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Emperor's Wrath title needs to make a return.


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Oh agree with the topic but


I believe it is only fair that Sith Warriors get the "Emperor's Wrath" title. Seeing as Inquisitors get "Forcewalker" and Warriors get "Acolyte" instead.


Both sith classes get "Acolyte" as part of their quests in Korriban, right?

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Well if you give them Emperor's Wraith, SI would have to get something else final game, maybe...err I'd say it but it'd be a spoiler, and I don't know the spoiler tag thing....If you know the positiion the SI gets endgame then if SW gets Emperor's Wraith then SI should get a title to reflect that new position as well.
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  • 3 months later...
When I first started playing (having not played the Warrior arc through) I really thought "what's the big deal who really cares?" But after playing through and seeing the story unfold I really would like to see the Wrath title brought back for the Warriors.
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If they finish the SW story I'm sure the would agree with me


I am not disagreeing with you at all, I personally think they should do away with the Darth title and restore the Emperor's Wrath title.


The reason this was removed is because a lot of people cried because they wanted the Darth title both because

the Sith Inquisitor got it

and because the Sith Warrior story was touted as the Darth Vader experience, also Sith Inquisitors complained about the unique title because they thought that Force Walker was lame compared to Emperor's Wrath, which is true but both fit their respective stories and therefore should have been left alone.


The game probably debut with roughly half of the number of titles available in beta anyway and I might be being generous by saying half.

Edited by Tuscad
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I am not disagreeing with you at all, I personally think they should do away with the Darth title and restore the Emperor's Wrath title.


The reason this was removed is because a lot of people cried because they wanted the Darth title both because

the Sith Inquisitor got it

and because the Sith Warrior story was touted as the Darth Vader experience, also Sith Inquisitors complained about the unique title because they thought that Force Walker was lame compared to Emperor's Wrath, which is true but both fit their respective stories and therefore should have been left alone.


The game probably debut with roughly half of the number of titles available in beta anyway and I might be being generous by saying half.



BW shoudl ahd listen to us ( geeks ) and not the cry babies ( nerds )

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BW shoudl ahd listen to us ( geeks ) and not the cry babies ( nerds )


I am not a geek but I agree with this one :)!


You guys know the best and this part of the forum is my Wookiepedia II :D.

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BW shoudl ahd listen to us ( geeks ) and not the cry babies ( nerds )


That's the problem though, they did listen to the geeks(of the Star Wars variety) and changed it from Wrath to Darth. I was in long term beta and the majority of complaints were based on how the Darth title is iconic for Sith, and since the SW was meant to project a Vader feel SWs should be Darths.


The problem myself and others of the small,vocal minority that wanted to keep Wrath had was that the Star Wars lore geeks and other fanboys were thinking of the SW as "Vader" and the Sith in terms of the Rule of Two. Meaning in Vader's era, the Darth title was revered and a thing to be feared, I mean there were only 2 Sith at anytime and those guys were incredibly powerful. In the Old Republic, we have literally thousands upon thousands(NPC and PC) of Darths in the galaxy and the Darth title has lost it's uniqueness.


The other arguments against the Wrath title being included never made any sense to me; 1. Wrath is a spoiler; well so is Forcewalker, Barsen'thor, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt and 2. Wrath is immersion breaking if there is going to be more than one Wrath;this is a bit more credible but sometimes you have to suspend your disbelief or ignore game mechanics. I mean, unless the Mandalorians hold a Great Hunt every 2 weeks(which kind of takes the Grand out of it and just makes it a Hunt), then shouldn't Grand Champion of the Great Hunt be immersion breaking as well?


I'm still holding out hope that BioWare will see that there is a segment of their SW community that wants the Wrath title back and will include it as an earned title in future story content or expansions.


