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Marauder's In Need Of Some Lovin'...


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Ok, so i've been 50 for a good 3 weeks now and engaged in a lot of PvP since hitting max level. Most of these forums seem to be just people QQing so i'll try post something constructive. I have been thoroughly enjoying the game and would like to see it progress so here goes...


Ravage (being the main one, having to be totally still otherwise you stun-lock yourself) and other moves still bugging out this long after release. I was quite surprised that this content patch didn't contain more balancing and bug fixing. Marauder is probably the most challenging Class to play and we are having a nightmare with these bugs. That 3 sec Ravage stun-lock can get you killed in a WarZone no probs.


Here is a big one. Crowd Control. It seems that Bioware's intention was to make the Marauder a total power-house, hence his/her lack of CC's. After playing many WZ's I can say that the ratio is off, not far off, but it's off! Most (if not all) other Classes have an AoE knockback which usually slows after and lasts about 5-6 seconds, everyone but Sith Warrior also have an immobilize that lasts about 5-6 second AND they can continue to damage and not break the effect. Most classes even have further CC's with equal or even higher durations. EVERY other class, including the other Sith Warrior varient the Juggernaut can out CC us. We are the only Class without a knockback as well to my knowledge, putting us at a huge disadvantage, especially considering Huttball is usually where you going. Adding Targets in Cover is a bit strong, they can already control our position with ease, you have just taken away our only way to get close to them. They should be CCing AFTER you have charged not just being able to use it to DPS as you cant get to them over the shield. So what to do is the question. Well 1 of 2 things, either give Marauders that much needed CC (knockback) or ramp their damage up. Something I was shocked to find out is that my mostly champion geared Marauder has a Critical Chance of 25%, with crit on nearly every bit of gear. A level 31 Powertech in my Guild has 35% crit chance and can crit MAY more than me in a WarZone.


Healing...This is also in need of thought in my opinion. Not having played a healer Class yet but having spoken to people who have and fighting them I feel confident in saying that Classes who can heal are too universal. What I mean by this is that a Healer Sorceror, or Healing Operative, or Healing Mercenary still deal quite a large amount of damage considering they are supposed to be dedicated healers. It's the same the other way round. The DPS specs for these classes deal obviously very nice damage as they should, but then when they get low they seem to whip a few heals on themselves and are at full health ready to go.




1. Bug-Fixed urgently needed on all moves. Making a difficult Class to play as it is nearly impossible. Being worried that if you press Ravage and you haven't fully stopped your going to stun-lock yourself isn't cool!


2. Unless we go Annihilation we have no sustain that every other Class has. Every other DPS class has some form of combat heal, why don't we?


3. Our CC is lacklustre at the moment, having only single target melee range slow, the AoE fear is nice but just doesn't make up for our lack of a knockback.


4. For a Class that relies heavily on Crits they havent been very generous with giving us any. Unless you are Rage spec hitting crits over 3k is a challenge, and 3k isn't really a big crit at all.


Game changes to note:


The main thing none Marauder related I would like to get across here is the CC durations. It is very difficult to be taken seriously as a PvP game with CC durations like this. A 3 second stun is considered a good duration in any PvP game, and I haven't really come across durations this long before to be perfectly honest. So much can happen in 5 seconds in PvP. Also I seem to note a complete lack of diminishing returns, by a well co-ordinated enemy you can literally be perma-stunned.



Edited by vibenode
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3 shields, a vanish that increases movement speed, team sprint, break free ability that heals if you're spec'd in the rage tree, a long range gap gloser, a short range gap closer if rage spec'd, aoe fear, if you're spec'd into anni/ carnage you have access to a vanish that either gives damage immunity/ another break free ability... All on relatively short cd's. Give it a couple more weeks to get comfortable with utilizing all these abilities and if you're still not happy just roll another class.


I will say that I hope the ravage issue gets fixed soon, but I get by just fine with what the class has access to.

Edited by Hawaiianheat
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wow a constructive reply, n1 mate.


Don't get me wrong I love my class, no chance of me changing im not a glory player rolling and player whatever is strong. I was a fury warrior in WoW and im a carnage Sith Warrior here, I didn't enjoy the other specs as much so this is what im playing. Yes they do have all the benefits you stated but this was just to focus on areas for development not to praise them ;P


My main issue is CC durations, globally. They are too harsh for PvP...period. Whoever heard of frequent 4-5 sec stuns in PvP and no diminishing returns. Not so bad for ranged but brutal for Melee


Also the Crit chance issue is a big issue...Sith Sorcerors (Caster spec) have higher melee crit than me and around 35% on their spells. Everyone seems to have 35% crit as a fairly standard level for their main moves, why we are stuck at 25% is a bit strange.

Edited by vibenode
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In a short time you'll most likely be in the 30-35% range of crit chance. I'm currently at 32% with several slots in need of some decent upgrades. Keep in mind each talent tree has some passive that gives 100% chance to crit on one of our abilities too.


The diminishing returns issue (resolve bar) isn't working properly, but I would definitely agree this sucks for us since we're in the nitty-gritty more often that most. I'm sure once this gets worked on it will be fine. Believe me nothing grinds my gears more than being inches away from scoring in Huttball with a full resolve bar and a sorcerer still blows me back.


The point I was trying to make regarding all our utility is that it appears the developers gave us multiple tools outside of generic CC. The way I look at it if we had some move that stuns for 4-5 seconds while we beat on them eventually with gear scaling that may have potential to become unbalanced. We have some moves that really hit hard that are going to scale way better than other classes' abilities as better gear is released.


Perhaps the design's intentions are more to give us abilities that allow us to stay on targets for a longer period of time rather than a stunlock/ blow-up kind of playstyile. I could be wrong but it just seems to be how I interpret things.


Sorry if the last post came off snarky... This is my first day on the swtor forums and I've been purposely avoiding them because I heard how filled they were with whiny posts from children not doing their homework and just looking for easy fixes. Unfortunately this did end up being the case and having read your post over again I feel bad for coming off the way I did. It was a much more productive topic to bring up than what others have been writing, so my bad dood!

Edited by Hawaiianheat
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My first day too on SWTOR forums for exactly the same reason mate. I didn't take any offence at all, your reply is very constructive I only hope your right and we will scale very well laters ;P This does seem to be the way with Warriors in most games to be honest, poor or average until gear levels are high when they become very powerful. If you are right then its just gonna be harder than other specs to gear as burst is king at low to mid gear levels it seems, meaning getting less commendations and medals and harder to gear but hey ho such is the life of a warrior. Will all be worth it if were very strong laters (then they will nerf us ;P )
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