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Well im outty


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LOL you're the one to talk about wanting attention. Try again genius. I didn't make the thread telling the entire community I am leaving and thinking they will care.


Where in my thread did I say I think people will care.


How do you come to the conclusion that you think I posted this for that reason?


Why are you so mad about my thread and my reply? Your clearly mad or you wouldn't still be posting in the tone your posting in.


I post this thread mainly for bioware if you must know.... yes I filled out their little survey but I think my post will get more dev attention then a survey that is buried in thousands of other surveys.


Let me know if that went over your head since you think when someone makes a thread its for the specific reasoning that people care and they need attention from the forum community lol.

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I like how I said nothing mean or rude about the game or anyone here yet I am being bashed simply because I dont like certain things.


Grow up.


Yeah this place is wound up by plenty of scaremongering threads right now. You should have seen it coming posting a quit thread at a time like this.


But anyway I hope you find a game you like. I have and I'm staying.

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Why aren't these threads closed as fast as practically every other thread? I do not want to know you are leaving, because I do not know you nor do I care what you do with your game time or lack there of. All these posts are the same:

I'm leaving blah blah blah

Then in response you get about 20 people saying "bye!" "there's the door ------>", "can i havez your stuffz?"

Is there any point to this besides people desperate for some attention?


Yep, they think the community is gonna cry over them or the company is gonna instantly change the game to the way they want it with their amazing "I am leaving thread". It would be just too hard for them to leave with out notice...

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Again for those replying with we dont care... if you dont care dont reply its a simple concept.


This thread is to let bioware know why I am not subbing until a later point in time. And no I dont expect them to instantly change the game based off my thread of dislikes. I expect them to add it to their pile of stuff they might fix/change in the future. Stop being so black and white.


It doesn't concern you guys out there that dont care.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Some of you kids are unreal.


A person come here with a realistic view, and understandable gripes to state his peace, which is what a forum is for by the way, and all you can do is bash, and act like children.


Grow up.


Yeah, its a fun game, but dont bash people who bring up realistic problems with. Why dont you act like you would in real life? Try addressing some of the issues he, or others have spoken of, and bring up counterpoints instead of playing the fanboy cliche, and acting like your epeen is that of 7 men. Honestly, its like the SWTOR is filled with 12 year olds.

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I like how I said nothing mean or rude about the game or anyone here yet I am being bashed simply because I dont like certain things.


Grow up.


No, you're being bashed because you posted yet another narcissistic "I quit" thread, full of nothing but pure negativity.


They get really old after a while, and yours wasn't anything special.


If you don't want to get bashed on your way out, don't jump on the "I quit!" bandwagon. Just go. There was nothing gained by anyone from reading your post.

Edited by imtrick
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So why bother replying?


Kinda stupid dont ya think. Or did you just want attention in some form?


I could be wrong here, but isn't your ENTIRE POST a form of a cry for attention?


Honestly, why do you need to TELL everyone you are quitting. Do it or don't do it.


You have obviously made up your mind, or do you want us to change it for you?

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Where in my thread did I say I think people will care.


How do you come to the conclusion that you think I posted this for that reason?


Why are you so mad about my thread and my reply? Your clearly mad or you wouldn't still be posting in the tone your posting in.


I post this thread mainly for bioware if you must know.... yes I filled out their little survey but I think my post will get more dev attention then a survey that is buried in thousands of other surveys.


Let me know if that went over your head since you think when someone makes a thread its for the specific reasoning that people care and they need attention from the forum community lol.


If you did fill out their survey though then there is no need to post again. If you didn't need the attention from the community then you wouldn't have posted on a community forum since you already posted your survey so again... try better.

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Some of you kids are unreal.


A person come here with a realistic view, and understandable gripes to state his peace, which is what a forum is for by the way, and all you can do is bash, and act like children.


Grow up.


Yeah, its a fun game, but dont bash people who bring up realistic problems with. Why dont you act like you would in real life? Try addressing some of the issues he, or others have spoken of, and bring up counterpoints instead of playing the fanboy cliche, and acting like your epeen is that of 7 men. Honestly, its like the SWTOR is filled with 12 year olds.


He isn't trying to PROMOTE the game remember? He quit. That is the very TITLE of the thread.

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No, you're being bashed because you posted yet another narcissistic "I quit" thread, full of nothing but pure negativity.


They get really old after a while, and yours wasn't anything special.


No I posted a thread that stated why I am quitting.


It is not my problem nor my fault you read it as anything different.

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No I posted a thread that stated why I am quitting.


It is not my problem nor my fault you read it as anything different.


Umm, that's exactly what I said you did. And I explained why it's a total waste of everyone's time.


Sorry if you didn't get the kind of attention you wanted, but you offered nothing positive, so why should you expect it in return?

Edited by imtrick
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This game just doesn't feel like an mmo to me. And the mmo aspects are... well they are behind the times. yes the games new, yes other games didn't have them 7 years ago. But heres the thing this game was being made during those 7 years while other mmo's were making innovations and adding those "extras" There is no reason the swtor devs couldn't have added the same tools along the way, probably would be easier then trying to hash them in after the fact while trying to provide content and bug fixs. Its generally faster/better to do it as close to right the first time then play catch up.


And the game engine, the developer of hero engine didn't even want to sell it to them as it was unfinished. And it has many limitations and performance issues. I dont need to talk about them though because every other thread in this forum is about those issues.


Heres my list:

-Heavy instancing


-Heavy focus on SP content (space missions and the like you know stuff like that)


-Bad graphics, yup I said it bad graphics. World textures look great for the most part but my character looks like a paint by numbers. And shadows are awfully blocky. Those are things I have to stare at while playing and it just irritates me. Probably because I work in the CG field myself as a render/light/texture artist so I am nit picky.


-Story zones that have to be completed multiple times if your grouped.... I get it its for YOUR story but still more focus on SP its annoying. All the way to 50 feels like single player.


-Takes to long to get into grouped content unless your okay with standing in fleet spamming /1 for an hour or two. So lack of a lfg global channel for all planets or some sort of lfg tool that isn't /who with a comment is my issue.


-Unbalanced, thought it would have been common sense on bw's part to cap empire/republic as to not unbalance servers. I was wrong, have fun trying to fix that without forcing people to roll the other side.


-Bad pvp, ability delay, lag when theres more then 10 people in an area actively fighting.


-hutball 24/7 because of faction imbalances, nope I wont reroll to grind to 50 again as the other side. And I shouldn't have to. Bad game design should have thought about that in the 7 years they were making tbh.


-Travel, really I have to go all the way back to my ship then fly to fleet just to do anything really.... fleet cooldown has an unreasonable cd there is no reason whatsoever for it to be as long as it is. Good example is everything is on CD quick travel, fleet both on cd. I need to get to fleet.... i was out questing on a planet.... now I have to travel back to a point where theres a speeder, take the speeder to the main camp then travel for another 5 min to my hanger get in my ship, run across my ship go to the galaxy map click where im going. Fly there load, run back across my ship out the door... load.... run across another hanger.... it just is very annoying after awhile lol.


Theres more but those are the main ones for me.


Im sure they will fix some stuff but until then im done.


Im fickle so I might be back who knows.


do we seem to care that you want an instant grp button instant rewards and high end graphics that your pc prolly can't handle?


do we seem to care that you leave


bye and do not let the door hit you



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