DISCLAIMER: I'm in no way using the term geek, Star Wars geek or fanboy as pejoratives, just a commonly accepted descriptor for those that are passionate about SW and it's lore.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Why is there no "Hand of Jadus" either? I want more titles while I'm grinding an alt! And something awesome - if I can't be a Lord and I'm not getting the riches I was promised. Edited by jgelling
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why is there no "Hand of Jadus" either? I want more titles while I'm grinding an alt! And something awesome - if I can't be a Lord and I'm not getting the riches I was promised.


this is and emperor's wrath thread

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I believe it is only fair that Sith Warriors get the "Emperor's Wrath" title. Seeing as Inquisitors get "Forcewalker" and Warriors get "Acolyte" instead.


There could be multiple Forcewalkers since it is a power any one can learn.


There cannot be more than one Wrath serving the Emperor.



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Disclaimer: I am not entirely against the re-inclusion of the title, I'm playing Devil's Advocate, though I do not believe they should drop Darth for it.


The other arguments against the Wrath title being included never made any sense to me; 1. Wrath is a spoiler; well so is Forcewalker, Barsen'thor, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt and

No one/almost no one would know what the Barsen'thor was unless they played the Consular's story or spoiled themselves.

Being champion of the Great Hunt was obviously going to happen.

Repeat the Barsen'thor argument for Forcewalker.


The Emperor's Wrath is something that most people KNOW what it is, and it would spoil the Warrior's story to know you become it.



2. Wrath is immersion breaking if there is going to be more than one Wrath;this is a bit more credible but sometimes you have to suspend your disbelief or ignore game mechanics. I mean, unless the Mandalorians hold a Great Hunt every 2 weeks(which kind of takes the Grand out of it and just makes it a Hunt), then shouldn't Grand Champion of the Great Hunt be immersion breaking as well?

This is a more legitimate point, but still doesn't merit the return of the title.



That said, I'm not against more titles. I think most if not all of the scrapped titles need to return. But to sacrifice Darth for it? Not a chance.

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But Inq can be both Darth and Forcewalker. Why would they drop Darth for Emperor's Wrath? I am all for the Emperor's Wrath title its my own story and throughout the story line im made to feel im the only one so lets roll with it.
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There could be multiple Forcewalkers since it is a power any one can learn.


There cannot be more than one Wrath serving the Emperor.




Forcewalking is an extremely rare technique due to it's lethality. In fact, there have been 3 known Forcewalkers and all but 1(the SI) succumbed to the side effects and madness of it. Putting those odds in the galaxy wide population still makes it a very,very,very few number of people that could be Forcewalkers.


How about Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, there are multiple BHs running around with that title, unless the Mandalorians run a Great Hunt every two weeks it doesn't seem possible to have so many GCs. The term "Great" Hunt kind of hints at its significance and rarity.


How exactly do you know there can only be one Wrath? I don't remember anyone ominously quoting Highlander in the game and saying"There can be only one". Sure, it makes since to only have one at a time, and that's they way it has been for the total of 2 Wraths the Empire has had;but maybe the Emperor felt the need to increase the size of his personal hit squad.


By the way, I'm with you in that there should only be one Wrath at a time, just pointing out there we have no concrete evidence or guidlines saying the number of Wraths is limited to only one at a time.


No one/almost no one would know what the Barsen'thor was unless they played the Consular's story or spoiled themselves.

Being champion of the Great Hunt was obviously going to happen.Really doesn't matter how obvious it was going to be, the point stands that there are way too many GCotGH running around for the Great Hunt to be as significant as claimed.

Repeat the Barsen'thor argument for Forcewalker.


The Emperor's Wrath is something that most people KNOW what it is, and it would spoil the Warrior's story to know you become it.


Define "most people". The majority of people know about it now because the game has been out long enough for there to be few secrets left. Before, the only people who knew about it where either those playing JKs after Quesh, those playing SWs on Quesh(Wrath was never mentioned until the betrayal, and then they make it quite clear you have been selected to be the Wrath) and those that read the Revan novel.


It wouldn't be spoiled for anyone planning on rolling a SW unless they sought out the answers to where the title came from or some 50 SW was being a jerk in chat and dropping the spoilers. Respectfully, your point holds no water.


I have never advocated a dropping of the Darth title, only an option to select which title we want at the end of the story or for BW to bring it back in future story content.

Edited by Temeluchus
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