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My feelings on 1.1 patch and the possible scenarios of the future


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"Perfect" Scenario = Roll back all valor gained in Ilum, but keep WZ valor gained today


"I'm Ok with it" Scenario = Roll back ALL valor gained today


"Not happy but still subbed" Scenario = Roll Back EVERYTHING done today


"I'm Unsubbing" Scenario = No Roll back whatsoever.




What are your feelings?


Similar to mine? or different?

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"Perfect" Scenario = Roll back all valor gained in Ilum, but keep WZ valor gained today


"I'm Ok with it" Scenario = Roll back ALL valor gained today


"Not happy but still subbed" Scenario = Roll Back EVERYTHING done today


"I'm Unsubbing" Scenario = No Roll back whatsoever.




What are your feelings?


Similar to mine? or different?


^Pretty much this.

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My thoughts exactly, I as well unsubbed defensively and would resub if bioware rollsback.


I did the same.


Also my thoughts are the same as the OP.


I for the life of me cant understand why they didn't drop servers and roll back as soon as they saw this was a problem to minimize the damage. They seriously have to be the stupidest people in the history of the gaming industry.

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Unsubbed as well until I see satisfactory fixes. The thing is even with a rollback, they have to implement changes that will stop the same scenario from happening again.


Ilum wasn't in a *great*(using the term loosely) state before, but it needs a complete makeover now. At least the prior version of Ilum everyone got their dailies done. Not a whole lot of world PvP, but at least you could do something.


To be honest I don't know how they can fix the imbalancing without population caps, or somehow making the Republic side more enticing to players.


To be honest that's the big issue. Population imbalance. Not sure how they didn't see this coming.

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