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Merc Healing Talent Build


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Here's what I'd consider must have's with 2 points left over to put either in Protective Field, Muzzle Fluting/1 in Mandalorian Iron Warheads or System Calibrations.




As for your original build if you keep your heat low Improved Vents becomes unimportant. Supercharged Gas + Vent and you empty a full heat bar pretty much. No Kolto Residue? Not only do you gain 5% healing on that target but so does every other healer on your team ;) Power Shield and Protective Field I'm personally iffy about putting points into because it has such a long cooldown and it's only really used in oh **** moments anyways. Systems Calibrations I'm not sure if it's worth it but it does look nice in theory when paired with Critical Reaction.


Pretty solid build but there's always a few points you can play around with I've come to notice as a healing BH xD

Edited by Ildrik
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these specs are terrible imo


this is the only spec you'll ever currently need in both pvp and pve




i easily get 400-600k healing, i'm tough to take down and my teammates can usually stay alive


u get the 4% dmg red, +10% armor when you pop healing scan (on yourself or anyone else)


reduced cost on rapid scan after you use healing scan


9% crit combined from bg buff and arsenal buff


20% more healing on kolto missile


save emergency scan for when you need to top off someone quickly from low hp


increased alacrity (although this could be optional if you have tons of alacrity in gear)


go win...

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i dislike all of the specs posted here for pvp, my own choice is this, has more survival and all healing buffs and big heals



more then one point in critical reaction is overkill tbh due to the length of the buff i crit fairly often so it stays up.

alacrity feels less needed in pvp as alot of time is spent moving or should be, and aslong as you distance yourself properly can get heals off easy

Edited by geftra
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more then one point in critical reaction is overkill tbh due to the length of the buff i crit fairly often so it stays up.

alacrity feels less needed in pvp as alot of time is spent moving or should be, and aslong as you distance yourself properly can get heals off easy


Hitting the nail on the head. with an eventual crit rate near 40%, that means you need to land 5 attacks/heals within 6 seconds to get that buff on the average. Since rapid shots is 3 hits, and a kolto shield may tick twice, as well as 3 hits from a kolto missile (and even our specc'ed hot), you pretty much will have Critical reaction up all the time. A great investment for a single point, but 2 points is not needed.

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Hitting the nail on the head. with an eventual crit rate near 40%, that means you need to land 5 attacks/heals within 6 seconds to get that buff on the average. Since rapid shots is 3 hits, and a kolto shield may tick twice, as well as 3 hits from a kolto missile (and even our specc'ed hot), you pretty much will have Critical reaction up all the time. A great investment for a single point, but 2 points is not needed.


Your post has left me thinking. With the soon arriving changes to our kolto missile, we may be in a position to get Critical reaction almost nonstop. Critical reaction may only last 6 seconds, but if we can almost instantly get it back with a well placed kolto missile, then it moves into the realm of a bonus to a buff.


And the current cool down for kolto ... 6 seconds right?

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Looking over the builds one thing strikes me with interest.


Why some people are not putting a point in power shield?


I have been in A LOT of matches where I will be CCed until I get resolved and then that is followed up with interupts which all but gets me killed.


With power shield you now have immunity to interupts for 12 seconds with your shield up. That buys you time to get back to full health and opens the door for your enemies to waste their interrupts on you when they can't be used effectively.


Granted, this skill may not truly fit well for PVE healing, but in all honesty it is a must have for PVP - especially on servers that run light on Imp healers. You are going to be on the receiving end of quite a bit of that interrupt grief.

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Generally I tend to see people who aim for one of two things. Either crit healing or speed (alacrity) healing.


The design of your build can literally be depended on the strengths of your gear.


If you have an over kill of alacrity on your gear, the last thing you may want to do is dump points in your tree for even more alacrity. You get deminishing returns past a certain point. (10% I believe but I don't have my notes in front of me so don't take that number as gospel.)


Just like with critical healing, if you have low crit numbers, you may not want to invest the points into increased critical healing as the odds of the crits hitting may not be worth the investment. And when you look at the numbers, additional crit healing when you lack crit gear just isn't going to save the day.


For example, if you dump all those points into critical bonus healing and you still end each match without hitting that magic 5k healing medal, you may want to consider shuffling some points around out of critical bonus healing. It just isn't paying off.


Like wise if your critical healing hits and you get that bonus, was it enough to justify the investment? How much are you really adding to that critical heal? 200 - 500 points? That is huge if your critical numbers are high but that is a lot of points to invest if your odds of getting a critical hit are under 20%.


I have no idea what gear people have or what mods they have in that gear. So for anyone who is considering healer tree you really have to sit down and crunch the numbers and find the middle ground. Because in a game where people can swap out different mods on their gear like it is the cool thing to do, there is no 100% guarantee of the perfect build.

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And the current cool down for kolto ... 6 seconds right?


The casting cooldown is 6 seconds, but it can take almost 1-2 more seconds for Kolto missile to even deal it's healing- which is a bit annoying to factor in (not to mention aim where you want people to be shortly)


What is nice about the talent tree, in regards to alacrity, is that it is just a strait % bonus. I thought that "+5% alacrity when you crit" meant that your alacrity would literally increase by 5% [if you had 20%, it then would become 21%). That is wrong (thankfully) and the talents give you 5% more alacrity.


Since it takes only 3 points in our skill tree to get an almost-constant 9% alacrity, while 3 points only gives +6% crit rate, it is an interesting game to determine what you want to get. 3 points will also net us 9% crit bonus (aka, healing surge) on our heals. You get to decide how to design your item modifications around these points.


I'm almost of mind to swap every single alacrity enhancement out for power/surge/crit because we can get 9% alacrity from talents, and then the rest from base item stats (implants, ears, non-removable (ATM) "armoring").


Without factoring heat into the question, a 10% boost in alacrity should generate more HPS than either 10% boost in crit (lets assume surge is less than 100%) or 10% boost in surge. However, heat does remain an issue, and min/maxing is a very tricky subject due to this.

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I recently took out Mandalorian Warheads and don't really miss it; using Kolto Missles more as a + to heal / shield after supercharge gas.


So I would say take it out of that if you're looking for points to put in Power Insulators

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