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[POLL] Do you think a Rollback is necessary?


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Those exploiting like 30-50 levels of valor should be rolled back only.


I hope you voted one star then. Because no one has that because it's impossible and a myth.


The myth going around is that turrets gave 2k valor and instantly respawned. Bioware themselves said this does not happen. Now the myth has twisted to still sound like it is real saying player kills give too much valor.



Much like the loch ness monster myth. They will keep twisting the story and idiots will still believe. Nevertheless it is a false myth.

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If the numbers are true *****, there is no possible reason BW can't know what the facts are in that department. If it's all been blown outta propoting then No.


It's false.


Check twitch.tv what all the battlemasters are doing... Warzones.


Ask on the fleet who are the highest ranked players on server then /who them and see what they are doing... Warzones.


I hope I don't have to explain why.

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The myth going around is that turrets gave 2k valor and instantly respawned. Bioware themselves said this does not happen. Now the myth has twisted to still sound like it is real saying player kills give too much valor.

The funny part is people actually believed this and they keep running in trying to kill it and it'll wipe a group because it tends to attack the healers first.

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Sometimes a rollback is necessary, and in this situation it is MORE then necessary.


I remember playing EQ2 about a month after launch, they had a massive bug with people exploiting for plat. They rolled the servers back 3 days from that. I lost about 2 levels, in a game that required grinding XP on mobs for an entire day of gameplay for a level, and I didn't cry. I actually supported it. These noobs these days spend 2 hours doing quests and they act like it's some major investment that they just can't replace after a couple hours.


The only people that will be hurt by a roll back are those that took advantage of this situation, and without a rollback you will alienate tons of people, while also guaranteeing phase 1 of the death of TOR.


The best part is the robot developers giving us generic forum responses and not actions.

Edited by Illuziun
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This isn't a bug, it's a complete misunderstanding of how players react to incentives.


Anyone who says that WZ's earn more than Ilum farming right now is dead wrong. I'm on a full server of people (Death Wind Corridor) who are sitting on Ilum right now stating it. In addition, the valor gain is almost 1k per minute. It's not from killing turrets, its from having 5 objectives captured (+400%) and receiving 120 valor per kill and there being so many players that the massive ball of death and respawn is easily allowing the "diminishing valor" timers to rest to giving everyone a constant stream.


I thoroughly support a rollback. I leveled my alt yesterday, I got my champ gloves (which i've been trying to get for 10 champ bags now) and I'd fully understand why this is necessary. Overall, it sucks but since I enjoy the game I think it's an investment for both Bioware and the players that a rollback occur.


From a subscriber perspective, Bioware really screwed themselves because with a rollback they'll lose some subs, with a non roll back they'll lose some subs.


I dont' find it prudent to discuss the drivers for both but I'm sure everyone can come up with a few easily off the top of their head. I'm willing to bet that non rolling back is going to lose a lot more subs because everyone who understands the impact of this to the valor/ pvp system will lose faith in the integrity of Bioware. The other will be the people who are pretty pissed off about wasting their time in the previous day.

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