combat you gain fury, fury is gained just like how it is now but when it reaches 10/15/20/25/30 you get a scaling damage buff of 10/15/20/30% however once you hit 20% you start taking move damage 20=5% more 25= 10% more 30+ 15% more.


you are able to spend these fury points at any time using rage abilitys or force abilitys, each use will lower it by 20 and put an internal cooldown on fury regen of 6 sec.



i'm only a low mara atm so if i am mistaken pleaase point it out.

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Fury is totally pathetic, 2 mins to build the points for a weak 6 sec buff, or a 3 min cool down for the same? really?


the rage resource is annoying as hell, we dont have enough moves that fill the damn stuff, so we end up auto attacking just to get enough to do anything..


We have no viable CC but we have moves that need CC to work? really? ***? i think force choke used to work without channel but they changes it and forgot to fix other skills.


We should have force push and have the ability to frog leap, i mean it fits the mara role far more than the jugg.


This ui lag issues makes mara unplayable.


our defence cooldowns are on too low of a cooldown for such a squishy class.


the fury buffs are pathetic, they shoulds be like stance buffs, or atleast cooldown temp buffs.


I think fury is a borked mechanic, i however have an idea.


While in combat you gain fury, fury is gained just like how it is now but when it reaches 10/15/20/25/30 you get a scaling damage buff of 10/15/20/30% however once you hit 20% you start taking move damage 20=5% more 25= 10% more 30+ 15% more.


you are able to spend these fury points at any time using rage abilitys or force abilitys, each use will lower it by 20 and put an internal cooldown on fury regen of 6 sec.



i'm only a low mara atm so if i am mistaken pleaase point it out.


yea its not because your low... it's because you have no idea what your doing.

1. read your moves and how they work

2. read your talents and what they do

3. force push? we are melee that would cripple us. what we need if anything is a knockdown/stun.

4. dont use force leap to start combat save it for the knockback if you consider pvp

5. furry is not pathetic its just a lil niche for tight situations pretend its not there and when u need the juice itl be there.

6. once you get to 20 at the latest rage should not be a problem if so revert back to 1 and 2

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Yeah, it gets worse when you hit 50. We're supposed to be the ******es of the battlefield, yet we wear medium armor, have no knock back (though everyone else and their mother seem to have one) no cc, and the only abilities that we have that are worth a damn have to be channeled.


Wish they would have fixed bugs and worked on balancing issues before coming out with a content patch...

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Yeah, it gets worse when you hit 50. We're supposed to be the ******es of the battlefield, yet we wear medium armor, have no knock back (though everyone else and their mother seem to have one) no cc, and the only abilities that we have that are worth a damn have to be channeled.


Wish they would have fixed bugs and worked on balancing issues before coming out with a content patch...


this dude just fails... there is nothing wrong with the mara. if you think there is your doing it wrong plain an simple... dont come at me with that crap that why are half the population complaining then because the answer is in the question... 50 percent are complaining but the other 50 percent are owning... conclusion? l2play nuff said

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Fury is totally pathetic, 2 mins to build the points for a weak 6 sec buff, or a 3 min cool down for the same? really?


the rage resource is annoying as hell, we dont have enough moves that fill the damn stuff, so we end up auto attacking just to get enough to do anything..


We have no viable CC but we have moves that need CC to work? really? ***? i think force choke used to work without channel but they changes it and forgot to fix other skills.


We should have force push and have the ability to frog leap, i mean it fits the mara role far more than the jugg.


This ui lag issues makes mara unplayable.


our defence cooldowns are on too low of a cooldown for such a squishy class.


the fury buffs are pathetic, they shoulds be like stance buffs, or atleast cooldown temp buffs.


I think fury is a borked mechanic, i however have an idea.


While in combat you gain fury, fury is gained just like how it is now but when it reaches 10/15/20/25/30 you get a scaling damage buff of 10/15/20/30% however once you hit 20% you start taking move damage 20=5% more 25= 10% more 30+ 15% more.


you are able to spend these fury points at any time using rage abilitys or force abilitys, each use will lower it by 20 and put an internal cooldown on fury regen of 6 sec.



i'm only a low mara atm so if i am mistaken pleaase point it out.


