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Medpacks no longer count as healing for PVP medals?


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As an Assassin you can now get max 4 medals.


- killing blow

- 2,5k blow

- 75k total damage

- 10 kills


Due to the gimpyness of the class we can never make 300k dmg, 5k dmg in 1 blow or any of the other medals. At least the medpack would give another 2 so we would average on 6.


So this only introduced even more imbalances, as simply everyone had access to medpacks but only a handful of classes have access to healing spells.


On my level 22 Shadow I get more medals. Same class basically. You're not using all of your abilities. Even if you're pure dps spec, you can still taunt and AoE taunt or hell even put guard up. If you're good you can get at least 2 Defense Medals. Also, at level 22 I can hit for over 4k with my backstab and I'm missing a talent point to increase its damage. Sure at 50 people have expertise, but not everyone has 12%.


Also the 1v1 medal. I mean come on you're an assassin. I'm not gonna say, "Hey dude l2p." But I will encourage you to look at your class a bit deeper. Read your spells. You should be getting 4 medals min, not max.

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uhhh it's not that hard to just tag people for the 10 and 25 kill medals as a healer.


You're comparing a non-pure healer to a pure DPS. That is not what I'm discussing. I'm talking someone who heals 100% vs someone who DPS's 100%.


But let's entertain your suggestion just for the sake of argument. Even if a healer tags 10 and 25 people for these medals, they are still 2 medals behind a pure DPS class.


Being generous and saying that a healer steals someone else's killing blow, they are still 1 potential medal behind a pure DPS (the 1v1 kill). Even if they somehow manage to get 1v1, which can be very difficult as a healer (either help or more enemies arrive before you can kill someone), healers and pure DPS are still equal.


My point is that pure DPS can not claim that they have it harder than healers, period. Personally I believe that healers have a harder time, but at the very worst healers and pure DPS have it equal. There is no logical argument that healers have it easier than pure DPS to acquire more medals.

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You're right sorcerers have a seriously hard time reducing their own health and healing themselves up or getting a killing blow by attacking somebody with low health. Medals are the most important thing in a battleground and pure DPS classes have a harder time getting them than any other.


I sacrifice my health to get my 5k medal. I can't do it in combat because:

A) We have a constant 30% debuff while in combat. I'm sure you Dps would like to have that eh?

B) Expertise buff/stim doesn't stack now. So I have to leave combat, sacrifice my health and pop my relic to insure I get over 5k. Even at 11% expertise I can't quite hit 5k heals in combat. You're just proving his point further.

Healers have to do EXTRA things just to get a couple more medals, while DPS have to just play their role. Any class of any spec could just pop their Rakata and get instant 2 medals. While still not straying off from their primary role.


Are medals really that important? No. But it does suck being screwed the most out of 'em. Nothing more or less.

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I sacrifice my health to get my 5k medal. I can't do it in combat because:

A) We have a constant 30% debuff while in combat. I'm sure you Dps would like to have that eh?

B) Expertise buff/stim doesn't stack now. So I have to leave combat, sacrifice my health and pop my relic to insure I get over 5k. Even at 11% expertise I can't quite hit 5k heals in combat. You're just proving his point further.

Healers have to do EXTRA things just to get a couple more medals, while DPS have to just play their role. Any class of any spec could just pop their Rakata and get instant 2 medals. While still not straying off from their primary role.


Are medals really that important? No. But it does suck being screwed the most out of 'em. Nothing more or less.




The only point I disagree with is the importance of the medals. For so long I felt they were unimportant, until I realized that they grant bonus valor and commendations. I actually enjoy the medal system (as a healer), I just wish they were geared more towards warzone success and less towards dmg/healing meters.


I like the medal concept and I hope BW keeps it. I would just like to see changes in the future. I can wait for now though, because I think other portions of the game need priority right now.

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I used to have hardest getting lots of medals on my healer, now its tied with my pure dps (sniper, doesnt have any healing ability) if I respecced my mercenary to dps spec, I would be able to get both healing and dmg medals though.


Still, the biggest imbalance when it comes to medals are still not adressed, tanking medals.


Its great that you get medals for tanking through the guard ability, its sad that as a dps assassin you get 4 free medals (used to be 6 with medpac medals)

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very good move!

if i heal in a warzone i also want to stand out in the end listing to get a mvp medal in the end and dont want to see me besides only people who stupidly used medpacks.


