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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I wonder if anyone has informed Lucas Arts about this?


They saw the NGE ruin SWG, and they took down SWG for the doors of TOR opening.


I wonder if they know what BW is doing here.


I wonder if they will put SWG back online =)


Oh how joyfully ironic it would be if TOR put SWG back on the MAP. The old SWG comes back swinging after a years of retirement. It would have to be the old SWG however. I can see it now, people telling stories that end "And that’s how we got old SWG back, TOR patch 1.1."

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Battlemaster (got it a week and a half ago as a Republic player, what a pain >< ) quitting partly because of this failure on Bioware's part. Seriously, test your patches before you put them out and you might actually get decent retention numbers; I know at least 10 guildies cancelled their subs today, and I know there are many more to come. I wanted to keep liking this game but it is just too barebones at the moment. I'm definitely not paying 15 bucks a month for a game in this state; see you in like 6 months to see if you got your act together, Bioware.
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Wow, you have to be ******* kidding me. I play both factions (on different servers) and have several characters, none of which have made it to 50. Because of this I haven't bothered going to Ilum even though I was looking forward to it greatly. But after this? Ilum sounds like a giant piece of ****.


Sorry to all the Republic players who have fallen victim to this.


Roll back now.

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Quick travel or Emergency fleet passes not working?


loggin to another character would be my choice of fix but it might have been the comeing out of the cloner in combat... which would be why they couldn't use the fleet pass... I wasn't there... just like to think all mankind aren't idiots.


I don't see what the big deal is... get rid of expertise and make CRAFTING GEAR the > ... easy fix...


Illum is a great idea and should be kept but needs some twicking... i've got plenty of story to get thru before i leave a game cause the end isn't finished/worked out...


Ya all have been playing WoW to long to remember being "civil" and that this game may have an end game and get a outstanding end game but ITS ALL ABOUT THE TRIP to the end game.


If you don't like the odds roll the republic!

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In all honesty, having come from the beta and watched it before the beta, WAR was screwed up by EA trying to WOWitize it to appease the ridiculous amount of WOW players in it's player base.


Had EA stepped aside and let Mythic do it's thing and develop Warhammer instead of WOWhammer there is a very good chance it would have been a far better game.


Case and point of just one of many key differences from how Mythic handles things: Class balance. Class balance in Dark Age of Camelot was constantly changing as classes were buffed up or nerfed accordingly. Nobody stayed at the top for too long. Now look at WAR and the comparitivley glacial pace that they handled the AOE imbalance in the game and Warrior Priests/Disciples of Khaine.







In stark contrast Bioware seems to be mostly fending EA off and has made a great game with decent PVP. YES they most certainly screwed up here, and how they handle this will tell the tale of whether they did their job or not. Believe it or not, screw ups happen people. NO matter what the job or the number of people involved. No matter how much money involved. Screw ups happen, it's how they deal with them that is important.



you are right in that how they deal with it is what really matters...


if this MMO was my property, i would have simply shut the illum zone asap after seeing what was going on. i am sure i would have done this before noon today. having done this, i would then target the extreme abusers and remove the days gains. having shut down the zone quickly and dealing with the abusers later on, would have negated the need to even do collective roll backs..



its not rocket science EA/Bioware.....

Edited by ZEROUMUS
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In stark contrast Bioware seems to be mostly fending EA off and has made a great game with decent PVP. YES they most certainly screwed up here, and how they handle this will tell the tale of whether they did their job or not. Believe it or not, screw ups happen people. NO matter what the job or the number of people involved. No matter how much money involved. Screw ups happen, it's how they deal with them that is important.


Consider also people that we're getting our fixes fairly quickly- this issue is being solved within a day.


Alot of people can say 'I told you so', but to be honest, if BW didn't release any content that had a group of people saying it would flop, there would never be new content ever.


They've said they'll take action, they said a patch is coming- yet people will continue to scream bloody murder right up until the second before it comes out.

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Will there be a rollback from 10AM CST to remove the valor? If not then are the people exploiting this "not working as intended" going to get banned for farming this exploit?

Also a zone cap will not work as a fix unless its based on faction balance numbers.

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Oh how joyfully ironic it would be if TOR put SWG back on the MAP. The old SWG comes back swinging after a years of retirement. It would have to be the old SWG however. I can see it now, people telling stories that end "And that’s how we got old SWG back, TOR patch 1.1."


