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Question for anyone who has been in a large PvP battle


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If you have been in a large scale battle(IE 40+ people), what has your fps been?


Has anyone been in a large scale battle and maintained a good fps(60+)? And if so, what are your computer specs.



I have noticed that the game runs fine on most computers until you get a lot of players in the area and want to see what level of computer can handle that.

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No. I did Ilum earlier where there were 30 Republics and twice as many Empire. Everyone's FPS were slideshow status. The engine is broken, and they need to fix it soon or they will lose subscribers. Edited by Niaoru
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on ilum yesterday i was running about 40 FPS after i set everything to low.

i still had the occasional lag but other than that i was just fine.

having 100+ people around our base wasnt the problem imo it was moreso the nonstop spamming of AOEs that pushed it over the top.

outside of ilum no matter where im at i have about 70 or so FPS even in the WZs but then again i spent a lot of money building my computer. i simply blow the reccomended computer spec out of the water.

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Yeah I have a nice mobile rig myself (Core i7 running close to 3.4 16 gigs DDR3 RAM and NVidia 580M OCd) and I cant help but wonder why, for a game thats been in dev as long as this one has, didn't they figure on high end spec users not noticing the FPS issues this game has? You figured someone early in beta would have raised their hand and went, "Umm...."
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