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Please remove or fix cover


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The problem is you ignore that cover puts you away from your target or facing the wrong way or moves you out of line of sight sometimes. Worse is it locks you to the ground while your opponent is beating on you and you are facing the wrong way. There are more problems with this ability then I can even begin to describe. It does not work correctly, it is subject to lag as first you have to Take Cover then you have to fire. Now that 2 seconds have gone by you then begin to use Charged Burst and that takes another 2 seconds. So about 4 seconds have gone by and you have done NOTHING yet.


Exactly my point - if it worked perfectly, without problems THEN you might be able to compare it to the warlocks pet (although even then - defense that pretty much only works against ranged attacks does not really compare to an awesomely tanking pet in a game where no one else gets pets/companions that good).


Like I said - I like the flavor of the cover mechanic and if it actually gave the smuggler a serious advantage (and wasn't as quirky/buggy as it is) I would love it - but it doesn't and I don't.


As for picking the wrong class - this is the ONLY class I can play on the republic side that gets to flash dual pistols and I happen to like that, it fits my RP concepts of a sci-fi gunman, possibly even more than the BH merc, who spends more than half of thier time firing off missles. So I put up with the quirky/buggy cover mechanic, learn to work around it and I even with it there I still enjoy my gunslinger a lot.


That isn't going to stop me from asking for fixes to the mechanic to make it smoother and work better and it isn't going to make me less annoyed when folks rush to defend something as buggy and badly thought out as the current implementation. Seriously folks - if you love it, you should be pushing for changes to make it BETTER, not shouting down everyone who has problems with it, especially when those problem are quite justified.

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The problem is you ignore that cover puts you away from your target or facing the wrong way or moves you out of line of sight sometimes. Worse is it locks you to the ground while your opponent is beating on you and you are facing the wrong way. There are more problems with this ability then I can even begin to describe. It does not work correctly, it is subject to lag as first you have to Take Cover then you have to fire. Now that 2 seconds have gone by you then begin to use Charged Burst and that takes another 2 seconds. So about 4 seconds have gone by and you have done NOTHING yet.


I don't know if you realize this but you can map rolling into physical cover and crouching in place to separate buttons. As far as having to take cover before firing, if you don't like having to strategically place yourself before blasting away then you should pick a different class.

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Complaining without offering a solution is pointless.


And "fix it" is not a solution. I despise these threads because invariably they always devolve into "it sucks in PVP".


Once I would like to play a game in which PVE wasn't balanced or influenced by PVP.

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For those of you hating on cover, cover is the separation of a trooper from a smuggler. I doubt anyone still here has been following this game since it's announcement, but in a Dev walk through in 08 (See:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ERHnZwZnYk), they explain the way they design the classes.


The Jedi knight is the obvious starwars Cliche, the jedi who cuts things up


The counselor is from KOTOR (And maybe from before, maybe books?), the star-wars lore "Caster class", focusing more on the use of the force rather than the lightsaber.


The trooper is the out in the open, "Heroic" gunner commando person like Boba (BH Is mirror) who kills everything


They say they wanted the smuggler to feel like Han Solo. What does Solo do? He's more tactical (See:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkxdE4OEYEQ) lol, and doesn't stand out in the open like them dumb storm troopers! Because of this, they designed the cover system to differentiate the trooper from the smuggler to make you feel like Han Solo. taking away cover takes away the class.

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If you don't like cover, you weren't meant to roll a long distance class. Emphasis on LONG DISTANCE. I play like I feel the class should be played, far away from any kind of battle, but close enough to pick off people w/o them realizing who killed them.


As for people coming up on me, well I have 4 CC's to give me ample time to either run or have a fighting chance regardless of how long it takes for me to get into cover. My advice is to utilize all the skills you have at your disposal.

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Complaining without offering a solution is pointless.


And "fix it" is not a solution. I despise these threads because invariably they always devolve into "it sucks in PVP".


Once I would like to play a game in which PVE wasn't balanced or influenced by PVP.


The solution is to fix the animation so we do not fact away from the target. Or fix the problem of when you press Take Cover you STAND UP TO FIRE EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE NO COVER. I take shots in the head all the time as instead of firing in the couched position like a real person would do we fire standing up like a suicide attempt.

Or they can fix the Take Cover so we actually do get behind things as I get shot all the time even when I am behind a rock taller then I am yet take shots in the head. Or on the opposite side of a Hill or wall and get shot THRU the wall or hill.

Or they can fix the Charged Burst so it fires a consistent number of times. Sometimes my gun fires 2 shots and sometimes 4 and sometimes it does not fire at all but starts the cast bar all over again and the enemy took ZERO damage while I take shots in the head thru a rock.

This is a case of incomplete coding and it is as simple as that as a request.

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For those of you hating on cover, cover is the separation of a trooper from a smuggler. I doubt anyone still here has been following this game since it's announcement, but in a Dev walk through in 08 (See:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ERHnZwZnYk), they explain the way they design the classes.


The Jedi knight is the obvious starwars Cliche, the jedi who cuts things up


The counselor is from KOTOR (And maybe from before, maybe books?), the star-wars lore "Caster class", focusing more on the use of the force rather than the lightsaber.


