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Richard Vogel is Cool


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Richard Vogel is cool in my book. Anyone who helped create the original Ultima Online deserves my respect. I don't know the guy, but because of the wonderful gift and memories of UO that he helped give me, I count him as a friend.


There are problems with the game, but... Hands off Richard Vogel.


Edited by Thamelas
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Richard Vogel is cool in my book. Anyone who helped create the original Ultima Online deserves my respect. I don't know the guy, but because of the wonderful gift and memories of UO that he helped give me, I count him as a friend.


There are problems with the game, but... Hands off Richard Vogel.



SOE = butt crack of gaming. I mean this in the most respectable way possible. And if he has his hand and is bring the same quality SOE has.. well ill not have to worry about re-subbing later..

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Richard Vogel is cool in my book. Anyone who helped create the original Ultima Online deserves my respect. I don't know the guy, but because of the wonderful gift and memories of UO that he helped give me, I count him as a friend.


There are problems with the game, but... Hands off Richard Vogel.



Yeah, and George Lucas is cool in my book. Because of the original trilogy, dont know him. But he seems like such a great man, great man. And seems to have gone senile or lost his mind. :rolleyes:

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SOE = butt crack of gaming. I mean this in the most respectable way possible. And if he has his hand and is bring the same quality SOE has.. well ill not have to worry about re-subbing later..


So before he went to SOE he was cool and then he was not....shouldnt that make him cool again now he works for Bioware?

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So before he went to SOE he was cool and then he was not....shouldnt that make him cool again now he works for Bioware?


If not for the fact i feel ToR is not were it should be. no he is not cool. he is a bumbling idiot who has gotten very lucky..

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ya richard vogel only ruined swg guys, then left and joined bioware. NP guys.


Did that all by himself, huh? Id hire the guy, he's clearly incredibly talented then, few people manage to destroy games singlehandedly, that takes mad skillz.

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Ahhh UO. Funny I didn't play much UO despite having some influence on that game myself. Lot of the ideas in UO came from my best friend and my MUD back in college. Sure I'm bragging but I'm kind of proud that my MUD 'Renegade Outpost' that ran at UT Austin circa 1994 was influential. MUD still is running by a few devoted fans- just have to Google it.


My best friend whom has went on to become a multi millionaire (the bastid)! Told me he met one of the UO devs and they knew who he was from their UO work. They had to strip our names Brett/William from thousands and thousands of lines of code.


Guess Austin is pretty cool. I remember meeting Richard Garriot at a gentleman's club, lol. That guy is such a friggen cad. Drives around Austin in his Lambo with PAGAN license plate. Also went to his house for his mega Halloween Party in Britainia Manor.


Oh but yeah I imagine Richard V is pretty cool and a good dev. People tend to forget it isn't just ONE dev that makes a game. It's a team. One part of the team fails it can make you look like a shmuck.

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Ahhh UO. Funny I didn't play much UO despite having some influence on that game myself. Lot of the ideas in UO came from my best friend and my MUD back in college. Sure I'm bragging but I'm kind of proud that my MUD 'Renegade Outpost' that ran at UT Austin circa 1994 was influential. MUD still is running by a few devoted fans- just have to Google it.


My best friend whom has went on to become a multi millionaire (the bastid)! Told me he met one of the UO devs and they knew who he was from their UO work. They had to strip our names Brett/William from thousands and thousands of lines of code.


Guess Austin is pretty cool. I remember meeting Richard Garriot at a gentleman's club, lol. That guy is such a friggen cad. Drives around Austin in his Lambo with PAGAN license plate. Also went to his house for his mega Halloween Party in Britainia Manor.


Oh but yeah I imagine Richard V is pretty cool and a good dev. People tend to forget it isn't just ONE dev that makes a game. It's a team. One part of the team fails it can make you look like a shmuck.


I know what you mean man. Also, translating the vision to multiple teams and team members is a whole 'nother bag of tricks. What one person thinks is cool, another thinks is lame. Wording requirements correctly so that any two developers have at least a hope to make the same thing is a ****** as well.

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