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Admit you made a mistake, apologize, move on?


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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.

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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.


A bug that makes itsself known under untestable special conditions isn't a mistake. Always helps to look at the Dev Tracker.

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They are apologizing. They did so several times in other threads, and have been pumping out patches several times a week since opening.


Sorry that their time is better spent making patches, than e-mailing apologies to every client. I hope you accept my apology.

They are? Going back through the Dev Tracker the only Apologies I see are for the Maintenance Time being postponed and when the forums went Read Only. Where are these threads you are talking about?
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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.


yea they should have written us all a personal e-mail :rolleyes:

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I apologize that you don't like the way Bioware is handling things, but they need to work on fixing the game first, before saying sorry about things that aren't important, or are based on opinions. It's a fact that people are unhappy because of bugs, and it's a fact that Bioware is fixing them.


It's an opinion that they should have to apologize any more than they have, one that I tend not to share. They've thanked the community several times since launch for making the game a success, and ensure they're working their hardest to make the game better. I'll take that at face value and say they're fixing bugs.

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I'm sorry if I offended any of you. I just seem to remember the customer service and communication we always received from Blizzard, and this is a sad comparison to that.


I have to disagree with this, respectfully. I have both seen and experienced bad customer service from Blizzard as well. Really bad customer service. This is just the way it is...the only MMO company that I've seen give me stellar personal and community customer service was Trion. And again, that's just what I've seen, and I would never add a "we" into the equation.

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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.


I would love to think it would be something so simple to keep these forums from being a cesspit.


These forums became a cesspit for three primary reasons:


1) People with legitimate concerns didn't know how to constructively post them.

2) People who thought the game would be one thing and found out it was something else got upset, and again didn't know how to admit their own mistake, and used a freely-provided forum to vent their spleens.

3) Trolls


Of those three, Category 1 can learn better. I don't think this game is remotely perfect, but I've been through enough MMO launches, and know enough about programming and the industry, to realize that comparatively speaking, this has been a fairly smooth launch in a feature-rich, ready-to-play condition. I'd daresay it was even released with polish, something that in the past few years, only Rift has really been able to legitimately claim outside of World of Warcraft retail expansions.


I think these forums are going to calm down in a noticeable fashion once the free month is up. BioWare has indicated you need an account that's active in order to post on these forums (something I honestly wish other MMOs would do, and not just let you get a trial account that grants forum access never revoked from that point on.


The result of this is that January 21 is going to see what I hope to be a significant reduction in the outright troll posts. I have a really rough time believing that people intent on just trolling would somehow pay $15 a month just for the privilege. Some might actually be that sociopathic, but I'm choosing, so far at least, to believe they're a distinct minority amongst the already statistical minority of the subscriber base that's active on these forums.


From there, you mostly just have to correct the input method of the people who have legitimate concerns over the game because they want to see it improve, and have ideas of how it can do so. Once they learn to stop sounding demanding and start noting issues and what they think could be done about it, you not only give BioWare information they can take to a metrics team and figure out its validity and importance to the game, you also engender intelligent discussion between forum goers more interested in giving their perspective on a perceived issue instead of just jumping on a troll's bandwagon, or trying to stand in the roadway in the hopes that they can stop it from going further.


Me, I don't personally think BioWare made a mistake at all. Sales figures don't lie. The game is nearly universally praised by several industry review websites, almost all of whom note a few issues they have with the game, but still conclude that the game is well worth its hype, and should have a nice, long life. It doesn't matter that I happen to agree with them, including on the issues I feel the game has, but it matters a lot more that they're, in general, more well informed than the majority of posters on these forums, have more experience in what constitutes a "good" game, and in general have a more reliable opinion than most of us.

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I have to disagree with this, respectfully. I have both seen and experienced bad customer service from Blizzard as well. Really bad customer service. This is just the way it is...the only MMO company that I've seen give me stellar personal and community customer service was Trion. And again, that's just what I've seen, and I would never add a "we" into the equation.




Trion has some amazing things going for it. Except for the end game...


And dinging to 50 in like a week...




But Trion did still have some great coding and good customer service.

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Trion has some amazing things going for it. Except for the end game...


And dinging to 50 in like a week...




But Trion did still have some great coding and good customer service.


I actually met someone working for Trion at a party here in Austin, TX when I was still playing Rift. We had a GREAT discussion about the game and where they wanted to go with it. I'm pretty sold on them...and if I could afford to play more than one MMO at a time, I would still be playing Rift.

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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.


