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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Founder title...


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Amazingly shoddy business practice bioware. To entice people to stay around at least for one more month they are offering an exclusive "founder" title in which the only way to become eligible is have been billed at least once or have redeemed a game time code. This title is not going to be available past march.


The lengths they will go to try and pinch out a few more bucks from the people who have tried to enjoy the game only to be disappointed. I honestly was on the fence about whether i was going to resub or not, this email i received today actually confirms my decision.


I am absolutely disgusted, and actually feel a bit of pity for bioware and EA.


Trust me, this is not going to be a respected title in 5 years if this game is still around. It will be remembered always as the "I got suckered into another month" title.


Guys, dont fall for it.

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If you do not like the game then no matter what you are offered you wont stay as you are not going to play it


I am subbing.... The title is a bonus... not one I will use.


If someone who hates the game is shallow enougth to sub JUST for a title then lol@them because they deserve everything they get.


I find it offensive that you consider people stupid enougth to buy a game they hate just for a title

Edited by corbanite
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Amazingly shoddy business practice bioware. To entice people to stay around at least for one more month they are offering an exclusive "founder" title in which the only way to become eligible is have been billed at least once or have redeemed a game time code. This title is not going to be available past march.


The lengths they will go to try and pinch out a few more bucks from the people who have tried to enjoy the game only to be disappointed. I honestly was on the fence about whether i was going to resub or not, this email i received today actually confirms my decision.


I am absolutely disgusted, and actually feel a bit of pity for bioware and EA.


Trust me, this is not going to be a respected title in 5 years if this game is still around. It will be remembered always as the "I got suckered into another month" title.


Guys, dont fall for it.


BTW Blizzard is giving away Diablo 3 (a game with no release date) to anyone who commits to a year of WoW.


How do you even do that?

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Don't get me wrong, i REALLY REALLY wanted to like this game, but it is far from what i need it to be for it to become my main MMO (i can only justify paying one MMO sub a month). The title is very intriguing, IF i knew i would be playing this game for years to come, but right now i see that as a very low probability.
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At least its not a, " I got suckered into an extra year of wow." mount.


Given the fact that crap tons of people are going to head right back to WoW upon discovering the complete lack of functional endgame here, the bundle isn't seeming like such a bad deal anymore. I held off on doing it because I fully expected to switch over to TOR right away, but unless something drastic changes quickly, I'm not thinking that's going to happen anymore.

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Trust me, this is not going to be a respected title in 5 years if this game is still around. It will be remembered always as the "I got suckered into another month" title.


Yea, respect from a bunch of random strangers on the internet......Thats why i play mmos...:rolleyes:

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Amazingly shoddy business practice bioware. To entice people to stay around at least for one more month they are offering an exclusive "founder" title in which the only way to become eligible is have been billed at least once or have redeemed a game time code. This title is not going to be available past march.


The lengths they will go to try and pinch out a few more bucks from the people who have tried to enjoy the game only to be disappointed. I honestly was on the fence about whether i was going to resub or not, this email i received today actually confirms my decision.


I am absolutely disgusted, and actually feel a bit of pity for bioware and EA.


Trust me, this is not going to be a respected title in 5 years if this game is still around. It will be remembered always as the "I got suckered into another month" title.


Guys, dont fall for it.


It's not a new concept so don't act all surprised. I have the same thing in a number of other MMOs.

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Amazingly shoddy business practice bioware. To entice people to stay around at least for one more month they are offering an exclusive "founder" title in which the only way to become eligible is have been billed at least once or have redeemed a game time code. This title is not going to be available past march.


Oh my God, say it isn't so! They've stooped so low they've resorting to marketing?


EA must be behind this evil plot. I'm shocked and appalled.


Well, duh, of course they're trying to get people to subscribe. It's sort of, you know, the business they're in?

Edited by imtrick
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How about everyone stops complaining... you do know that the servers are up and the game is playable. Just becuase you cant PVP whore does not mean that you should go to the forums to complain about how the developer is doing. If you do not like how the publisher or the developer run this game than you can honestly just leave. It would save the community a lot of useless banter that would never end anyway. This goes for anyone who continues to QQ and rage here; honestly this is a game. You spent money on it sure but that was your choice; if you do not like the game no one is keeping you here.
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How about everyone stops complaining... you do know that the servers are up and the game is playable. Just becuase you cant PVP whore does not mean that you should go to the forums to complain about how the developer is doing. If you do not like how the publisher or the developer run this game than you can honestly just leave. It would save the community a lot of useless banter that would never end anyway. This goes for anyone who continues to QQ and rage here; honestly this is a game. You spent money on it sure but that was your choice; if you do not like the game no one is keeping you here.


Not in 3 hrs they won't be ;)

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It goes beyond just marketing, its almost fear mongering. If you played WoW you would full well know how revered old school titles/mounts etc are. Bioware knows this too. Its a really good business decision but it just strikes me as so underhanded it completely turned me off right away.
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