I can only say this about Anni spec, but for that..


Building fury as Anni is pretty easy (when you took talent to boost furygain with rageusers) and Berserk is a pretty strong buff if used when you would get a 3rd stack of deadly saber right after it (+ Frenzy should be used with Berserk/grpdmgbuff to boost your own crit dmg and grp dmg at the same time, incl. Adrenals and relic sof course).


As for building rage.. with Battering Assault and Force Charge you have to viable ragebuilders besides autoattack. The build up is slow, which does in fact suck a little bit seeing how any other class can just blast all their high dmg skills out instantly. What you didn't mention but I find pretty stupid is that your interrupt uses rage (Assassins get it for free.. of course we have a shorter CD, but it still messes up your rotation badly when you have to interrupt stuff because you are basically the guy who can do it best/without a twoman rotation especially).


You can use Savage Kick after you charge/slow (skilled Rupture helps here, though I didn't take it, every class has that crap and it will be removed when BW realises the insane amount of uselessnes of those skills).


Why do you want to push targets away from yyou when you're a meleeclass? I'd rather have forcepull. The ability delay issue affects all classes, Mara is far from being unplayable because of it though.


As for defensive cooldowns.. Obfuscate should be off gcd and not cost rage, I could seee cloak of pain trading the reflected dmg for a shorter cd, too, but it's not exactly gamebreaking. I'd maybe also like to see Ravage stun targets (nonplayers of course), but we're not that squishy, enemy npcs just scale weirdly and have way too many CC abilities/high dmg skills while being to spread out/always in grps consisting 90% range dps... it'sa problem for all meleeclasses really.


As for fury, as stated above, it's fine, maybe fury should be build faster when not anni specced (thus making the Anni talent the basic fury mechanic and replacing it with something else, maybe extended Berserkduration).


But all in all Marauder is a fun to play class and really not underpowered at all in an PVE environment. All the class might really need is a more reliable selfhealing ability for all specs, something like critical hits with abilities (all, not just dots when Anni specced) heal you for 1% of max health or so and besides that, maybe rather a 360° ae skill like Assassins have it instead of the sweep with the most boring animation in videogame history (and while we're at it, Annihilate could really use a new animation, the one it has just looks.. wrong, like you're trying to stab somebody behind you Oo).

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I can only say this about Anni spec, but for that..


Building fury as Anni is pretty easy (when you took talent to boost furygain with rageusers) and Berserk is a pretty strong buff if used when you would get a 3rd stack of deadly saber right after it (+ Frenzy should be used with Berserk/grpdmgbuff to boost your own crit dmg and grp dmg at the same time, incl. Adrenals and relic sof course).


As for building rage.. with Battering Assault and Force Charge you have to viable ragebuilders besides autoattack. The build up is slow, which does in fact suck a little bit seeing how any other class can just blast all their high dmg skills out instantly. What you didn't mention but I find pretty stupid is that your interrupt uses rage (Assassins get it for free.. of course we have a shorter CD, but it still messes up your rotation badly when you have to interrupt stuff because you are basically the guy who can do it best/without a twoman rotation especially).


You can use Savage Kick after you charge/slow (skilled Rupture helps here, though I didn't take it, every class has that crap and it will be removed when BW realises the insane amount of uselessnes of those skills).


Why do you want to push targets away from yyou when you're a meleeclass? I'd rather have forcepull. The ability delay issue affects all classes, Mara is far from being unplayable because of it though.


As for defensive cooldowns.. Obfuscate should be off gcd and not cost rage, I could seee cloak of pain trading the reflected dmg for a shorter cd, too, but it's not exactly gamebreaking. I'd maybe also like to see Ravage stun targets (nonplayers of course), but we're not that squishy, enemy npcs just scale weirdly and have way too many CC abilities/high dmg skills while being to spread out/always in grps consisting 90% range dps... it'sa problem for all meleeclasses really.


As for fury, as stated above, it's fine, maybe fury should be build faster when not anni specced (thus making the Anni talent the basic fury mechanic and replacing it with something else, maybe extended Berserkduration).


