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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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So open pvp happened and it is suddenly an exploit ?


I get that everyone (republic) is mad that they are getting their butts kicked by overwhelming odds, but I hardly call that an exploit.


I guess I should call republic getting insta warzone pops an exploit as well.

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So open pvp happened and it is suddenly an exploit ?


I get that everyone (republic) is mad that they are getting their butts kicked by overwhelming odds, but I hardly call that an exploit.


I guess I should call republic getting insta warzone pops an exploit as well.



So you think ppl was suppose to be able to go from valor 30 to 55 in one night?

Cos it was not.

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As I stated before. Fixing Ilum is easy and can be done without hassle.





The issue is that there was so much valor farming last night that alot of ppl got ALOT of pvp-ranks. So the ppl who chose not to participate in the farming/could not be there, are way behind now. That is the issue. Not Ilum. That's why ppl want ROLLBACK.


Yea I'm going to put a ticket in about this. Since i wasn't able to get the free valor. I figure it's the lest they can do is add 10 lvls to my char. I suggest others do this as well.

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I meant NO go.d dam rollback!!! why?


They said they are looking at individuals but MOST the servers did not have that camp-fest going on. We were fighting outside the base, why should my valor be rolled back?


Are you just calling for rollbacks because it's the cool thing to do or did you actually think about it?

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Are you just calling for rollbacks because it's the cool thing to do or did you actually think about it?


They are doing it because it's the cool thing to do. The breeding ground of hate, that is the internet, makes people type before they think.


I agree with you 100% . Those of us who earned our valor that night ( I was PVPing) should not be rolled back.


Bioware is doing it right by looking at it in an account by account base.

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So you think ppl was suppose to be able to go from valor 30 to 55 in one night?

Cos it was not.


And the republic players facilitated this by constantly respawning. Still not an exploit.


Most of my valor gains were on fights outside the republics respawn and I guarantee for awhile they were getting just as much valor as the imps.

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I agree with you 100% . Those of us who earned our valor that night ( I was PVPing) should not be rolled back.


Bioware is doing it right by looking at it in an account by account base.



You lose 1 day to fix an exploit(the massive valor gains), yeah that sure is asking a lot.

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Stop comparing it to WoW. WoW has a lot of variable features in it that allowed them to roll back individual stuff. WoW would definately be able to roll back, for example, honor gained in an exploit. GMs could even help you by refuding specific items you purchased in case you made a mistake.


They probably won't roll this back because it wasn't exploiting the game. The developers just created a gamestyle where it rewarded the larger faction for killing the smaller faction, which was incredibly unwise. That said, the damage is already done. A rollback would piss off a large part of the population and no rollback would piss off our part of the population (republic side players that like to PvP). It's unfair, but it happens. Rocking through 5 wintergrasps in a row as the server repeatedly crashed was cool, got honor capped in about 1 hour, but it wasn't rolled back.


At this point, we deal with their screwup and since they admitted they were wrong, there's not much that can be done. We either unsub or stay.


I'm sorry, where did I compare SWTOR to WoW? Mythic didn't make WoW. Mythic made Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, and distributed Ultima Online. They were bought out by EA and liquidated when they were near bankruptcy. My point was that they didn't make enough good decisions for Bioware to model their decisions after. It would be a better idea to follow in the footsteps of success rather than in the footsteps of failure. If Mythic used a lot of rollbacks as a quick fix, then it probably isn't the smartest decision. In fact, Mythic would be best used as examples of what not to do when launching an MMO.

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And the republic players facilitated this by constantly respawning. Still not an exploit.


Most of my valor gains were on fights outside the republics respawn and I guarantee for awhile they were getting just as much valor as the imps.


While I agree with where you are coming from in most servers (and mine) the fight was not in front of the base, it was in our base (I am republic cleary)


I doubt your server was much different than the majority. Though I agree rolling back the patch is a mistake. As well as I agree that PVP in a PVP zone is win.

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Well I for one am very angry. I'm more pissed I missed out on this free valor farm. What about the people who missed out on this? Now we have to grind normally, over weeks, to be at the same level as someone who did it in a few hours. Wow I'm pissed.... not that they got it, but that I missed out and there will be no roll backs.


Yes its all about me, but who isnt?

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so what exactly is happening?? are there going to be rollbacks finally? Have they even opened their mouths and said something to us??


I'm not gonna unsub cus I figured stupid crap like this would happen (the game is 1 month old, derp). I just want to know *** bioware is thinking or planning to do and IF they are doing anything at all...



