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Faction Balanace: The Solution


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Listen I'll put it as bluntly as possible. Every single MMO the last 5-6 years that has released has been good-two-shoes dominated. From WAR to Rift, I think alot of people (me included) were tired of always rolling the losing side in a 2 faction MMO, I have always played the bad side in WoW, WAR, and Rift and this is the first MMO that I can recall where there was a somewhat Biased opinion from the Devs to the Community that "this time, the bad side will prevail" AND I am so freaking happy that I finally got it right.


Its been 7+ years through 4 games that I rolled the underpopulated side so let me bask in this glory a while before you start the proberbial whining.


What on earth are you going on about?


Bask in your glory of rolling Sith if you want, go nuts. I am sure you went through an extensive application process to roll on a Sith character. They don't just let anyone do that.

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Why are you arguing, RvR was one of the biggest argument of bioware and it still does so...


you might have confused TOR with Warhammer there ...


Bioware specifically marketed this game as PvE centric story-driven MMO, not a PvP centric game ...


i really dont know how you people come up with this stuff.


ive been following the development of the game since 2008 and it has allways been clear that PvP will only be a side-aspect.

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you might have confused TOR with Warhammer there ...


Bioware specifically marketed this game as PvE centric story-driven MMO, not a PvP centric game ...


i really dont know how you people come up with this stuff.


ive been following the development of the game since 2008 and it has allways been clear that PvP will only be a side-aspect.


So it's completely OK to send out a patch that completely breaks world PvP? World PvP was broken from the start and they knew it was broken but went live with it anyways. I don't care if you say you're more focused on PvE, you still cannot completely disregard those that enjoy PvP.

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Maybe if they wouldn't present the Republic as a bunch of indecisive idiots all the time and play up the fact that the Sith are genuinely despicable people a bit more...


Video game developers have no problem making a faction hatable if they want to, you don't see half the Skyrim forum going "We want a game about being a Thalmore", Bioware just choses to never actually cast the Sith in a negative light.

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Thought of another way...


Remove same faction WZs. Eat the queues or reroll.


Better yet make warzones none faction based may not seem very star wars like jedi & sith fighting together but then when does jedi fighting jedi & sith fight sith over a ball game seem star warsy

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I see only one solution:


you queue for a transport to a new planet (solo or as a group/operation) that is cross-server.


It would have the same limit of players for both factions (for example: 100 rep and 100 imp) and if that limit is reached - a new layer of instance is spawned (till it gets filled and so on).


The priority is to fill the existing instances first (so if someone leaves - the opened spot will be filled first before opening new instance).


When you are already there - you can play there, but you can also queue for switching to another existing layer (so groups [guilds most likely] bigger than operation size would eventually end up on the same layer).



There is one problem with it. If you have 50k republic players wanting to play on that pvp planet and 300k on the imperial side then only 50k of those imperials would be able to play. (well, that would be the best incentive to roll the underdog faction, wouldn't it?)



As for the actual content of that pvp planet - no idea, but as long as you have even number of players - you have a good starting ground

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I played a lot of MMOs in the last 10+ years and there was only one game that had faction imbalance, but this imbalance didn't destroyed PvP. It was the only game with three factions instead of 2. I can be wrong, but might see a dependency here.


Two faction PvP only works in Arenas and Battlegrounds, but not in Open PvP worlds. SWTOR should have take this into consideration. A lot of PvP games struggled with server imbalance and e.g. Warhammer died because of this.


Anyway... battleground PvP in SWTOR is funny, if it would not be always Huttenball.

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