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v1.1 = NGE ... and the history Repeats....


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"What experience and history teach is this - that people never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."

G. W. F. Hegel





God, so true.


How can these development teams make the same mistakes over and over and over again, year in and year out, new title after new title.


Do any of you pay attention to your competitors in this business segment?

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"What experience and history teach is this - that people never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."

G. W. F. Hegel





Lawl about you whining that they killed your class by nerfing your precious self buffs.


Srsly leave this game, even if this game would have the best PvP ever created you would be misplaced here because you are clearly a guy that abuses everything he can get.


6-8k crits... in an environment that allows most players currently to have around 12-15k health points..


3 hitting and calling it good pvp.. ****

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"What experience and history teach is this - that people never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."

G. W. F. Hegel





I'd look up a quote about how over reacting is counter productive, but I am too lazy and you obviously have your hair on fire and are running around waving your arms wildly, so you wouldn't notice anyway.

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Lawl about you whining that they killed your class by nerfing your precious self buffs.


Srsly leave this game, even if this game would have the best PvP ever created you would be misplaced here because you are clearly a guy that abuses everything he can get.


6-8k crits... in an environment that allows most players currently to have around 12-15k health points..


3 hitting and calling it good pvp.. ****


Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


and for your record, i already left the game.

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I unsubbed when I hit 50 and started getting champion fail bags. RNG pvp rewards are not for me. Now level 62.


1.1 will not lure anyone back.


They just killed their game.


Nah they didn't but hopefully all the people who get all bent out of shape like its the end of the world when they break a nail will roll back to wow.

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i used to laugh at you swg guys, not any more though. guess i know what its like to have time invested in a game the developers seem intent on destroying


The only difference between NGE and 1.1 is that it was SOE instead of EA/BioWare

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If they got rid of half the classes, made the game a first person shooter, and changed it from a level based game to a skill point based game... I'd agree with NGE. AS is, hardly the same level of changes.


Only commenting because that sort of statement immediately hurts the credibility of everything else said regardless of how valid they might be.

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