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Yes, Mythic's games failed because of Rollbacks. :rolleyes: You can't seriously believe this? My post addresses those saying that it would be hard to rollback. No, it would not.


Obviously it's not the only reason that Mythic failed, but it's definitely one of the reasons. They had a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water, and that was one of the many bad decisions they made. The best thing that Mythic can be used for now is as an example of what not to do. If they used a lot of rollbacks, then Bioware should only use rollbacks as a nuclear option, not as a first step, as Mythic did.

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My bro and I cancelled our subs, getting farmed is not funny nor cool. No rollbacks, you aint getting my money.


So I don't think any of you complaining about rollbacks actually witnessed any valor gains for yourself. Most of you are going off the false hype that quickly spread across the forums. If you are high valor rank you know the amount of valor it takes to get from 50-60 is A LOT!.


If your faction controlled all objectives the max valor was 200 per kill. If you set there for hours and spawned killed people and made 10k Valor YOU DIDN'T hit BM unless you were really close already.


I am on the empire I did not spawn kill as I'm on a low pop server and all night you could find groups of emps and republics battling it out was awesome. The republics were killing just as much as the emps were.


Everyone of you saying you have no chance because people are already geared in BM gear due to an exploit have no idea what you are talking about and are just jumping on a band wagon. Even if you hit BM rank you still need luck with the RNG to get the gear.

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Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.


Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. In Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing a patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST). [Note, please check the launcher and the main thread for the latest information on patch deployment timing -JG]


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:




Not at all acceptable Gabe. Do better.

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I honestly think if this game was set in any other universe besides Star Wars (which we all love). The anger would be much less. We all WANT this game to succeed on an emotional level. But the bugs, idiotic pvp problems and truly glacial to non-existent customer service is adding up to a fear that this game may be ultimately doomed. It is too early to give up but the honeymoon is definitely over and divorce is looming on the horizon unless things start changing. NOW.
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No, they are not ignoring players, they have listened and have reacted. Things of this nature need to be handled with precision...not smashing it with a giant hammer (as everyone seems to suggest)


Rolling back is a silly blanket soultion that will upset just as many players.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Even if they have a backup of everyone's valor prior to the patch, they would most likely not be able to tell how a person even gained said valor.


This would leave them with the choice of rolling back the database of every server to yesterday (not bloody likely) or try and script a valor rollback using the backup data.


Essentially everyone would lose all their valor from the past 30+ hours regardless of how it was accumulated.


The only thing that BW screwed up on was their math and how quickly the valor gains would stack up. If the sides were even remotely balanced, those gains would have skyrocketed for both sides due to the back and forth fighting.

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No, they are not ignoring players, they have listened and have reacted. Things of this nature need to be handled with precision...not smashing it with a giant hammer (as everyone seems to suggest)


Rolling back is a silly blanket soultion that will upset just as many players.


With the Valor/PvP system compromised as it is though, you're not going to find many Republic actually willing to PvP anymore, which hurts everyone. And I don't blame them.


Even if that Imperial Battlemaster earned his gear legit, the Republic player is going to feel like the Imperial player didn't and he's going to be even more upset when he gets beaten. This is the kind of thing that makes people quit.

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The backlash over the valor exploit is ASTOUNDING. I can't remember the last time I saw this many people throwing a temper tantrum over a PvP exploit that people don't see until the end of the game. If you want to unsub, fine. But crawling onto the forums and throwing a hissy fit b/c you keep respawning and feeding the valor exploit is just inane. All this talk about how BW "failed" b/c they're not caving into all these tantrums... This game has been live for barely a month, and yet, you guys expect a perfect release with no bugs. Remember the Corrupted Blood plague in WoW? That happened almost a YEAR after release, and that bug affected EVERYONE, not just the people camping out on PvP. Low-levels were wiped out in cities b/c of that. But you know what? Blizzard issued a patch and everyone got over it. WoW has been running strong ever since.


Proclaiming this game and BW a massive catastrophe is just beyond stupid. You guys are getting your panties in a bunch over a GAME. Just unsub and go play something else. We already know so many players have been lying about the specifics (like gaining valor from turrets. Sorry, try again). This exploit is only a day old, BW issued their first response to it, and now you all have a tantrum? BW needs to analyze the problem and decide whether a game-wide rollback really is appropriate. For all we know, they'll announce a rollback tomorrow, or tonight, or a week from now, or never. Honestly, if they cave in and do a rollback, just as many people will start whining about that.

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