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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If people really cared about Ilum...


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Empire players would re-roll Republic ASAP. Seriously, just do it.


I left my Valor 54 Marauder last night to roll republic along with my entire guild. Instant pops and no 24/7 huttball. You people NEED to make this sacrifice if you hope that Ilum and PvP will get any better. If you are empire and refuse to go then you have no right to complain about anything.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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I'm a Republic player but just to be frank, if you're level 50 and you have Champion gear pushing Battlemaster why the hell would you want to reroll? Getting PvP gear in this game is an absolute joke and I guarantee you that most Imperial players don't want to go through the RNG crap all over again.
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I'm a Republic player but just to be frank, if you're level 50 and you have Champion gear pushing Battlemaster why the hell would you want to reroll? Getting PvP gear in this game is an absolute joke and I guarantee you that most Imperial players don't want to go through the RNG crap all over again.


I did, it's really not that big of a deal at all. What is the point of the PvP gear if you can't even utilize it except in Huttball?

Edited by JustinxDuff
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I'm a Republic player but just to be frank, if you're level 50 and you have Champion gear pushing Battlemaster why the hell would you want to reroll?


Hmm, maybe to enjoy the diversity offered in the game's content? I'm sorry guys (no I'm not), but I hope I'm not the only one that didn't just have some predetermination to play one specific faction the whole time. I mean, isn't that why you bought SWTOR? To appreciate different storylines and different designs and angles into the Star Wars universe? Or is it just "lol exploit this toon cuz pvp points rule evrthng around me"?


I agree with OP. If you're Imp, just say to hell with it and try something new. Support both sides; it enables the general feel of the game, and it's not like you need red lights and mascara to feel cool and accomplished. Not saying you have to, but just be open toward the idea, 'cause the game is needing it.

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I'm a Republic player but just to be frank, if you're level 50 and you have Champion gear pushing Battlemaster why the hell would you want to reroll? Getting PvP gear in this game is an absolute joke and I guarantee you that most Imperial players don't want to go through the RNG crap all over again.

Think I'm at around valour 56 and have been playing republic. It's not like the "RNG crap" is that terrible; oh noes... a full week to get the entire set, my life is ruined. Most QQ on forums now!

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the players need to save the game cause I cant see BW stepping in.


You guys are amazing. And this is exactly what is happening.


I have invited 4 ppl to our guild in the last 18 hours that have left the imperial side to join the republic. Not because they feel sorry for anyone, but because they love this game and want to see it succeed.


I commend you all.

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You guys are amazing. And this is exactly what is happening.


I have invited 4 ppl to our guild in the last 18 hours that have left the imperial side to join the republic. Not because they feel sorry for anyone, but because they love this game and want to see it succeed.


I commend you all.


On the flipside, I had three players leave my guild on the Republic side yesterday because we don't allow point trading with the imps, or cross-faction cooperation for completing dailies.


You aren't going to save any game counting on gamers' good will. If the devs allow it, laziness will always win out in the end.

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Empire players would re-roll Republic ASAP. Seriously, just do it.


I left my Valor 54 Marauder last night to roll republic along with my entire guild. Instant pops and no 24/7 huttball. You people NEED to make this sacrifice if you hope that Ilum and PvP will get any better. If you are empire and refuse to go then you have no right to complain about anything.


If the roles were reversed and Empire was the underdogs, my guild and I would have rerolled a long time ago. Since it's not, we have to count on you guys to do what we can't. I'm already Republic. I won't go Empire because 24/7 Hutt Ball is lame. I may roll an alt down the road to enjoy the game in it's entirety, but definitely not while this massive imbalance exists. Man up and reroll. Boohoo, you lose your pretty gear. How long did it take you? 1 month? Less than that since that game isn't even a month pass launch. You will survive and the game will be better for it.

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i did this already - i have a 55 rank imperial operative and have now just reached 50 on a sage


the players need to save the game cause I cant see BW stepping in.


voice your opinion and urge BW to do something in the interest of the players. i refuse to pay a monthly fee for a game that I have to make fun for myself and others. it costs you nothing to sign but allows you to have a chance (no matter how slight) to get what you pay for.



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Empire players would re-roll Republic ASAP. Seriously, just do it.


I left my Valor 54 Marauder last night to roll republic along with my entire guild. Instant pops and no 24/7 huttball. You people NEED to make this sacrifice if you hope that Ilum and PvP will get any better. If you are empire and refuse to go then you have no right to complain about anything.


I for one, as a Republic player and a PVPer, thank you and your guild mates. This game could use more people like you.

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I've found flashpoints are definitely better for people rolling empire, though sending innocent people flying out into space to save a ship successfully delivered the lol... I haven't found a huge difference otherwise. I honestly hate Jedi; lucky for them, I hate huttball worse.
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Curious to ask what people would propose as a solution for faction balance?


The biggest thing about rolling an alt is being able to "walk through" the game per say by having extra credits and hence gear from your main


hardest thing I saw from rerolling to republic was not being able to send gear by mail to my alt and hence I was literally playing from scratch and that annoyed me (some lore objections sure)


the bulk of this game is the experience from 1-50 after u finish one story your encouraged to roll an alt with the legacy system and just experience another story .. so do that but roll a republic to help the numbers


the way this is going only one thing will happen ... imperials camp republics (republics dont go to ilum) - imperials get bored - few leave -> someone shouts the game is dying -> others leave because its not "cool" to play a 'dying' game ... different reasons but same ending as most mmos in the past few years (atleast IMO)

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The biggest thing about rolling an alt is being able to "walk through" the game per say by having extra credits and hence gear from your main


hardest thing I saw from rerolling to republic was not being able to send gear by mail to my alt and hence I was literally playing from scratch and that annoyed me (some lore objections sure)


You can always use the GTN on nar shadar, put up grey for 100k and have your empire main buy it. :)

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/force bump!


I got to level 15 last night with my limited play time, tonight is gonna be a dedicated grind for levels!



Anyways, I just want to emphasize that I still feel BW needs to drastic measures to save the game (especially PvP). It may be hard to leave your empire toons but it is a sacrifice that will help both you and the server and I think more and more people are going to start realizing this.



We were running a premade last night with no one above lv18. We lost 1 game and put lvl30+ empire groups into the dirt. It was awesome. Out of 10 warzones I got 1 Huttball, oh man this is so much better!

Edited by JustinxDuff
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