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Proof: show me it or ****


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I hear people crying about massive valor gains and what not all over the pvp forums yet when somebody makes a thread asking for proof none is given. It has been confirmed that the turrets give no valor and never did, it was all just a hoax. People base camping have said that they got some valor but not really that much, most i have heard from one post was they got from lvl 55 to 56. That is hardly game changing and isn't worth a roll back. I got 15k valor yesterday from just doing WZs for a couple of hours and in case your wondering i am republic and i am the minority on my server. This is just a rumor based QQ fest until somebody can show valid evidence. So what gives? show proof that people were getting uber valor to the point that it is game changing or quit complaining.


EDIT: if you notice nobody has posted proof yet and in case your wondering that is because most of the things you heard were either blown out of proportion or didn't happen in the first place. Seriously stop believing the hype its all rumor no fact.

Edited by Shandrii
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I hear people crying about massive valor gains and what not all over the pvp forums yet when somebody makes a thread asking for proof none is given. It has been confirmed that the turrets give no valor and never did, it was all just a hoax. People base camping have said that they got some valor but not really that much, most i have heard from one post was they got from lvl 55 to 56. That is hardly game changing and isn't worth a roll back. I got 15k valor yesterday from just doing WZs for a couple of hours and in case your wondering i am republic and i am the minority on my server. This is just a rumor based QQ fest until somebody can show valid evidence. So what gives? show proof that people were getting uber valor to the point that it is game changing or quit complaining.


They can't because it never happened. Trolls created panic and every forum rat jumped on the bandwagon. Now people are believing the hype with no real proof and cancelling / calling game dead / qq'ing non-stop because of it.


It's laughable...


What we know happened: Bioware made pvp on Illum kill based, but didn't make sanctuaries so people got spawn camped. Yes it got incredibly annoying and yes Imps got more valor than reps mainly because of pop imbalances, but nothing to the extent most these trolls believe.

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They can't because it never happened. Trolls created panic and every forum rat jumped on the bandwagon. Now people are believing the hype with no real proof and cancelling / calling game dead / qq'ing non-stop because of it.


It's laughable...


What we know happened: Bioware made pvp on Illum kill based, but didn't make sanctuaries so people got spawn camped. Yes it got incredibly annoying and yes Imps got more valor than reps mainly because of pop imbalances, but nothing to the extent most these trolls believe.


thank you for posting and i know this im just hoping this thread is seen a bit more throughout the pvp forums so people will settle down

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Of course it never happened. Hundreds of Imperials were standing on the Republic respawn point in their Ilum base on many servers farming them because they all joined a Flash Mob event.




i didn't say it didn't happen, the "flash mob" was due to the new ilum quests to kill repubs not because of extreme valor. im saying a roll back isn't necessary because nobody got that much valor! this proved there are massive population imbalances on the servers that is all that was shown. Unfortunately a ton of people said they were getting massive valor out of farming people which was also a complete hoax and now everybody is riled up over nothing.

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That's all I was doing as a guardian. Unfortunately we were on the other side of that mass of green, but the turrets would kill and we get valor credit for it.


I got 5 valor levels in under an hour on republic side. So I could only image what higher pop servers were getting. (32-37)


What I think is the biggest croc is that all of these pictures and videos have surfaced and Bioware did nothing to correct their mistake. They fixed the problem, but pretty much said good for you guys who abused the system.

Edited by EcGBorn
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i'll be honest that didn't show me very much. it showed him sitting in the back having valor come in for 1:30 but they supposedly had DRs so after a while you killing the same person wouldn't have given nearly as much valor as it would have the first time. im talking about levels i want to see a video of a person who was 50 and 2 hours later 60 that is what people are worried about not a ton of valor in the first 10 mins and next to nothing for the rest of the time.

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Perhaps because the majority of people who got it don't dare show Bioware with their open threat to "punish" those who took advantage? Hell if I robbed a bank you think I'm gonna go around bragging about it?


C'mon now.


^ This

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I was in one of them so i know. I don't need to provide proof nor do i care if you believe me,it happened end of.


Yeah well, you got some people saying OMG I got 10 lvls in an hour, others saying I got my alt from 1-60 in a few hours, others saying turrets giving 2k valor a kill and then you got people saying they spent all night there and only got 2 lvls.


There is ALOT of discrepancy as to what exactly the issue was out side of spawn camping and getting valor of reps cycling in not knowing any better...


I've also heard the turrets gave valor, then all of a sudden didn't, then I heard they never did.


So yes, without proof it's hard for anyone to take action. Taking action purely by reading the forums is quite possibly the dumbest thing anyone could do. Due to the fact of the large amounts of trolls on MMO forums.

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What's difficult about this situation is that:


(1) You're asking people to willingly turn themselves in if the exploit is true. Sure, Bioware may have ways of punishing players by looking at data, but that's not the point here as we don't know what they're going to do since they haven't said a word since yesterday.


(2) Again, let's say this exploit is true, you're asking the _EXPLOITER_ to turn themselves in. Why would a criminal do that? Hell, it's even hard for an honest man to admit what he did wrong. So far, we got one honest person:



(3) Who the hell is going to document proof of their exploitation? I sure as hell wouldn't. I'd be discreet. How many people do you think will capture themselves at X rank then show another picture at X rank?


(4) Why would massive amounts of Imperials stay at Ilum for hours upon hours against the few Republic? Like the man above me said, flash mob? Be real.


(5) Not every person on Ilum came to the forums. It's a small percentage of the total population.


(6) Why did the threads blow up in a few hours yesterday? Call it mass hysteria all you want, but bar the turret farming troll, people were upset. Bioware said two responses in ten hours and let the zerg-fest go on. They showed to me and my close friends that they aren't competent enough to run an MMO.


Believe what you want to, but I think SOMETHING happened on Ilum that day.


I don't really care for a valor rollback, I just want a *********** apology for their PvP ignorance.

Edited by Westinftw
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800 valor per minute * 600 minutes = 480,000


I guess you showed him!


then please show me a video of this happening! i want to see somebody who was lvl 50 and 2 hours later lvl 60! like i said before its no doubt the factions are unbalanced but show me this big *** valor gain everybody is ************ about! i like i said before i am repub so i am the minority but im not in favor of a roll back.

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well if wouldnt be hard for bioware to look at some logs to find out if there was a insane valor gain. im republic and i tryed at first to go to ilum but it was swarming with imps. so i stayed away till it dies down when i went back in a group we were getting like 100 valor a kill but we didnt own ilum and today was in group and was getting 150 a kill with defender bonus agian not controlling ilum so the only way someone would gain insane valor would be if the 2 factions were both in full scale groups goin at it with whatever side ownin ilum at the time getting the bigests gains 200 valor a kill untill dr kicked in but would still be alot but only if there was a big group of other faction to kill which i didnt really see on my server most republic stayed away
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Empire players are getting 200 valor a kill with full control of Ilum. On my server people weren't even camping their spawn and people went from 54-60 in a couple of hours.


How is that not a problem.


then show me it. this is just your word against mine unless you can bring evidence that ppl were actually making that much valor. i did say i wanted proof... actually i think it was the title of the thread... so go find me proof or stop posting.

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then show me it. this is just your word against mine unless you can bring evidence that ppl were actually making that much valor. i did say i wanted proof... actually i think it was the title of the thread... so go find me proof or stop posting.


Please be quiet. The proof is there. Stop trolling.

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