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Story Quests


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First and foremost, I apologize if this has already been asked.


My wife and I want to play together. If we both play Jedi Consulars (or any other class for that matter), will we be able to play in the same story quests at the same time with each other?


Thanks again for the help!

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If you both change your preferences to allow other consulars in your story areas, yes. However, you will have to do each story zone twice in order for you both to get credit. The first consular to enter the story zone/instance is the owner and the only one who will recieve credit for anything that happens.
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Yes, you can go inside same time if you change the setting to allow this, but only one at a time will get the quest done, so you need to do them all twice if you play together, meanwhile the other can just stand back and watch. Well you can help eachother in fights that happen inside those story areas.
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If, however, you chose to play a Consular and she a Knight (or vice versa) you would still get to help each other out in stories AND get to see two different stories at the same time. Most class quests send you to the same relative area, so it isn't difficult for two classes that start on the same planet to level together.
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