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Qyzen's techblade on PTS uses a Barrel for the damage determinant (and has a colour crystal slot too, even if it's not really visible), so while it may seem a little incongruous, it will work in just the same way as any other companion's ranged weapons. In fact, if you pull apart a moddable blaster rifle intended for a Vanguard, you can upgrade his Techblade completely.
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Qyzen's damage mitigation is sub-par. His aoe damage ability does not have large enough range, and he has trouble holding aggro due to lack of proper weapon access.


Comparatively, Lt Iresso uses a blaster rifle and can easily be fitted with a version that can be modded out. He has better damage mitigation than Qyzen, and he can remain in position while switching targets. All this combines to decisively make him a much better tank than Qyzen. Gear is a huge part of this decision of mine; but even when swapping Lt Iresso's gear to Qyzen, Qyzen under-performs when compared to Lt Iresso.


Therefore, in my opinion, Qyzen Fess can only be used in my list of consular companions as a melee dps.


Say what? I have not had any problems with Qyzen as a tank at all. Like I said I've used him exclusively. I am now level 43 with my sage. I keep his gear up to date, I use the best artifact quality techblade. Perhaps that's your problem, you don't equip him properly.

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Seems to me that Qyzen and some of the other Aim-based companions would benefit from a system that replaces "barrel" with something like "techbody". Techblades and blasters could then just use techody as the base stat which would be either Aim or Cunning based.


So this midification for modables would just have one change. Replace barrel with techbody


1. Techbody

2. Crystal

3. Mod

4. Enhancement

5. Augment (optional)


Now you can have an orange techbglade or techstaff.

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I'm late to this discussion; however, I did read through most of it and found the lack of a modable techblade a bit frustrating. However, after reading that 1.2 resolves this issue, I was satisfied. That said, this weekend while on Naa Shadaa, I picked up a really cool level 22 Techblade for Qyzen. I was given a choice for a Reinforced version of his original blade. It didn't even come close. He does better damage now and so far, I'm pleased with how I have him equipped.
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Stopped using him a while ago because he has no DPS so if I'm not a DPS spec nothing gets killed. It also doesn't help that Zenith uses Sniper Rifles which are also practically un-obtainable for Republic Players.


Currently I'm using Iresso just because he can get a full set of Champ gear and be ok at tanking/dps.

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In 5 days, i've seen 2 techblades on the market, and both were 30 lvls above me. Dunno if they are just rare or whatever, but i'm sitting at lvl 18 and have to watch him struggle with a lvl 9 blue techblade wondering if I am ever gonna find him a new weapon. Please for the love of god let him use other weapons!
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In 5 days, i've seen 2 techblades on the market, and both were 30 lvls above me. Dunno if they are just rare or whatever, but i'm sitting at lvl 18 and have to watch him struggle with a lvl 9 blue techblade wondering if I am ever gonna find him a new weapon. Please for the love of god let him use other weapons!


The weapons vender on Nar Shaddaa has lvl 22 tech blade for 1300 iirc. However, on Coruscant, you can by a lvl 15 tech blade from the weapons vendor under the senate building. I don't recall the cost; however, it wasn't all that bad.

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Truthfully, I got so less out of Qyzen than I hoped for.


First of all, in his picture he's holding a BLASTER RIFLE.


Can he use a blaster rifle? No.


It also says (as previously stated) that he can use VIBROBLADES.


Can he use vibroblades? No.


And MOST OF ALL it never even mentions the fact the only dang weapon he can use is a freaking techblade.


And what the heck is a techblade?



And just throwing it in, Qyzen's ADVANCED techblade you get on Tatooine looks EXACTLY like the vibroblade you get on Tython.



I guess I'm sounding pretty whiny... i guess they did some things right on him.

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Qyzen's techblade on PTS uses a Barrel for the damage determinant (and has a colour crystal slot too, even if it's not really visible), so while it may seem a little incongruous, it will work in just the same way as any other companion's ranged weapons. In fact, if you pull apart a moddable blaster rifle intended for a Vanguard, you can upgrade his Techblade completely.


On PTS... all of the AIM based melee companions can equip a barrel in their respective hilt slots?


I leveled to 50 as a healer with Qyzen only. I didn't care for Felix's chattyness, Qyzen's low hertz grumble is easy to miss in combat so he's less annoying then about any of the Basic speaking companions I've run across.

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Changing him to a ranged tank would necessitate changing our other companions: all classes get a melee tank, a ranged tank, a ranged DPS, a melee DPS, and a healer (and, technically, a droid that can heal). Changing Qyzen to a ranged tank would require reworking the other companions (since I doubt we could explain Iresso as a melee tank). As I have repeatedly stated, changing him into a Str tank would completely ignore the entirety of BW's work maintaining characters' aesthetics.



I am slightly off subject here, but it came to me as I read this:


I would prefer they change Qyzen to ranged tank and squash Iresso comlpetely. Convert Iresso to a Jedi Guardian since he came late in the game and I don't know anyone who's ever taken him out. This would keep the melee/range tank plan in full effect and fix the "why does a sage have 2 trooper companions" issue rolling in my brain.


or just make Qyzen melee DPS and give Nadia the tanking skills. what evs

Edited by Stygious
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In 5 days, i've seen 2 techblades on the market, and both were 30 lvls above me. Dunno if they are just rare or whatever, but i'm sitting at lvl 18 and have to watch him struggle with a lvl 9 blue techblade wondering if I am ever gonna find him a new weapon. Please for the love of god let him use other weapons!


To quote myself:


Check out this thread. Send an ingame email to one of these guys on your server with your level and if you want more Aim or End on the weapon.



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  • 3 weeks later...
The Bounty Hunter companion Torian Cadera has this issue too, didn't realise Imperial Agents have one as well.


At the moment, the problem for me comes down to the fact that we have a companion that can't use modded weapons whereas others can, just for this one lack of aim hilt issue. All I really want is a moddable weapon for these companions regardless of what it is.


FWIW, on my inq I picked up the orange vibrosword from drommund kass vendor and I have been swapping out pvp str lightsaber parts the entire game. It works well.


I have not been min/maxing my jedi sage companion much, but yesterday I did notice his techblade is the original one and I am lvl 27 now. I have not checked but is there a techblade with removable mods available at corrisant vendor?

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Orange-moddable techblade - with good quality mods installed, now available from one of the Belsavis heroics.


Even better: Those that already had the blue version from the same quest had it upgraded to the orange moddable one. Those are the lovely little gems of updates that are no in patchnotes!


To be specific, it is one of the heroic dailies. One of them that used to be Heroic 4 and was reduced to Heroic 2+ in the latest patch. It is even soloable for well geared Consulars.

Edited by Devlonir
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There is now a custom Techblade available to craft starts lvl 20 but comes empty can also come augmented with 4 slots. Pattern drops from crafrting missions.


I just picked up the schematic for this today. Looks like BW finally heard the cry for mod techblades.

Edited by AlatarTheGrey
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I have Qyzen equipped with a "Talon Techblade". I think I got it off an elite boss on coruscant around level 11 or 12. I just upgraded the barrel to improve his aim and give him some more endurance. I also crafted a Blue Critical crystal that I equipped.
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