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Overloaded Servers!!!!


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Seriously. If people start QQing about 30-40min waits when people still are days away from actually getting in, I'll have lost faith in humanity.


I already have lost faith. Got snipped so I don't breed and have kids that have to deal with this crap

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"Something is seriously wrong, this does not bode well for the general release!"


Please....stop pretending you know anything at all about launching a major video game project. Saying something is going to fail or do badly because you disagree with something about it doesn't make you an expert, it just makes you whiney.

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I just wanna say that this staggered idea with only some servers online was a terrible ideia because everyone has friends now in some server of those that are on, and those friends aren't rerolling chars so we have no chance to go to them. I know I'm going to one that is full in this moment, I have no choice.



please admit failure and open free transfers on the 20th

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I don't get it:


"Staggered release is dumb! Let everyone in NAO"


"Servers are packed! This does not bode well for launch guise!"




Apparently you can't read or choose not to. They have LIMITED the cap on all servers by quite a bit. The servers are not near capacity for what they will be in a few days once they remove stupid cap and put a normal one in place. They are basically forcing a que on people by placing the limits so low

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Apparently you can't read or choose not to. They have LIMITED the cap on all servers by quite a bit. The servers are not near capacity for what they will be in a few days once they remove stupid cap and put a normal one in place. They are basically forcing a que on people by placing the limits so low


Re read. I completely get it. In fact I have mentioned this over and over. It's the "THIS DOES NOT BODE WELL FOR LAUNCH" that the OP added that I was referring to.


Something is seriously wrong, this does not bode well for the general release!

Edited by Beatmiser
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I just wanna say that this staggered idea with only some servers online was a terrible ideia because everyone has friends now in some server of those that are on, and those friends aren't rerolling chars so we have no chance to go to them. I know I'm going to one that is full in this moment, I have no choice.



please admit failure and open free transfers on the 20th


Bioware and its afilliates are not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension. Furthermore they do not take responsibility for you having ******* for friends.





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Right, little bit off topic but basically I've been allowed in with the first wave. I wasn't able to connect to the servers and got error code 1003. I was able to play this morning, but later in the day got disconnected and yet again I can't join any servers at all and get the error code 1003. I know a lot of people are complaining about not getting in but I don't understand why I sometimes can connect to any server and then other times can't connect to any of them. I'm sure it is not an issue at my end and hoping I'm not the only one with this problem.
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The servers said full last night, and they said low this morning.


My guess is they're capping the population each day to spread out the population during each wave.


Wow, someone actually gets it. Nice to know there are still some sane people out there in the rage fog :)

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im amazed by all these "Avatar"-less trolls in here.


Must take too much time to actually pick an avatar.... or..

maybe... its the avatar of a troll?


Being trying to get a Avatar since Nov, but everytime I press Ok I get a 404 Error, go figure :D

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Wasn't excessively long wait times to access the SWTOR EGA foretold by the Mayan's as a sign of the end of times?


I've never believed the whole 2012 rumors until now. I would say make the most of it kid, just suck it up and enjoy the game while you can. Looks like we only got a little over a year until we're all screwed now anyhow!


No. I think it was the Aztec's fortelling the NerdPocalypse.

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Wow, someone actually gets it. Nice to know there are still some sane people out there in the rage fog :)


Thank god some people understand. I have been trying to explain it but people just keep screaming "you all wanted in and now look you dun messed up everything, now i has a Q!"

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its simple for me i will keep moving to a server with no que time to play hopefully there will be at least one, i will not worry about character leveling as i may be abandoning started characters for no que time.

If by the end of the month when my subscription is due BW better have the **** together because im not waiting to play by then for sure so BW go go go

Edited by Hingster
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