The trooper is the out in the open, "Heroic" gunner commando person like Boba (BH Is mirror) who kills everything


They say they wanted the smuggler to feel like Han Solo. What does Solo do? He's more tactical (See:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkxdE4OEYEQ) lol, and doesn't stand out in the open like them dumb storm troopers! Because of this, they designed the cover system to differentiate the trooper from the smuggler to make you feel like Han Solo. taking away cover takes away the class.


In the video he fires his gun OVER the barrier and DOES NOT STAND UP TO DO THIS! I have played up to level 50 and I have NEVER seen my Smuggler EVER DO THIS!

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If you don't like cover, you weren't meant to roll a long distance class. Emphasis on LONG DISTANCE. I play like I feel the class should be played, far away from any kind of battle, but close enough to pick off people w/o them realizing who killed them.


As for people coming up on me, well I have 4 CC's to give me ample time to either run or have a fighting chance regardless of how long it takes for me to get into cover. My advice is to utilize all the skills you have at your disposal.


pretty much this. you get plenty of defensive skills to help you knock melee people away/stay alive longer...


dirty kick

flash grenade



defense screen

percussive shot

cover screen

hunker down

leg shot

pulse detonator


scrambling field


i mean really. have you even tried using those? and by using, i mean strategically waiting until the right moment to activate them.

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The problem is you ignore that cover puts you away from your target or facing the wrong way or moves you out of line of sight sometimes.
Not if you pay any attention at all to what you're doing. It lights up where you'll go, and which direction you'll be facing. If you can't find cover that does what you want, you can use shift+F to crouch in place.
Worse is it locks you to the ground while your opponent is beating on you and you are facing the wrong way.
Being stationary is part of the core mechanic, and you have multiple ways to get rid of someone next to you. Pulse detonator and aimed shot (with the talent) are both knockbacks, and then you have dirty kick and flash grenade as stuns to help you get away, and then you have the various procs on going in and out of cover that add extra defenses or make some attacks instant cast, and you have your CDs that absorb most damage and make you dodge most damage.


...and the game has auto-facing, even when in cover, so facing the wrong way only matters in so much as cover defense bonuses only work directionally. It doesn't matter at all offensively. I constantly shoot people that are directly behind me and attacking my companion while I'm in cover.

It does not work correctly, it is subject to lag as first you have to Take Cover then you have to fire. Now that 2 seconds have gone by
Are you actually talking about lag or what? Because 'take cover and then fire' is an entirely disconnected issue from lag. If it IS lag then use F/Shift+F to go into and out of cover. Or remap them. Hotkeys deal with less delay than actions on your bars for whatever reason.

you then begin to use Charged Burst and that takes another 2 seconds. So about 4 seconds have gone by and you have done NOTHING yet.
...Didn't you say you got to fifty? If you're SS spec, charged burst is instant cast the first time after rolling into cover, and procs trick shot which is also instant cast, you can follow that up with speed shot which is a three second channel (damage begins instantly) and, if you're at all built right, something in there should have critted enabling a half cast time aimed shot, which would proc another trick shot, now off cool down thanks to the three second channel. You can also at any time throw a sab charge into that rotation, and it is so energy efficient that you'll never go below 60 energy and will, therefore, be regenerating to full/near full between every attack.


And if you're either of the other two specs, why are you hopping into cover to charged burst when your best DPS lies with grenades and dots, neither of which require cover for the most part?



ALSO at the other guy: I wouldn't mind them fixing some of the issues that exist with it, mainly the fact that if you fire off an ability while rolling to a cover point you use your non-cover bar ability, and some of the ability delay issues that are made worse by having to take cover... but they're already working on the latter.


Also, the fact that being rooted stops you from going into cover, and I'd like it if hunker down worked against diversion. There's a few other things too.


However, you rarely, if ever, hear sane requests about the cover mechanic. It's always "Make all abilities work without cover" or "remove cover" or "fix it" with no mention of what to actually fix, or a mess like the poster I quoted who obviously has no idea what he's doing.

Edited by KryloKillian
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Ok it seems obvious you are either a Gunfighter or a Dirty Fighting spec Smuggler and not a Scrapper as I am speced that way. This is also the class that just got the nerf bat for a good reason. (But nothing to make up for the loss of substained damage, another topic)


I am not discussing what you do after cover is used and in PVP I am alway near the top of damage done in PVP for Republic side. But kills are low as we get focused many times as we are hated by the over population of Sorcerers on the Sith side. The mere site of a Smuggler drives then to suicide to kill us and many times I have more then 3 jump on me.


I have killed two if I have a pocket healer while all 3 are on me. So I know how to play.


Just do me a favor and watch the VIDEO FROM BIOWARE on the Smuggler.


Tell me we do anything that is like what they advertised vs what we actually have.


Specifically in the video we fire OVER cover and to not stand up. Secondly in the video it does not do a long animation to take cover, it is instant and again this is not in the game.

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...If you're a scrapper why are you using cover?


Scoundrels are very non-cover reliant as a whole, they don't even really fight from range. Scrappers especially.


Try to PVP as a Scrapper and watch the number of times you get killed in melee.





Maybe you assume from the tree that was are like a Jedi Melee.


If the cover does not work perfectly then the class is broken plain and simple.

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