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Why we don't have a right to demand compensation.


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We're pissed at this game - but it's our own fault for buying it.


We had the beta - how many of us played in that and felt that the game was...mediocre at best? Sure it had it's moments but still, as far as "fun" goes it was lacking.


I'm a lot of things but I'm no hypocrite - the game sucks and I'm pissed, but I felt like it was a letdown during the beta - the beta that EVERYONE got to try.


I could have cancelled my preorder then, but didn't. Everybody could have. Instead we believed that BW would fix the obvious problems either at or soon after launch. They didn't...in fact they are barely admitting to any problems.


It was still our choice to pay or not, and we chose to pay. By all means be pissed at BW for how the game ended up, but you should also be pissed at yourself for buying it after the beta. That was your chance to cancel the pre-order, why didn't you take it? Same reason I didn't. It's almost like BW gave us all the shot at the beta so they could clean their hands of this disgrace, but we still didn't take that opportunity after we knew the game was seriously lacking.


TLDR - by all means complain, but realise that you bought the game *knowing* it was mediocre.

Edited by Yvin
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We're pissed?


I must have missed the memo while I was too busy enjoying the game.


it's because you're part of the silent majority too busy playing the game. don't you see the Unsilent Minority is on a Holy Crusade in the Forums, on Metacritic and everywhere else to make their POV the ultimate truth ?!?

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i waited almost 3 years for this game,i WANTED it to be amazing for some many reasons. I thought because bioware was making it would be great. This was the biggest letdown i have ever had from a video game stand point. This game overrall is garbage, and there are just way to many things wrong with it to a point were this game isnt even finished, i mean BASIC things dont even work from the gcd to mounting.


i use to be a huge biodrone and defending bioware with my life, i can no longer do that and honestly ive lost all faith in the company and cant even bring myself to get me3

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We're pissed at the abortion that is this game - but it's our own fault for buying it.


We had the beta - how many of us played in that and felt that the game was...mediocre at best? Sure it had it's moments but still, as far as "fun" goes it was lacking.


I'm a lot of things but I'm no hypocrite - the game sucks and I'm pissed, but I felt like it was a letdown during the beta - the beta that EVERYONE got to try.


I could have cancelled my preorder then, but didn't. Everybody could have. Instead we believed that BW would fix the obvious problems either at or soon after launch. They didn't...in fact they are barely admitting to any problems.


It was still our choice to pay or not, and we chose to pay. By all means be pissed at BW for how the game ended up, but you should also be pissed at yourself for buying it after the beta. That was your chance to cancel the pre-order, why didn't you take it? Same reason I didn't. It's almost like BW gave us all the shot at the beta so they could clean their hands of this disgrace, but we still didn't take that opportunity after we knew the game was seriously lacking.


TLDR - by all means complain, but realise that you bought the game *knowing* it was mediocre.


First and foremost: Never speak for everybody.


Secondly: You're an idiot for buying a game you felt was mediocre thinking it'd be fixed within a month. Personal preference aside, if a game isn't great, it's not worth more than half of a $100 bill.


Third: We really needed a thread saying this. Like this was absolutely necessary. I think this game's crafting became **** once you hit 400 but it's not like people want to read my "Why Bioware should have done this for Crafting when it was so Obvious" thread.

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Someone is getting their last bit of trolling in before their time runs out tommorow. :rolleyes:


what makes you think he is trolling? He waited for the game and payed for it and was disappointed. The game is lackluster at best and the combat system is all sorts of messed up.

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Hello everyone,


While we do welcome all feedback, we ask that whether it is positive or negative feedback, that it is constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please do see this post by Allison Berryman. We are closing this thread, but do strongly encourage anyone who wishes to submit feedback to please do so. We only ask that when anyone posts new feedback, it is done in a constructive manner.


Should anyone wish to offer suggestions, please do use RuinGaming's compilation thread, here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=87349


Thank you!

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