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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I thought i might wake up to common sense management from bioware....


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I can't believe they have decided to proceed with no rollback of valor


What incompetence


It really saps my will to even log in and play right now ...


I can't believe bioware thinks its is okay that many aoe users were getting untold valor yesterday and now it's been made simple to speed valor farm to battle master in no time


I spent at least ten days played time grinding to 60

And as soon as I get there bioware wants to hand out 60 plus valor level likes it's candy at Halloween !?????????


Really ?


That's pretty screwed up


I had been playing 5-7 hours a day average ( some days none some days all day )

And I now have no desire to even log on it just makes me sick to my stomach I grinder to get to that gear and now imps can farm it unlimited and relive cannot o they can try but they do not have the numbers on any server to do so



Really no roll back ??????


I really thought I'd wake up this morning to a valor rollback and i could feel good about management and direction of SWTOR again


Instead I'm still in shock and dismay at the incompetence of bioware

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Thinking out loud? Way to go, mate! I'm pretty upset about it too, but that doesn't deserve a specific thread. It's loose-loose case for them, but if I would be among the management, I'd definitely vote for a roll back!



I guess I just dont get it ... I don't see how it's remotely justifiable to keep it as is with the valor dispenser ilum will be for imps now and no roll back


I don't see how bioware could be thinking clearly to allow this


Grrr bioware practically went from my favorite gaming company to l racing an extremely sour taste in my mouth overnight .... Not sure I'll be able to press for award and enjoy SWTOR ATM

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What does this even mater? No one cared in that other game how much honor you grinded in joke BGs which are equivalent to WZs here. Its not like it matters if someone is valor 0 or valor 60. I would understand if this issue would be on competetive PvP which this game doesnt have yet before rated premade WZs come.
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It's loose-loose case for them, but if I would be among the management, I'd definitely vote for a roll back!


How is it a lose-lose for them? People exploited the heck out of a bug in a patch. In any sane world, any benefits from the exploiting would be taken away, and in a just world exploiters would be banned. Though I understand why the latter would never happen, it would mean banning most of level 50 Imp chars on every server.


Are the exploiters going to be pissed if it happens? Of course. But who cares? They exploited a known bug, they should be happy they're not getting banned for it.


As it is, EXPLOITERS are happy, and everyone else is pissed. How is that a good decision?

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I don't get the rollback talk, why does everyone care so much about the valor rank? All it does is allow for battlemaster gear, it's not even a huge increase in gear.


I'm a republic player and personally I could careless if every Empire player was level 60+ valor. All it means is they farmed valor or spent too much time in game.


It's not like it was as one sided as everyone on these forums posts either, I gained 8 valor ranks as a republic player in Ilum and only have a few more to go for 60. That'll put me at 60 valor rank in under 7 days total played on the character. Is this really too much of a grind for people to do it legit?


Sure, they exploited the way Ilum was, but it was pretty much everyone. But really, it's only Valor, why would you care that much?

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What does this even mater? No one cared in that other game how much honor you grinded in joke BGs which are equivalent to WZs here. Its not like it matters if someone is valor 0 or valor 60. I would understand if this issue would be on competetive PvP which this game doesnt have yet before rated premade WZs come.



It matters because if they had announced a couple weeks ago they were coming out with easy mode to get to level 60 I would have waited and not grinded


I never played wow I've never pvped before


I just think it's absorb that getting to rank 60 will be way easier now if you imperial and if your reublic well your SoL

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If you re-read the post and the comment added in at the very bottom by the Community Manager, Bioware does plan to take action against the individuals who abused the system to mass gain valor, how about you give them some slack, see what they're gonna do, and then start the qq fest?
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I can't believe they have decided to proceed with no rollback of valor


What incompetence


It really saps my will to even log in and play right now ...


I can't believe bioware thinks its is okay that many aoe users were getting untold valor yesterday and now it's been made simple to speed valor farm to battle master in no time


I spent at least ten days played time grinding to 60

And as soon as I get there bioware wants to hand out 60 plus valor level likes it's candy at Halloween !?????????


Really ?


That's pretty screwed up


I had been playing 5-7 hours a day average ( some days none some days all day )

And I now have no desire to even log on it just makes me sick to my stomach I grinder to get to that gear and now imps can farm it unlimited and relive cannot o they can try but they do not have the numbers on any server to do so



Really no roll back ??????


I really thought I'd wake up this morning to a valor rollback and i could feel good about management and direction of SWTOR again


Instead I'm still in shock and dismay at the incompetence of bioware


EA stock is dropping pretty fast today. The fact news agencies started reporting about PLAYER OUTRAGE probably made their heads spin.

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Probably their way of getting you to roll alts lol,

"End game is sparse and easy to gain Valor and gear? Its all good, just roll another toon and make our record breaking amount of Voice acting worth the trouble!!"

Edited by adamqd
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