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I failed all of you.


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I appreciate your candor, but I don't want an apology from you, OP, I want an apology from Bioware.


I'm not asking for an apology because I personally feel wronged, but because maybe- maybe- it will make these forums function again, instead of the ground zero for flame war after flame war.


Frankly, I've been through three or four MMO releases now, and I've never seen a community hate a development studio producing the game more than this one hates Bioware. I think it comes from the people who play this game and the expectations they were given, but I also think it has a little to do with how these players were and are treated. Bioware hasn't approached its playerbase, it has handled us. It has treated at arms length and hidden its responses behind PR-crafted posts. Apparently, we are not worth an actual, human, response from these people.


That's why I'm asking for an apology. Not that I think it will fix anything, but because the dismissive treatment that this playerbase has perceived from the studio has so ruined the relationship their consumers that I dont think they can do anything right now to appease them.


Except, maybe, apologize.


I completely, completely agree with this. I've also been through four MMO releases, and have never seen such a high level of animosity towards the development studio. Complaints and gripes about the game? Most definitely. Pure, unmitigated outrage and hate towards developers? No.


In this case, I think the hatred is deserved. Personally, I've never disliked a development studio upon a MMO release as much as I despise Bioware now.

Edited by nesaie
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This post actually made my morning.

Thank you OP, and I whole heartedly agree.


This game brought people I used to play with years ago back out of the wood work and we've got a nice little guild on the go now, with a line-up that closely resembles my first (and courtesy of rose-tinted glasses) and best experience in an MMO.


Thankfully, only me and one other person in the guild bothers with the official forums, because they can be a real downer due to the overwhelming negativity here.

It's not to say that negativity isn't warranted to some extent, the game has issues, absolutely, but things do tend to get blown out of proportion.

I will stick to my usual tactic of giving the game 6-9 months before I will start being overly negative.


Again, thank you OP for this.


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I personally wanted to take the time to say thank you for being so honest in this big Corp world of lies ~ I knew from the get go this game came out wayyyyyyyyy to early which is why i waited till after the 1st of the yr to purchase it ` big mistake on my part ` i paid for something i cannot play ` i have posted sooo many threads ect here in the forums with all my info ` and for 3 solid weeks all i do is CRASH CRASH CRASH ~ but for those of you whom are still playing good luck out there !!! ;-) i canceled my account and wont play this game till its fixed ~ i played Galaxies for 6 yrs without a glitch hmmmm? peace out all:mad:

note id like my $150.00 dollars back and i'll keep the statue ( yes i was one of the hardcore fans from the 70's !!)

Edited by kevsev
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A lot of us just played because we enjoyed the game and ignored feedback requests.


rest of blather snipped...


And this is why external testing for these games is a fail idea. Always has been and always will be. There's no reason for allowing outsiders to test IP like this anymore given trends in unit and automated testing as well as VM's and simulated load testing.


Oh, and early external testers are usually crazed fan boys who couldn't find anything wrong if their toon was upside down on the screen OR dickless wonders who just want to find every PvP/PvE exploit they can to ride into release just to feel good about themselves for once in their lives.

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Every beta is filled with people who are on board simply because getting to play the game early makes them feel "special," who have no intention of ever filing a report or helping make the game a more polished product other than telling the developer how awesome they are in hopes that it will earn them brownie points down the road.


Judging by the comments on the forums leading up to release, Bioware's core fandom (which including many of the beta testers) preferred the game the way it was -- bugs, glitches, inconveniences, inconsistencies, and all -- so that (a) the game could be released ASAP, (b) Bioware could spend more time on expansion material instead, and © they could demonstrate their unwavering loyalty ... and Bioware gave it to them.


If you're disappointed in anything about the current product, you're not only not part of the audience Bioware cares about, you're not wanted PERIOD. Not by EA/Bioware, and not by the community. That much has been obvious throughout the development process.

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