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People need to calm down


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As per the title, some people need to take a deep breath and calm down. The amount of hate threads about people not being the first for EGA is a bit over the top?


As such, I offer a few points to maybe help put things into perspective.


1.) ELA started two days earlier than planned (A wonderful thing!). So anybody who got in on the first two days is already ahead of the planned EGA! Enjoy it!


2.) People stated they where promised 5 days of early access....well it states early game access starts UP TO FIVE DAYS EARLY....so for some it might be less. As mentioned in point 1, we actually got 2 days extra, meaning those people who Pre-Ordered in July should now mostly be in (believe we where up to early Sept in the last wave today). So the majority of people should be on tomorrow, which means most of us should have at least the full 5 days....good stuff! Not sure why people are freaking out over a good thing???


3) A lot of people have "claimed" they know people who pre-ordered after them that got EGA already (some as late as Dec if one believes the claims). This is NOT TRUE! Bioware have said they are not aware of any issue, and the people who make these claims offer up NO EVIDENCE. I have seen several tweets where people complain to bioware of this, but when asked for the account name of the person who got EGA before they should....silence. These claims/rumors are made by trolls so ignore :) If people have evidence, let bioware know asap so they can go all gungan on their a**es!


4) Customer service appears to be bogged down due to the large volumes of people calling asking why they do not have EGA. People should stop this to free up the customer service agents so they can help with legitimate claims (I truly sympathize with the CS reps, must be an absolute nightmare for them atm)


5) May the Force be with you all

Edited by RivianSteele
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Most of the post in regards to not being in on the first 2 days are from customers who ordered and registered their code on day one. So they have a right to complain when it was said first come first server for early access, and since it has been verified by bw employes via tweet, day one was first week pre orders.
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Early acces is being in when the game goes live 3,4,5, 7 days after the first person gets in is not early acces its late pre-release access lol. It's easy to see this is true go look at what bioware fluants as the benifits of pre-ordering to gain early access they are all lost to those that are in from day three on.:rolleyes: I think more people are angry over the fact that bioware is jus calling it a night after one wave every two hours. That customer service has been well below average, and well that they feel unappriciated for the collective billions bioware stands to make of US.


playing games with words like up to blah blah blah doesn't mean their right its kinda like a shady lawyer thing and it makes one wonder what shady word play we might have to deal with next.

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Great Link! Lucky for him it was not the special made SWTOR Keyboard otherwise a waste of $250 lol! (Damn it looks nice though).


Re: Most people are upset are those they pre-ordered on the first day.


True, BUT


1. TWO DAYS EARLIER THAN EXPECTED.....people still forget this it seems


2. It WAS first come, first serve, BUT there where a LOAD of people who pre-ordered on the first day/week/month (the biggest spike according to Bioware) so this was always the group that was going to take the most waves to get access two. It seems they did about a month's worth on Day two, so as pre-orders are still spread out.


So, most (baring any issues) of those who ordered first day/week/month should be in...again before the stated "5 day early access" and yet still unhappy....Bioware cannot win it seems.


I understand people want in, I do to, and I am not in yet, but all good, tbh was not expecting to play until the weekend at the earliest and now it seems I might get in tomorrow with a wee bit of luck, if not then Friday so all good :)


Peace and love people (or rage and hate for the darksiders, but focus on Gungans :p)

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People will always feel like they're entitled to things that they are not. Citing early access as an example. It's just the world we live in. I personally don't see what the big deal is *shrug* Well said, by the way! :)


And some people just make big, useless signatures for the heck of it.


I made one too!

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They yanked the grace period after the 20th, people were rightly furious about that a few days ago. By screwing up EGA no ones yelling about the no more grace period any more until it's too late and those screwed over by it can't speak on the forums to voice their dissent.



Simple diversionary tactics. ;)

Edited by Silveressa
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Quote "ok think of this senario if i put a gun 2 your head and say i may shoot u should I get arrested or not"


well considering that I would assume almost everywhere that would be illegal in the first place....(see where I am going with this?)

Edited by RivianSteele
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They yanked the grace period after the 20th, people were rightly furious about that a few days ago. By screwing up EGA no ones yelling about the no more grace period any more until it's too late and those screwed over by it can't speak on the forums to voice their dissent.



Simple diversionary tactics. ;)


*waves hand* "This is not the grace period you are looking for"

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Early acces is being in when the game goes live


Early access is being in when the game IS RELEASED

The game is not released yet.

EA/Bioware could (and should) totally screw with everyone, not doing ANYTHING more until noon on Monday. THAT is enough to suffice Early Access. Hell, they could have started EA this past weekend and people would STILL have something to whine about.


People will whine about anything and everything. As the OP stated, people just need to calm down. Last I checked, it was a damned game. It's NOT your life, and if it is, you need to wake up... There's a big old world out there. Enjoy it.


It's the holidays people, stop whining about what you DON'T have, and be thankful for what you DO. There's plenty out there far worse off than you are.

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Early access is being in when the game IS RELEASED

The game is not released yet.

EA/Bioware could (and should) totally screw with everyone, not doing ANYTHING more until noon on Monday. THAT is enough to suffice Early Access. Hell, they could have started EA this past weekend and people would STILL have something to whine about.