I won't hit you with the gratuitous "You're new to MMOs" line, but the truth is, no it wouldn't. People complain when there is no communications. People say there is no communications when there is, and still complain. If a company acknowledges a problem before they have a solution, people complain that they are stalling or were insincere. They then proceed to bombard the forums with demands for an ETA for a fix followed by slams about how incompetent they are for knowing there is a problem but letting it go on.


If you are not new to MMOs, you really should be aware that the forums have become cesspits and no amount of communications from the Devs will change that.

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They are apologizing. They did so several times in other threads, and have been pumping out patches several times a week since opening.


Sorry that their time is better spent making patches, than e-mailing apologies to every client. I hope you accept my apology.


Several other threads? They haven't even made several posts this week, so it's extremely easy to see that there are no apologies. "We ask for your patience while we wallow around in our on incompetence" is not an apology.

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I apologize that you don't like the way Bioware is handling things, but they need to work on fixing the game first, before saying sorry about things that aren't important, or are based on opinions. It's a fact that people are unhappy because of bugs, and it's a fact that Bioware is fixing them.


It's an opinion that they should have to apologize any more than they have, one that I tend not to share. They've thanked the community several times since launch for making the game a success, and ensure they're working their hardest to make the game better. I'll take that at face value and say they're fixing bugs.


Um. Do you work for Bioware/EA? Why the hell are you apologizing? Why aren't you angry that Bioware repeatedly ignored feedback from its testers regarding 1.1? People saw the llum debacle coming before it went live. No one could really test it because they refused to give players premade level 50's for whatever bizarre reason. Bioware blundered big time and it is no ones fault other then them. Needless to say my trust in Bioware's competence is shattered. I really hope they learn from this and listen to their customers trying to help them build a better game.

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I'm sorry if I offended any of you. I just seem to remember the customer service and communication we always received from Blizzard, and this is a sad comparison to that.


Blizzard was fairly unpredictable. Many of the GMs were really nice and helpful, but the others were less so. The forums were, at a time, buzzing with dev chatter, but died down after Cata. That's part of the reason I left, their customer service took a nose-dive, and the community followed.


As for Bioware customer service, I can't really say. I have, miraculously, not had to file a ticket for any reason, because I haven't run into any bugs or problems. I think the largest I've had happen to me is when I started glowing green in my gut for a few minutes.


It all comes down to personal experiences, and I have to say that I've read plenty of positive acknowledgement from the Bioware devs. Then again, I am easy to please, and I think that the devs don't have much to apologize for.

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Um. Do you work for Bioware/EA? Why the hell are you apologizing? Why aren't you angry that Bioware repeatedly ignored feedback from its testers regarding 1.1? People saw the llum debacle coming before it went live. No one could really test it because they refused to give players premade level 50's for whatever bizarre reason. Bioware blundered big time and it is no ones fault other then them. Needless to say my trust in Bioware's competence is shattered. I really hope they learn from this and listen to their customers trying to help them build a better game.


I was just saying that I felt sorry that the OP was upset about the game. I, personally, haven't run into any problems. Which I've said several times.


I don't really know the details of the Ilum problem, because I rarely PvP, so I can't say much on that. But I was trying to say in my first post that Bioware is working to fix bugs, and has thanked the community for making the game so successful constantly. That's much better than other companies, and few companies have the guts needed to apologize over a minor mistake. Mainly because it would cause MORE people to leave. It might stop some, but it would ward off other players, and cause some players to cancel subs.


Again, judging something by your own opinions and preferences doesn't work. Bioware is thinking from a developer's mind and a business's mind, and they need to fix the problems ASAP, while keeping them on the down-low. Like another poster said, they'll get slammed if they admit they made a mistake or there are problems.

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They are apologizing. They did so several times in other threads, and have been pumping out patches several times a week since opening.


Sorry that their time is better spent making patches, than e-mailing apologies to every client. I hope you accept my apology.


Yeah...and then they ban players for taking advantage of the f-up they created. That's sort of like leaving a crap load of candy on the floor next to a baby and then spanking him for eating it.


Rather than apologies - I would have preferred that they roll back all of the valor that those players abused and now have made the imbalance in PVP beyond worse...which I hadn't thought possible.


Rift may not be the most fun game - but they could teach BW a few things about CS and communication skills (and UI design)

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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.

I apologize for having mistaken this as a thought-out post. By extension, I apologize to you for assuming that you were someone who thinks about stuff before posting about it. I won't do that again.

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If Bioware had just done that, 5000 people might not have felt the need to post their own threads and these forums wouldn't be half the cesspit they are now...

Communicating and being straight up with your playerbase makes you popular. The stance you've taken towards your community does not. We're getting minimal amounts of clarification on issues that are of great concern to a good deal of players.


A) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141421 learn it, follow it.


B) devtracker is your friend. Use it. http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

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