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Fix the game now


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1. Wife CONSTANTLY gets dc'ed and we are on the same wired network - ***


2. ABILITY DELAY - this in regards to melee classes - fix it now. I love this game and it is really starting to piss me off when abilities do not work!


3. ILLUM - *** -if you play rep you are outnumbered constantly... all the time. Makes the DAILY QUEST feel like a grind - wth is that about? Maybe give faction that is outnumbered 5-1 a buff... kinda like that mmo hog wow for their open pvp world.


4. FIX THE FPS IN PVP - I have a very good machine and so does my friend, Illum shouldn't be what it is nor the WZ's. My guess? It's compatibility with ATI Cards... The cards that don't blow up when oc'd in my exp.




6. FOUNDER TITLE!? - ***, really? Trying to bribe people with a title. IMO use something like a mount or ya know what? COLOR CRYSTAL - that will make their pants drop.


7. Really love the PvE in this game - I really do - that's not sarc, love the dungeons and the mechanics minus the bugs


Galactica Nerd Raging Guardian




To the ones who will say: "Derp, this is a pve game derp" no... its an mmorpg


To the ones that will say: "roll another class and play the story" I have two other alts, but you konw what? I LOVE my Jedi Guardian (when it works) I love the control of combat and the FP and FL change they made... CLASS IS FUN why should i play something else atm? I shouldnt ROAR



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If your Wife is dropping and you aren't, the problem is 99.99% like to not be Bioware.


they have acknowledged most of the issues you have mentioned, so making a FIX NOAW post on the forums isn't going to make it happen any faster. Some bugs are harder to find and fix then others, especially when they happen inconsistently (ability delay) or not to everyone (FPS issues).


I understand that it sucks to have issues, especially when you have no control over them, but post like this don't do anything constructive.

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Yes, those things need to get fixed (and if you look at the dev tracker, they're working on at least most of them).


But you want them to fix your wife's computer, too?


LOL no - Im pretty sure its the cable and i haven't plugged in the new one - she was sitting next to me as I was typing it.


I have read small blurbs about looking into ability delay - but I feel, compared to WoW >.< that the moderators or community leaders or w/e are'nt connecting and getting enough information across. I haven't seen it stickied anywhere: "Upcoming Bug Fixes/Challenges/Things we are working on right now."


I got he CE of this game and Im not unsubbing but just getting very frustrated - and yes - Since I posted that THEY WILL FIX IT NOW

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If your Wife is dropping and you aren't, the problem is 99.99% like to not be Bioware.


they have acknowledged most of the issues you have mentioned, so making a FIX NOAW post on the forums isn't going to make it happen any faster. Some bugs are harder to find and fix then others, especially when they happen inconsistently (ability delay) or not to everyone (FPS issues).


I understand that it sucks to have issues, especially when you have no control over them, but post like this don't do anything constructive.


It actually does - you know why? It puts it in their face, so to speak, that people are getting upset. They need to know this, as well they need to know how well they did on other parts of the game, Gorgeous Enviroments, Combat animations (although bugged) Story Arc (JK arc is awesome imo)


But to say not tell a company when they are messing up when they have invited us to tell them... It just would be a bad idea not to.

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1. Capital letter name - check

2. Excessive use of the word NOW! - check

3. Shouting randomly - check


Just another whining idiot, who thinks that whining, shouting and rampaging will actually increase the efficiency of the coders.

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1. Capital letter name - check

2. Excessive use of the word NOW! - check

3. Shouting randomly - check


Just another whining idiot, who thinks that whining, shouting and rampaging will actually increase the efficiency of the coders.



It does... I mean it really does. "Squeeky wheel gets the grease." Sorry, my friend. But you are wrong.


Example: Your Starbucks coffee is all burnt and tastes like a Rhino's Black Hole.

You either:


A: Do nothing "be a man" and drink it

B: "Be a man" and tell the barista that it is un-acceptable.


Do you truly think a company that sell a product wants to make you displeased with what they're selling? NO they want to be the best of the best. So they get the return.


If you chose option "B" for the above example you would get your coffee replaced and a coupon for another coffee, on the house...




EDIT- re read your post it clearly says "coders" and i thought it said "company" making my argument against you post kinda null... I could point out that your judgmental?

And Archer just came on - PEACE

Edited by LYLAND
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I'm going to share this link with the OP that I discovered in another thread.


**lol someone beat me to it, well played sir, well played.


Just because I beat you in this thread doesn't mean there aren't thousands more clueless whiners out there! Keep up the fight! I'd tape the website to their faces if I could!

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Hey Everyone!


We appreciate your feedback, as well as taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread as there is little room for constructive discussion. Please take this time to check out a message from Allison Berryman and a reminder about feedback and the Forums.


Additionaly, you may wish to keep an eye on our Dev Tracker, as this is where you can see updates from our Developers, including [but not limited to!] the Ilum Update, FPS Issues, and Ability Delay.


Thank you for understanding!

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