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Can you change your advanced class choice?


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I just got a Jedi Kinght to 10. And i was "Inspecting" the Guardian trees, and when I closed the inspection window. I was a guardian. Both choices disappeared and I did not get to inspect the other choice. :mad: A bug I suspect.
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Is there a way to change your advanced class choice?


No, and I wouldn't count on there ever being a way.


In all ways that matter, your advanced class is your "class" in this game. Switching it would be like switching from a warrior to a rogue in WoW. It isn't going to happen.


Remember, your talent trees are set by your advanced class, and you can always respec talents as desired. You have three talent trees to choose from for each advanced class, two of which are unique to that class and one of which is shared.

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The NPCs who offer your advanced class state that your choice is permanent.


However, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed that in the coming months due to overwhelming player requests for that feature.


There isnt an overwhelming player request for this to be changed, there is a small amount of people who are too lazy to re-level the first few quick levels.


I hope they dont change it, there is 8 classes in this game not 4. Before you choose your class make sure you are aware of their benefits/disadvantages.


This isnt just a simple respec, we are talking complete class change, the equivalent of changing your druid into a priest.

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..and were talking about the ingame items in here as well, amoung other things.



if you havent begun really leveling up yet, or you reach a high level apex, the option for those of us who dont want to spend another 70 bucks for the code all over again should have the option, at least.


paying less or more for higher quality hardly has a thing to do with being lazy. lol. on the contrary us devoting all this time to trying to have the option there takes alot of effort especially when there has to always be those who dont help with the effort.









at the very least..those who signed up and created an account during early access and before(or near the start of the official release) should have that option for their account-whichever new character they decide to create. to say its impossible is akin to say that star wars can never make it to the screen. its that ridiculous.

Edited by ekosdarid
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Yes i agree i also hit the wrong spec i wanted madness went assassin my mistake than i sat there for 10 min trying to change it but of course u cannot i have played mmos long time they give you this option not sure why this game is any different

I guess i should have read more careful but who realy would have thought this option cant be changed i have plans to roll a few diff classes well i did anyway one thing i enjoy are the many options you can have on one toon all this aside the 'GAME' is amazing but if this is not fixed i may as well go back to my other mmo i have played for 6 yrs

it takes away the interest i had its amazing how something so tiny can change how you feel about a game im sure that has to be fixed

SO listen to the people we need to respec make it cost 10k i dont realy care just fix it


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Yes i agree i also hit the wrong spec i wanted madness went assassin my mistake than i sat there for 10 min trying to change it but of course u cannot


I did this exact same thing. I swore I chose Juggernaut but somehow ended up as a Marauder. I left my toon alone and put in a ticket for it. Hopefully they'll do me a solid and reset the conversation for me since I haven't assigned any talent points or anything.


What I WOULD like to see is a confirmation screen. For example, "Hey, you... you just chose to become a MARAUDER... are you SURE you want to do this? Once you choose, you will NOT be able to change your mind... EVER."


But I didn't get that. I just chose an option, which I thought was Juggernaut, and was taken straight to the Marauder skill tree to assign points.

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It sure would be nice to finally get an official answer regarding this issue...


I accidentally hit "select" instead of "inspect" on the wrong AC and recieved no "are you sure" warning of any kind. I submitted a ticket right away, and that was during early access and it took well over several days just to get an automated response saying "we have passed this information onto one of our specialized teams who will investigate"... and that automated response was about a week ago and I've heard nothing since. I haven't played since and I refuse to... I may just quit the game. I didn't expect a same-day response, but it has been well over a week and this is just absurd. What's even more absurd is that I've posted on the forums, as have many others (both in this forum and in the Customer Service forum), and there has been NO official response to anyone on the subject, as far as I can tell, in the same amount of time (over a week). If this is the way they are going to handle Customer Service, I am done with this game.

Edited by LordZork
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  • 3 weeks later...

They'll probably eventually invent a way to change it or at least put more safeguards in. In WoW they said "never" to dual spec, and see how easy it is to change now?


I'm completely frustrated because I rolled an alt Smuggler TO be a healer, then realized I completely hated Scoundrel as soon as I really got a feel for it. Hated it so much in fact, that I gave up wanting to be a healer because there was no way I was going to level as a a DPS scoundrel. I'm going to end up deleting and rerolling probably, but it frustrated me to no end because not only did I find out I couldn't stand being the advanced class I wanted to be, but there was no going back and now I was going to have to find the time to do it all over again.


I just wish they'd let you test out the playstyle for a few levels before cementing your choice for the rest of the game or at least like a true tutorial video on how it plays.


And 1-10 doesn't take 2 hours. In WoW, yes. Here, at least for me, it took about 5-7 hours I think. I did it little by little since this was an alt over the course of days. It might take me 3 or less if I'm lucky and rush through it this time. Still, it was a total waste of my time and that's just frustrating.



Edited by Xelestial_Dragon
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