Also remove the healing count for damaging yourself/healup on sorc plz ... this just leads for me to NOT give the mvp medal to sorc healers.

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As an Assassin you can now get max 4 medals.


- killing blow

- 2,5k blow

- 75k total damage

- 10 kills


Due to the gimpyness of the class we can never make 300k dmg, 5k dmg in 1 blow or any of the other medals. At least the medpack would give another 2 so we would average on 6.


So this only introduced even more imbalances, as simply everyone had access to medpacks but only a handful of classes have access to healing spells.


Oh please...pebkac. You're only dropping, maybe 3 medals (2.5k heal, 5k heal sometimes and 75k heal), that as a none healer you shouldn't get anyway.


DPS only getting DPS medals? Oh what were they thinking...


You still get more medals than a pure healer can. If you want more, do some objectives and protection.

Edited by Soazak
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I've learned not to care about medals otherwise it would frustrate me :)


My lowbie scoundrel can easily get


- 2.5k hit

- over 200k total damage (regardless of win/loss)

- over 25 kills


and sometimes gets the 5k hit


while my main sentinel has to work hard to get


- 2.5k hit

- 75k total damage (unless we are winning, then sure)

- 25 kills


and has never seen 5k hit


none of my chars is geared properly yet (understandable for scoundrel, he is only lvl15~, my sentinel just dinged 50 so the gear race just started for him)




anyways, what i've noticed is that people focus on those medals too much which hurts the warzones a little:


- people blewing their heavy hitting skills on low-health enemies just to be sure that THEY are the ones to get the killing blow


- people camping for the defence bonuses instead of helping elsewhere


and so on.

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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Its a good change and hopefully this will shut the healers up who were complaining as if the sky was falling because they couldnt get more medals than a dps or tank.


I bet now they will go over and amp up their complaints about the trauma debuff though, lol...

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Feels a pretty hard hit to marauders, as we are a pure dps class we now have noway of getting the same amount of medals as classes that contain a tank or healing tree. Imo preventing the gain of medals outside your own spec would fix this. e.g. healers cannot get dps medals, dps cannot get healing or protection (through skills) medals.


Kinda lame that now me and my sorcerer friend always have 3-4 medal difference in wzs. I don't agree with medpacs giving medals, but I also don't agree with hybrids gaining so many.

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Sorry. This is a retarded change.


The only class this really screws over are the pure DPS classes. They are limited to one path to get medals. Everyone else has two options and they all take advantage of it.


Medipacs gave Sentinels/Marauders/Gunslingers and Snipers access to the lower end of the healing tree to supplement their couple of DPS medals.


I don't care that this let tanks get an extra two medals easy. Doesn't bother me.

Healers won't get most of the dps medals if they heal so what is the problem ?

Change is prefectly fine imo , when i healed in bg's i'm allways low on medals while dps classes are ranking them up like it's nothing, the way it was there was no reason what so ever to step into a bg as a healer , you would just screw yourself if you did tbh.

Edited by Bubalous
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You guys complaining, have you ever tried to heal in a WZ? Really often I only get like 3 medals in a winning WZ where I do what I'm supposed to, keep people alive which is completely retarded and especially when you tanks who complain the most just have to stick around to get loads of medals. I as a healer should benefit as much for pure healing as for going hybrid which is counterproductive to my archtype.
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Its a good change and hopefully this will shut the healers up who were complaining as if the sky was falling because they couldnt get more medals than a dps or tank.


I bet now they will go over and amp up their complaints about the trauma debuff though, lol...


No need to exaggerate and go from one extreme to the other. I don't think any healers felt that they should get more medals than DPS or tanks... they just wanted to have access to an equal number of medals by doing their job - healing.


healing is already an under-played role (traditionally). The last thing it needs is more reason to not be a healer (no matter how small that reason is).


To be honest, if I were to get 0 medals I'd still play a healer because I enjoy it... but there are definitely many people who are less likely to be a healer in warzones due to the fact that they have a harder time obtaining equal medals (and therefore valor/commedations).

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Good, this needed to change. Now everyone but snipers/maras are equal in medal opportunity. Not sure what can be done for snipers/maras but at least the difference is 2-3 medals rather than 6-7. And Anni spec for maras can actually get a 75k heal medal also.


- Power Tech with Biochem.

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