People will whine about anything and everything. As the OP stated, people just need to calm down. Last I checked, it was a damned game. It's NOT your life, and if it is, you need to wake up... There's a big old world out there. Enjoy it.


It's the holidays people, stop whining about what you DON'T have, and be thankful for what you DO. There's plenty out there far worse off than you are.


Well Said

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I don't see why everyone's pants are in a bunch, sure it took one and 1/4 of a day to do July, ok that's fine. Day 2. Rest of July, ALL of August, ALL of September, and a SPRINKLE of October, again, fair enough. Everyone's saying, "Oh No! I wont get to play until Friday or hell, Even Sunday!!"...Well I've monitored this and almost all other social media hubs and by the sound of it, getting October done, all of November, and Half* a month of December sounds do-able in a single day. I see us all playing ***tomorrow***. Edited by DarthPuckett
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They didn't screw up early access, they just didn't give every single person access, hence the people already in not stopping playing in protest and those who aren't in yet posting really unnecessarily inflammatory threads. Customer service isn't going to be instant and perfect because they're dealing with hundreds of thousands of people sending tickets that amount to "**** **** you bioware". There was never any ambiguity about how much early access any person would get, it never said "You will absolutely get five days if you pre-order." Anyone who derived that simply missed part of the message.


I'm not whiteknighting or fanboying, I'm simply explaining the situation as it exists. If you're upset enough to post an angry thread with profanity, threats of cancellation, or ad hominem attacks against Bioware and its employees, I would seriously consider reevaluating your priorities.


Honestly, it bums me out that there are adult human beings who think this behavior is appropriate in any situation. I genuinely sympathize with the employees of this company having to deal with this sort of abhorrent behavior.

Edited by Valtaherra
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As per the title, some people need to take a deep breath and calm down. The amount of hate threads about people not being the first for EGA is a bit over the top?


As such, I offer a few points to maybe help put things into perspective.


1.) ELA started two days earlier than planned (A wonderful thing!). So anybody who got in on the first two days is already ahead of the planned EGA! Enjoy it!


2.) People stated they where promised 5 days of early access....well it states early game access starts UP TO FIVE DAYS EARLY....so for some it might be less. As mentioned in point 1, we actually got 2 days extra, meaning those people who Pre-Ordered in July should now mostly be in (believe we where up to early Sept in the last wave today). So the majority of people should be on tomorrow, which means most of us should have at least the full 5 days....good stuff! Not sure why people are freaking out over a good thing???


3) A lot of people have "claimed" they know people who pre-ordered after them that got EGA already (some as late as Dec if one believes the claims). This is NOT TRUE! Bioware have said they are not aware of any issue, and the people who make these claims offer up NO EVIDENCE. I have seen several tweets where people complain to bioware of this, but when asked for the account name of the person who got EGA before they should....silence. These claims/rumors are made by trolls so ignore :) If people have evidence, let bioware know asap so they can go all gungan on their a**es!


4) Customer service appears to be bogged down due to the large volumes of people calling asking why they do not have EGA. People should stop this to free up the customer service agents so they can help with legitimate claims (I truly sympathize with the CS reps, must be an absolute nightmare for them atm)


5) May the Force be with you all


+1 common sense FTW

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They didn't screw up early access, they just didn't give every single person access, hence the people in not stopping playing in protest and those who aren't in yet posting really unnecessarily inflammatory threads. Customer service isn't going to be instant and perfect because they're dealing with hundreds of thousands of people sending tickets that amount to "**** **** you bioware". There was never any ambiguity about how much early access any person would get, it never said "You will absolutely get five days if you pre-order." Anyone who derived that simply missed part of the message.


I'm not whiteknighting or fanboying, I'm simply explaining the situation as it exists. If you're upset enough to post an angry thread with profanity, threats of cancellation, or ad hominem attacks against Bioware and its employees, I would seriously consider reevaluating your priorities.


Honestly, it bums me out that there are adult human beings who think this behavior is appropriate in any situation. I genuinely sympathize with the employees of this company having to deal with this sort of abhorrent behavior.


I could not agree more, unfortunatly the Customer Service Thread is just full of people complaining about EGA and customer service (who are swamped with useless calls meaning they cannot deal with the important ones)...*sigh*

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As long as I get some kind of early access, works for me. If Bioware screw up somehow and a bunch pre-order people end up starting on the 20th, then heads will roll. Otherwise I am not too worry about it. Waited years for this game, what is a few more days?:) Edited by nacchii
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This is not a bad launch, you kids don't know what a bad launch is. If they let everyone play at the same time, servers could crash and no one plays, questing areas so full it's unbearible, and que times that never let you into the game. Servers are tweaked as the launch process to fix lag issues, hotfixes to fix unknown bugs. This is already on record as the biggest MMO release in history, I'm happy with the fact their trying to make the boat float, then make a few people happy. Early access was promised on the 15th, not the 13th, that was a bonus. Their rewarding the people who showed the most loyality, in our circles, that usually a element we love. Based on the preorder numbers, and what BW is saying they've let in, everyone should have access tomorrow.

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