LOL, yeah that would be funny but even pre-cu had it's problems, this however is just laughable.

Been trying to think all day if SOE ever made this big a mess. Sure they did but just can't remember............. Oh wait yeah the NGE

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I encourage people in this thread to VOTE with your wallets!


You can always resub but this needs to be fixes asap!


The game isn't even worth resubbing to. 2001 graphics and awful PVP for $80? I'd rather piss it away in a bar with some friends.

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Well they may not be addressing their in-game issues, but they are certainly issuing warnings for discussing those issues in the forums.


What do you want them to say? There is no such thing as specifics until they have the notes. There is no such thing as a fix until it's live. Right now people are likely peeing/pooing themselves and tearing hair out in frustration, chugging coffee, and trying to get your precious little game fixed and enjoyable again.


Despite what you might think, the vast majority of them are emotionally invested in the game and just having issues with it likely bothers them on a level beyond your nerdly gamer scorn.



They said the same thing about AoC, Aion, Warhmamer etc etc..


And WOW and COH, and EQ II, and ETC. countless other games out there still running successfully. Main thing here is put up or shut up. Don't vote with your mouth for 2 weeks on the forums. Make your opinions, state it once, and put your money with your mouth is. Vote with your wallet.


But OMG WAAHHHH I'm leaving threads are typically not the people who leave. Most of the people who leave do so quietly. People who's only real knowledge they are gone is that they stop posting and areas start to seem more dead.


Again, put up or shut up. If you have an opinion before you leave express it. Once. In a good thread. Make one if you want to make a point. But keep it fair and even and then....LEAVE. Like I said if your gonna vote, vote with your wallet.




AS FOR ME? I'm staying. I've been through over 10 years of MMORPG turbulence. This right here is nothing and will not decide the future of the game. It's where they go in the next 3-6 months that will be major and then the 3-6 months after that will ultimately decide the next year or so afterwards for the game. Everything else hinges off of that results.


So keep your little instant satisfaction pity party going. They know about it and are doing something about it. Decide whether you like it. Decide whether you still want to play. Then, as they say in Saw, Make Your Choice. Same as I will.

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You should have taken down the servers before PvP could be ruined. I would rather have not been able to play for a day than to have the game become permanently imbalanced. The warzones are full of imperial battlemasters and I have already cancelled my subscription... you should bring the servers down ASAP before more people realize what is happening and do what I did... but then again I guess it is already too late for that. They will all figure out sooner or later in the warzones that the PvP mistake made this day is not repairable. I personally feel burned... I worked up to all but one of my gear pieces being either champion or centurion and yesterday I thought I was ******. I have looked forward to this game for so long... since SWG ruined their game.


This hurts my heart and my wallet. I guess its time to just get over it and start looking for a new game.

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Wow so much QQ'ing and jumping to conclusions... at least they are patching it ASAP and not waiting forever


sure it sucks my hardwork got nullified, but at least i know when i face them in the warzone i will win over the noobs in battlemaster gear who dont know how to play..

Edited by evilmonkitar
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Consider also people that we're getting our fixes fairly quickly- this issue is being solved within a day.


Alot of people can say 'I told you so', but to be honest, if BW didn't release any content that had a group of people saying it would flop, there would never be new content ever.


They've said they'll take action, they said a patch is coming- yet people will continue to scream bloody murder right up until the second before it comes out.


i agree, yes the game is buggy but they are rolling out the fixes quickly. their launch was no rift launch but considering they are adressing the issues we should see hope for the game.

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''no rollback'' ''No rollback''


as far as I'm concerned bad/poor game design cannot be considered as cheating, therefore whatever the strategy some peoples found to boost their valor today, it's totally legitimate. unfair but legitimate.


BTW by that ''Swarming'' technique I've only done less than a level so it's not like I was here to defend an overabusive amount of crap I've got.

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This is essentially only speeding up what was happening anyway. Imps had more Battlemasters than Pubs, Pubs were already rerolling due to quality of life/faction imbalance issues. In all honesty this is most likely what the game would come to in a month(s) regardless with the current disparity in faction balance.


I personally still have a 6 month sub active and am keeping it. I will be rerolling as a Pub now however to faceroll all the illegitimate BMs. I will have to put up with being stomped until I at least get some champ gear myself, but at least I'll get a change of venue on that side while it happens.


