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Annihilation is bugged in EV?


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As everyone knows, when you crit on a bleed with an Annihilation spec, you will do a group heal.


However, when you are fighting the 1v1 fight in EV, when you crit on a bleed it will do the group heal -- however the heal will be for 0. That said, even though the heal is 0, it will still make the fight unbeatable.


Does anyone else see this as a bug? I mean if it actually healed for something, I would say that it was working as intended, however it appears the devs went out of the there way to set the heal to 0 for this particular fight.


Just sucks if you're annihilation and you cant use your bleeds.

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I ignored bleeds all together, stuck with annihilate, vic slash, ravage etc, was kinda stupid getting a million debuffs.


You should be on another marauder in 1v1 which is easily killable.

Edited by Kodokai
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I ignored bleeds all together, stuck with annihilate, vic slash, ravage etc, was kinda stupid getting a million debuffs.


You should be on another marauder in 1v1 which is easily killable.


Using Annihilation spec and not putting up DoTs is horrendously stupid. The entire spec is based around DoT damage. Why in the world would you not use the direct damage Carnage spec if you hate DoTs?

Edited by Tumri
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For that fight the only thing I didn't do was hit berserk, or any fury activated abilities for that matter. As the key thing to remember here is that group members cannot help eachother in any way. This includes all buffs you may do through your fury abilities. If you use berserk, then your bleeds will heal your group, and thus bug out the encounter. Feel free to stack up your bleeds as normal, just don't use berserk and you'll be fine! A bit silly I know, considering the fury is a rather large part of our class, but it's a rather easy beat down anyway!
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Yea its lame its bugged, just dont use berserk, rupture and overload still work fine. I fight the marauder everytime with this method and still finish first ( usually ) once its fixed (LOL ) it will never be a problem not to mention if they ever fix Bleedout
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Yea its lame its bugged, just dont use berserk, rupture and overload still work fine. I fight the marauder everytime with this method and still finish first ( usually ) once its fixed (LOL ) it will never be a problem not to mention if they ever fix Bleedout


its not bugged.. the fight is you cannot HELP or cast ANYTHING on any other player.


so yes berserk as Anni should NOT be used..


I dont see the issue either.

was able to tear down my mark far faster than most.

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Using Annihilation spec and not putting up DoTs is horrendously stupid. The entire spec is based around DoT damage. Why in the world would you not use the direct damage Carnage spec if you hate DoTs?


It's not hard to kill without bleeds at all, the debuff was annoying & at the time had no idea what was causing it, so i just left them out :D

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As everyone knows, when you crit on a bleed with an Annihilation spec, you will do a group heal.


However, when you are fighting the 1v1 fight in EV, when you crit on a bleed it will do the group heal -- however the heal will be for 0. That said, even though the heal is 0, it will still make the fight unbeatable.


Does anyone else see this as a bug? I mean if it actually healed for something, I would say that it was working as intended, however it appears the devs went out of the there way to set the heal to 0 for this particular fight.


Just sucks if you're annihilation and you cant use your bleeds.



You dont heal anytime you crit, that is only with berserk up. You simply do not use berserk for this fight and you win. IMO if you do not even understand your own abilities you probably should not be raiding.

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