But all in all Marauder is a fun to play class and really not underpowered at all in an PVE environment. All the class might really need is a more reliable selfhealing ability for all specs, something like critical hits with abilities (all, not just dots when Anni specced) heal you for 1% of max health or so and besides that, maybe rather a 360° ae skill like Assassins have it instead of the sweep with the most boring animation in videogame history (and while we're at it, Annihilate could really use a new animation, the one it has just looks.. wrong, like you're trying to stab somebody behind you Oo).


TYVM im happy to see other mara's NOT QQ'ing. we are a powerful class u just have to know ur str and weaknesses. i however play carnage spec to me the blade buff from anni was just a waste of valuable seconds but i do see ppl doing well with it.

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Yes we're a strong class in the right hands. But the other classes are so far ahead of us for a fraction of the effort we have to put forward compared to them. If you can play a Marauder well, just think how easy you can faceroll with the other classes.


Marauders have had the exact same issues as they did in beta. If BioWare didn't take care of them then I wouldn't expect much from them now.

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Yes we're a strong class in the right hands. But the other classes are so far ahead of us for a fraction of the effort we have to put forward compared to them. If you can play a Marauder well, just think how easy you can faceroll with the other classes.


Marauders have had the exact same issues as they did in beta. If BioWare didn't take care of them then I wouldn't expect much from them now.


i agree and disagree... yes the other classes are easier and ours is a lil tougher to play. but if played right a mara can handle any of the others with ease

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Repost at 50 with an apology.


We marauder's really are fine, it just takes a bit of practice to get used to. Once you level up a bit, building fury takes no time in raid settings, or even FPs. The buffs you get are extremely useful. I don't hear anyone complaining about a party-wide 15% increase to damage and healing for 15 seconds. Berserk is good for burst spam with massacre or quick heals in annihilation, and predation has solid uses in both pve and pvp.


Our damage is on par with any other class. Once 50, go do council in EV, on any difficulty, and see where you stack up. If you are one of the last people done, you might need a bit more practice and experience dpsing with a marauder. I typically am the first or second one done killing my mob. It's not a class you faceroll with. It can feel a little whack-a-mole esque sometimes due to having to monitor a fair amount of cooldowns, as well as using them at the correct time and in the correct order, but is it really any fun to just one button your way to high dps numbers?


We scale pretty well with gear. As you progress, you'll get better gear, and once you start raiding or doing serious pvp and geting gear that way, you'll get used to playing a marauder and find you are doing much better damage.


Leveling a marauder is not the most fun thing in the world. We are a bit on the squishy side, and you pretty much need to have quinn out a lot of the time just in the interest of eliminating downtime between pulls. It's a fun, challenging class to play for DPS. If none of this sounds like your cup of tea, roll a BH and bind every button on your keyboard to tracer missile.

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Repost at 50 with an apology.


We marauder's really are fine, it just takes a bit of practice to get used to. Once you level up a bit, building fury takes no time in raid settings, or even FPs. The buffs you get are extremely useful. I don't hear anyone complaining about a party-wide 15% increase to damage and healing for 15 seconds. Berserk is good for burst spam with massacre or quick heals in annihilation, and predation has solid uses in both pve and pvp.


Our damage is on par with any other class. Once 50, go do council in EV, on any difficulty, and see where you stack up. If you are one of the last people done, you might need a bit more practice and experience dpsing with a marauder. I typically am the first or second one done killing my mob. It's not a class you faceroll with. It can feel a little whack-a-mole esque sometimes due to having to monitor a fair amount of cooldowns, as well as using them at the correct time and in the correct order, but is it really any fun to just one button your way to high dps numbers?


We scale pretty well with gear. As you progress, you'll get better gear, and once you start raiding or doing serious pvp and geting gear that way, you'll get used to playing a marauder and find you are doing much better damage.


Leveling a marauder is not the most fun thing in the world. We are a bit on the squishy side, and you pretty much need to have quinn out a lot of the time just in the interest of eliminating downtime between pulls. It's a fun, challenging class to play for DPS. If none of this sounds like your cup of tea, roll a BH and bind every button on your keyboard to tracer missile.


he is right for the most part.. tho i will disagree about quinn... i use jaesa and we burn stuff down so fast we dont need heals

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