I am more looking towards what Ruinous/Ruin/Ruin Gaming (TGN), Dara_Mactire (Machinima), Reddit's guild and the other site guilds will say about this. While if any normal person were to unsub there would be little to no effect in the overall population, these sites get over 100,000 hits on a regular basis. Dara and Ruin at least are almost specifically focused on PvP. If you don't think they have pull Towelliee (TGN-Ruin) lead the charge on the only server I heard Pubs spawn Imps on. Being looked down by these guys can mean thousands of potential lost clients...

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Rift did. They had the same problem when they introduced world PvP "rifts." In those rifts, you carry stones across the battlefield until you carry enough to close the rift.. Well, you got extra "favor" for killing a guy with a stone. So, both factions got together and took turns killing each other and destroying each other's rifts. You had people reaching Rank 8 (the max PvP gear rank) in one day. Under normal circumstances it would take weeks for even the most hardcore no-lifer.




There were many such threads like the one above about the issue. And, just like here, tons of people shouting at the top of their lungs that they were cancelling unless Trion did something about it. And just like here Trion said they were "investigating." People kept making threads about the issue asking Trion to ban or rollback people and the threads were promptly closed. It really ticked a lot of people off because Trion was very vague on details about what they planned to do about it.


Finally Trion came out and said they were rolling back the cheaters, but only one or two people ever came forward saying they were punished, so there's no doubt that many people got away with it. The cheating was rampant -- guilds were putting it on Youtube, etc.. I have no doubt that 90% of the cheaters got away with it.


The same will likely happen here. Just get ready for it. Some will probably be rolled back, but most wont.


Pretty much what happened with the credit exploits. At worst a tickle on the wrist.


Before to long there will be no Republic at all to PvP with.

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you know... there was another game that ignored its fans/fan boys and launched with all the issues its beta testers said were wrong. that game ended up being free to play for the next year and 3 months. FFXIV. i would have thought gaming companies would have learned from this....


seriously... i would ask when will companies learn but the reality is that as long as people buy the product they will keep selling the crap.

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i agree, yes the game is buggy but they are rolling out the fixes quickly. their launch was no rift launch but considering they are adressing the issues we should see hope for the game.


All i want to know is , roll back or no roll back? And plz be sure , this is the reason im from big fan to leaving the game.

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Whats funny is, lets say (this is probably way bigger than what it is) 100,000 users are ACTIVE on the forums...that's barely 10% of subscribers.


And what percent of that care about the 'abuse' of Ilum today? Now what percent of those are 'cancelling'?


You really think you coming on here "QQ IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE *takes ball and leaves*" is gonan do anything?


This is the hottest viewed thread so far today...at a whopping 132,000 views +/-


How many of those are people trolling the thread? Or coming back to it again and again?


You know where the rest are? Probably either


A) Living out a "Life"


B) Enjoying the game.


So stop acting like your gonna make them see the light. You are a drop in a bucket. Ripple all you want, not gonna make a whopping difference.


Well if it makes you feel better, let it all out. Plenty of tissues to go around.


Why are you only including forum users as players who will quit? I hope you are aware that not everyone announces they are leaving.

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Despite what you might think, the vast majority of them are emotionally invested in the game and just having issues with it likely bothers them on a level beyond your nerdly gamer scorn.




That must be why the did such awesome QA on their patches, reatced so quickly to the crisis and listened to what people on the PTS told them would happen.


Oh and it must also be why their customer service is so excellent.


/sarcasm off (if you couldn't tell)


Rake in the cash - it's all that matters.

Edited by RoanUr
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If a roll back were to happen...


My YES reasons:

- To balance out the PVP Valor gain and to stop the elitist PVP'ers QQing. I will only say yes if ILLUM is locked until it is fixed.

To be honest, the PVP we had was fine before, the separation of 50 and 49 should of kept enough people happy to wait until Illum was fixed and ready to be pushed out the door. The rest of the patch was great, I still think small issues need to be addressed first.

Such as:

  • Getting Stuck.
  • Cancellation of quests being available for every quest.
  • Some cut scenes need fixes, such as in Alderaan the trees flicker oddly when you enter a cut scene.
  • healer balancing for Operatives compared to Sorcerers.
  • Many more. Maybe fix the Auction House/Galactic trade system.



No because..

Well, It would mean all the progress made by the people LEGITIMATELY PVPing in WZ's for their respected level are rolled back also.

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